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The BEST Affiliate Marketing Training Course That Helped Me Create A 4 Digit Online Income

Watch The Video Below to Discover How A Stay At Home Mom Succeeded and How YOU Can Do It Too:

(This guide is best viewed on desktop/laptop)

Grace @ Work Anywhere NowHi There!


I’m Grace, also know as “littlemama” online, and I’m so glad you’re here to learn about how I made $40K in 2018 from my online business!

YES! I did!

This is why I want to show you how I did it and show you the affiliate marketing training course that is solely responsible for teaching me how to do this.

The video above shows you where you can find my income proof for last year but I know people like to see actual payments as well so I will show you some here below so you can see that the best affiliate marketing training course that I use certainly works.

Here are two payments I received first week of January, 2019:

Wealthy Affiliate Jan 2019 payment income proof
Mediavine Jan 2019 payment income proof


Guys, I'm only a stay at home mom who just wanted to make some extra money for my family and, as it turns out, I am making a 4 digit monthly income with it.


This affiliate marketing method that I use is a really simple business model where you are earning commissions from creating sales for companies and brands.

Affiliate marketing creates a win-win situation because the companies who sell the products or services don't have to pay affiliates until affiliates make new sales for them and affiliates like myself have a way to earn money from home by building this kind of online business.

You, as an affiliate, will earn commissions when you create sales for the products and services you want to promote and so the companies don't pay anything until this sale happens.

This business model works for pretty much any niche you can think of as long as a vendor has an affiliate program for it, you can earn from it.

So, if you want to learn more about how I use affiliate marketing on this website you're on,, let me explain a little further below...


The internet offers many opportunities but I have learned that the best way to earn money from home is by creating a simple website (don’t freak out yet, bear with me, & just keep reading) about a topic you love.

Merlot, My PugLet’s say you love dogs and you’re going to talk about how to groom dogs for your topic (this is called a niche).

Then on your website, you will write helpful content about how to groom dogs and how to take care certain fur on certain breeds, or talk about grooming tools, etc, high quality content that will get your website ranked on search engines like Google.

When someone searches on Google about grooming dogs, they will see your website and click on it.

Your visitor will see you have lots of helpful info about how to groom your dog and when you recommend grooming tools, your visitor will most likely take your advice and click on your link about a particular dog nail clipper for example.

Clicking on that link will take them to a site like and if they buy the dog nail clipper, you will make a commission from Amazon!

This process is called affiliate marketing and it’s a business model many are using on the internet to earn money from your website.  It’s a proven path and many successful internet marketers use this method.

But Grace, I Know Nothing About Websites!


I know, that’s why you need an affiliate marketing training platform like Wealthy Affiliate where you could build websites without knowing any line of code!

You need a place that will:

  • – Give you an easy site builder
  • – Host your website for you with optimal security and speed
  • – Then, also teach you how to build it in a way that ATTRACTS ITS OWN VISITORS

Yes, my website last year got almost 370,000 visitors on it (which you can see in my income proof on Wealthy Affiliate) and I didn’t pay a penny for that kind of traffic!

That’s the power of the training inside Wealthy Affiliate and why I have been using them since day 1 in my affiliate marketing journey, this time around that is (I explain in a sec).


You’ll Need Guidance


CommunityYou will be guided by their training and perfect for affiliate marketing beginners as they have step by step lessons and tasks to follow so you are literally building your affiliate marketing business alongside your learning.

There’s no better way than to apply what you learn right away onto your online business and be able to ask a community of like-minded people any questions you may have if you’re stuck on a lesson or task.

I’ve been down that lonely path before, I tried doing affiliate marketing back in 2011/2012 and failed miserably because I had no idea what I was doing and no one to help me.

I tried other things with little success so when I wanted to go back to affiliate marketing again, I wanted help, I wanted to do it right this time from the start.

That’s why when I found Wealthy Affiliate in Sep/16, it made all the difference for me.  It was exactly what I needed to help me learn the online skills I needed in order to be successful with this affiliate marketing business.

The community had my back at every turn and every question I had was answered.

Having help and support is a big factor in your path to success as you will come across many things to ask about, and there’s no better way to navigate this online terrain than to have a community of people who are all doing the same thing as you.

You’ll literally have beginners like yourself, to Super Affiliates like myself, and to even 6 and 7 figure earners, all at your fingertips to access!

Best Way To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners


Get Training


Wealthy Affiliate, truly the best affiliate marketing training course out there, is the leading training platform in the industry and they offer step by step guided lessons for beginners like yourself to learn at your own pace.

You’ll be guided from the very beginning of finding a niche / topic for your new online business, all the way to earning commissions from your website.

The many steps in between include how to create your website in a way that will attract its own traffic from search engines.

Yes, you’ll be learning real online skills like how to use keywords to drive traffic free traffic from search engines, how to rank your website on them so you can attract massive free, highly targeted visitors to your online business without paying for advertising.

Just to show you, this is my 100% free traffic for January, 2019 as per Google Analytics for this website you’re on,

Work Anywhere Now Jan19 Traffic

You will then learn how to pick affiliate products, how to join affiliate programs, and most importantly, how to use affiliate links on your website so that it creates sales for you.

You will learn how to create valuable, high quality content on your website that will create trust between you and your visitors.

When you have created enough free traffic, trust, and established authority, you will then start earning commissions from the products and services you promote on your website .

This simple affiliate marketing business model has been working for many years now, so follow a proven path that still works today as my website is a current success story at Wealthy Affiliate.

There's not a better case study than my own site that you're on,, here's my blog income my first 2 years+:

Sep 2016 - Dec 2018 Wealthy Affiliate results by month

See How Gradual I Earned In My First Year?


The above image of my blog income from when I started at Wealthy Affiliate to end of 2018, you can really visualize how this affiliate marketing business works.  These results are not typical and this does not mean you will achieve the same results.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme at all, it's a very real online business that you're building which takes time to grow as you're trying to rank on search engines.

Your online business will grow as much as the work effort level you put in, you really reap what you sow in this way.

But, the work you've put in during your first year should not be discounted one bit!

In fact, that first year of work is VERY important in order for you to get results like mine in your second year.

Too often I see on the Wealthy Affiliate platform people quitting way too early in the their journey because they have never seen the picture above or understood how this affiliate marketing business really works.

They think it's just something else that doesn't work and will quit during their first year, most in the 3 - 6 month range.

I'm glad I was not one of those people who quit, I persevered and look where it got me?!

I'm an affiliate marketer, a Super Affiliate in fact (see video above), that's earning a full time online income from my website and I'm a stay at home mom doing this, how about you?

Are you willing to LEARN?

Are you willing to WORK HARD?

Are you willing to STAY CONSISTENT?

Are you willing to NEVER GIVE UP?

If you say "YES" to all those, then you're a good candidate for building your own affiliate marketing business!



As you saw above, the best way to start an affiliate marketing business for beginners is right here at Wealthy Affiliate and the Premium membership is what you’ll NEED since the Free Starter membership is very limited and you won’t get very far with it.

The Free Starter Membership* is there just so you can make sure you like what you see before you take out your wallet, which is pretty cool too since you get to see 20% of the training with this free option.

By the time you finish those first 10 free lessons, you’re going to have a live website with a few pages of content on it already with your Free Starter account.

However, to be successful, you’ll need the 80% of the training to learn how to build it so your affiliate marketing business can attract its own free traffic and learn how to make money with affiliate marketing properly.

Therefore, ultimately, you’ll want the Premium membership as this will unlock the entire platform for you with the following payment plans:





  • Month-to-Month
  • Least Out-of-Pock Today
  • No Contracts
  • Cancel Anytime
  • For Those On A Budget




  • Paid Every 6 Months
  • Works Out to $39/mo
  • No Contracts
  • Cancel Anytime
  • For Those Who Are SERIOUS

Long Term Strategy & BONUSES:


Remember, the strategy taught at Wealthy Affiliate is long term and as you saw in my income chart above, your affiliate marketing business will build and grow gradually.

Therefore, it makes sense for you to consider the cheaper plans like the 6-month or the Yearly plans to save the most money as well as getting that “monthly” thought out of your mind so you can FOCUS on building your business.

I’ve been there since Sep/16 and still there because I continue to get:

  • 1-on-1 Private Coaching
  • Weekly Live Webinars
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Live Chat Instant Help
  • Access To All Training Courses
  • Access to The Amazing Community
  • Highly Secured & Fast Web Hosting
  • Access to 10,000's of Tutorials
  • Access to Owners of Wealthy Affiliate

Getting a long term payment plan will work best for your business as you want to minimize your cost that first year as you’re not going to be earning that much.

The only other cost for your business is a custom “.com” domain name which is around $15/year.

With the Premium membership, you’ll have access to the training that will catapult to the online success you’ve been looking for!


BONUSES if You Sign Up With Me (“littlemama“):

  • Super Affiliate As Your Premium Coach - Not every affiliate will coach you, and as I'm a Super Affiliate plus an Ambassador, I can help you like no other for FREE.
  • 59% Discount On Your First Month at Only $19, then $49/mo or Longer Term Plans thereafter.
  • Access To My Private Facebook Group - Learn via Live Streams and other special tips only for my FB group.
  • Access To 2 Special Trainings For Accelerated Results, Only for 6-month and Yearly Members.

WHY You'd Want To Sign Up With "Littlemama"

Here's an example of why you'd want to sign up with me.  One day, I went on Wealthy Affiliate like I always do everyday, and I saw this post about a Super Affiliate.

Of course, I was curious who this person was talking about cuz everyone wants to know about Super Affiliates on the platform:

DaleMaz's Wealthy Affiliate post about littlemama

I was floored when I read "Littlemama", I have been there for almost 2.5 years and never once seen a post about anyone like this.

I was incredible grateful for it of course and humbled by the incredible comments I've received from so many members.

Here are just a few:

Comments from DaleMaz's Wealthy Affiliate post about littlemama

* Please note there are 10 countries not eligible for the Free Starter Account, that just means, you'll have to just sign up for the Premium.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

New Successes At Wealthy Affiliate for Oct/18
Success Story At Wealthy Affiliate
Success Story 2 At Wealthy Affiliate
Even More Successes At Wealthy Affiliate


How Long Will It Take To Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

This will solely depend on YOU.

It's a fact that Wealthy Affiliate training works as seen above, so it's really a matter of how much TIME you can offer to building your affiliate marketing business.

It also depends on how well you apply the training and whether you are asking questions when you're stuck so you can get the right answers.

How long it takes for you to see your first dollar, could be in a month, two months, six months, I can't tell you, I don't know you and I don't have a magic ball.

Anyone promising you or guaranteeing you a certain level of income is plain lying.

This business is directly correlated to the time and work effort you put into it.

The more you put into your affiliate marketing business, the earlier you will see results but the work you do today will be rewarded in the future.

You reap what you sow, delayed gratification (see my income graph above).

How Much Money Can You Earn With Wealthy Affiliate?

You can literally earn as much as you want and that's not an exaggeration.

You have seen above how I am earning a 4 digit monthly income as a Stay At Home Mom, and you have seen others above making 5 digits a month even.

There are people who work full time so they build it slower as time is a big constraint, but the path is there for you to follow no matter what level of income you want to achieve.

Like myself, I'm not stopping at 4 digits, I'm only currently at this level.

I'm going to keep building and keep going with my online business so it can make 5 digits a month and so on.

You are in full control what you want to achieve and success is there for you to grab if you really want it!

Are There Any Hidden Costs That Will Pop Up?

There are absolutely no other upsells on Wealthy Affiliate.

Like I mentioned earlier, there is a domain cost around $15/year if you want your own .com but that's a given cost that every business owner knows it's a must to have.

You can buy it on Wealthy Affiliate or, buy it somewhere else, and host it at Wealthy Affiliate.

I Hope I Can Help YOU!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now

If you have any more questions or concerns, you can ask them on my "littlemama" profile on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

The secret to success is really simple:


I'll see you on the inside, Sign Up HERE!


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