This Guide Shows
EXACTLY How You Are Going To
Make REAL Money Online
Hi Future Online Earner!
Thank you for reading my free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide for Beginners!
I hope you will learn a few things as well as finding the answers you’ve been searching for.
I also hope you will find this guide very useful and that you will take action to start your online journey by the end of it!
Let’s get this guide started!
My Background
My name is Grace and I started my make money online journey back in 2012.
It hasn’t been an easy ride, I’ve tried many things throughout the years which included e-commerce stores, blogging and other products that mostly turned out to be scams or products that had really bad business models.
My hand-made e-commerce stores had me stuck at one place all the time with lots of inventory that needed constant promotional dollars.
Not only that, making handmade goods was physically challenging as well as time consuming.
Other products and survey sites just got me pennies or a dead end, or worse, lost money.

What I found back then was that, firstly, it was hard to find my way on the internet by myself and it was very frustrating when I had so many questions to ask but no one to answer.
Secondly, I also wanted the freedom to work from any location so that I can work where my family is and work even while on vacation if I wanted to.
The third thing I wanted was a better business model where I don’t have to deal with the challenges of e-commerce stores and start building a passive income stream.
I went on a huge, long search on the internet because the next thing I wanted to start needed to satisfy the three things I wanted: a network of support, work geographically independent, and start building a passive income stream.
Why I Created This Guide
Then in September 2016, I finally found a proven path that taught me how to build an online business that would satisfy all that I wanted!
What I found was an online training platform where I learned everything and they taught me so well, I became a Super Affiliate on there in 2018 and check my latest results in 2020:
I have learned so much in my 3 years on this training platform and it’s been an incredible ride!
Building this online business sure gives me all the things I wanted above but it was not easy and requires that you dedicate yourself to it on a consistent basis.
Nothing I have done online has given me this much success and I owe it all to this training platform that taught me everything from the ground up.
This is the reason behind my guide, I want to share what I found so you can build the online business of your dreams too!
What I’m about to show you is all about building an online business that is sustainable for the long term that will generate you a passive income for years to come.
You will also have the opportunity to have ME as YOUR Personal Coach for FREE which I’ll explain more below.
You will be put onto the path of success much faster working with me as I’ve been through the training and I can show you things, leading you to success!
Before I go into what this training platform is, I will show you how my online business works next.
It’s an exciting time to be in the online world!
Things To Consider
Before Starting
An Online Business
Online Businesses Take Time & Real Work Effort To Build
A lot of the scam products online give people an obscured sense that money can be made overnight or instantly on the internet without doing much work.
Everyone seems to want to make money in a hurry and want that push button system they think exists.
I can tell you right now there’s no such thing. Just because it’s on the internet, it doesn’t mean you will make money any faster than how others do it offline.
You will also not hear me say you will make thousands of dollars by doing little to no work.
Having a business means you have continual work to do and that could mean building, expanding, adding, or creating more ways for your business to earn.
You will reap the rewards you sow, this is very true for this online business model I will show you. The more effort you can put into it, the more results and income you will enjoy down the road.
Anything worth having in life takes both time and effort, if you are willing to invest in your business, your business will return to you in so many ways.
If you understand that this online business takes time and real effort to build then this could be the answer for you.
The Ultimate Way
To Make Money Online
Understanding The Process
The internet offers many ways to make money but I have learned that the best way to make money online is by creating a simple website (don’t freak out yet, bear with me, & just keep reading) about a topic you love.
Let’s say you love dogs and you’re going to talk about how to take care of senior dogs for your topic (this is called a niche).
Then on your website, you will write helpful content about senior dogs and how to take care of them that will get your website ranked on search engines like Google.
When someone searches on Google about senior dogs, they will see your website and click on it.

Your visitor will see you have lots of helpful info about how to still be able to take your old dog out for a long walk like the idea of using a dog stroller, your visitor will most likely take your advice and click on your link about the dog stroller.
Clicking on that link will take them to a site like and if they buy the dog stroller, you will make a commission from Amazon!
This process is called affiliate marketing and it’s a business model many are using on the internet to make money online. It’s a proven path and many successful internet marketers use this method.
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Simply put, affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s products.
So you can go to a company like Apple and sign up with their affiliate program and start promoting their products with the affiliate links they give you.
When people click on your links, it will take them to Apple’s website and if they buy something, you will earn a commission!
There’s No Need To SELL In Affiliate Marketing
Using the process I just describe above, you never have to really “sell” any product.
The best way to use affiliate marketing is recommending products to other people what you think it’s best to use to help them fix a problem or find a solution to something that they’ve been searching for.

I hate selling and I’m not very good at it at all so this business model is perfect for me because I can talk about things I love to do which is making money online and helping other people do the same.
The key to being an affiliate marketer is not so much selling, it’s more about helping others because this will create trust.
If you can create trust with your audience, then you will have created a great brand for yourself and you will reap the benefits of this trust as people will click on your affiliate links and buy your recommended products or services.
If you can concentrate on helping others versus selling to others, then you will master this affiliate marketing thing in no time!
Why This Method Works So Well
Just imagine, there are over 3.75 billion (and growing each year) people searching on the internet for answers all day long, 24/7, do you think there are more than one person searching for let’s say how to take an old dog for a long walk?
You betcha!

So writing that one helpful article on your website can help way more than one person, it could be hundreds, it could be thousands!
What if you have a couple hundred of these posts that are each helping thousands of people?
Do You See The Income Potential?
The more helpful you are in your niche, the better you will rank on search engines, the more visitors you’ll get, the more money you’ll make.
You can make money over and over again from that one article you wrote, which then creates passive income because you’ll be earning on that one post or article for months and years to come!
So could you imagine if you had a bunch of these articles working for you, helping lots of people on the internet, and earning over and over again?
This is why having a website is so important => People come to YOU.
If you don’t have a website, you’ll always be chasing the money trying to find where to get the next dollar comes from and that’s what scam products teach you.
So get used to the idea that you’re going to have your own website! I will show you how to get yours for free too!
This All Sounds Great But
I Don't Know Anything About Websites!!

I understand you may know nothing about building websites, how to write helpful content, or how to get it on Google.
But, if you were able to understand the concept of using affiliate marketing and helping others by recommending products to them, that’s all you need to understand right now.
If you can understand how the process of making money online works, the rest can be easily learned and I will show you how you can start this new exciting journey for FREE.

I have literally started making websites (for fun) since the internet was born in the 90’s and back then you have know how to code to build a website.
Nowadays, creating your website is really simple and only takes a few clicks and you can have your website live on the internet in under a minute!
If you don’t believe me, keep reading and I will show you!
I hope this gives you a little sigh of relief as I have seen many newbies with zero knowledge of any of this stuff and still be able to build a highly successful online business
Let's Recap The Concept Of
Making Money Online

This is the niche I was talking about earlier in my example of how to take care of senior dogs.
You should be choosing something that you are really interested in and not what you think will make you the most money.
If you don’t pick an interest that you love or passionate about, you may quickly lose interest in your business.
This could be a hobby, something you do all the time, or something you really want to learn about.
With so many people online, there are millions of ideas that will work for this business!

I know you may still have reservations about this part but it’s really nothing to worry about as everything is point and click.
I will show you the best and easy way to create your website, even for free!
No technical knowledge is required and you’ll have your website up and running in a matter of minutes, if not less.
You will be surprised what you can do and how much easier than you thought it would be.

Now that you have your website up with a few helpful articles, you will start getting traffic!
You will learn how to get UNLIMITED FREE TRAFFIC to your website and you won’t have to advertise your website if you don’t want to.
This will happen when your website starts ranking well on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
As people see you on their search results, they will start clicking on your website to visit it.

All you have to do is recommend products made by companies Target, Walmart, Nike, Apple, Best Buy, Amazon, etc.
The companies pay you when you give them sales and reward you for all your efforts.
When you get people on your website, they will start clicking on your recommended products.
When they buy, YOU MAKE MONEY!
At the beginning of this guide, I told you I’ve tried a few things during the start of my journey. One of those things was blogging and affiliate marketing was still pretty new back then.
I was doing it on my own with no understanding on what needed to be done and that is why I ended up not making any money and quit.
So I went on to try other things, but I kept hearing about how people were making a lot of money with this affiliate marketing.
Since I was frustrated with the other online things I was doing, I was determined to find something that will help me build this affiliate marketing business right this time.
I searched high and low, and actually got scammed another $300 just before I finally found what I was looking for.
On September 7, 2016, I was so happy to finally find this incredible training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.
I was so relieved. I felt like I found GOLD because I have tried so many different things for so long… now I finally found the training, business tools, and support I’ve been looking for to start my online business right this time!
I knew getting the right training will teach me how to build my website right, how to write my content, how to get highly ranked on search engines, and how to finally make money online!
Many programs teach affiliate marketing wrong, they always have you chase the money.
Not at Wealthy Affiliate, they teach you the right way to do it and that is to have the money come to you.
This is why a website is important and necessary, and the training at Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to get free search traffic to your site (equals money coming to you) which is the best traffic to have because it’s highly targeted.
Finally, I found a business model that satisfied my three things I mentioned up top: Support, Geographically Independent, and Passive Income.
Now, YOU get to start from the get-go with the right training and support to build the online business of your dreams!
You will have everything you’ll need on the Wealthy Affiliate platform plus they have so much more resources than any other training programs I’ve seen.
Let me dive into more details now, and you can get started now for FREE so you can follow along with what I discuss below:
Wealthy Affiliate specializes in training people on how to build an online business with affiliate marketing.
They take you from the very beginning of choosing a niche, to building the website, to getting traffic, to making money.. You will get to learn ALL of it at one place.
No more searching around on your own and piecing it all together by yourself.
You will be learning what you need at the time you need to learn it at. Everything on the platform is organized and arranged so you can build your business the correct way!
Here are some of the great features offered:
There is really so much to talk about when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate but I will cover the main points.
If you want to create your free account now, that would be a good idea so you can follow along as I go over the main features of the training platform:
It’s absolutely free and NO credit card is needed to sign up.
You also can keep your free account as long as you wish because it’s not a free trial, it’s a Free Starter Membership which I’ll explain more in full later below.
For now, let’s check out the awesome features at Wealthy Affiliate!
Step-By-Step Easy To Follow Lessons
The main training course at Wealthy Affiliate is the Online Entrepreneur Certification course which you can access by clicking on the “Training” link located on the left menu after you’ve signed in.
It’s absolutely easy to follow as concepts are explained in a style like the way I’ve been writing here and there will be videos in the lessons to show you how to do things as well.
This course has 5 Levels as seen in the image above and each level has 10 lessons.
In Getting Started Level 1, these are the first 10 lessons of the course that you will get FREE with your free account:Enter your text here...
Simple But Powerful Website Builder
Here it is, no more anxiety about building websites!
I’m going to show you how easy it is to create your first free website with the Website Builder at Wealthy Affiliate!
You will see how powerful this website builder is and yet very simple to use.
You just have to complete five simple steps:
STEP 1 – Select “On a free domain”
STEP 2 – Choose a domain name for your website
STEP 3 – Choose a website title
STEP 4 – Choose a website theme
STEP 5 – Click the “Click Here to Build This Site” button
To see how all these steps work and how you can create your free website under a minute, just take a look at this short video I’ve put together:
See, not that scary right? You can do this, so why don’t you give it a try now?
Start here and enter the name you want in your site’s URL address:
Highly Secured Web Hosting & Domain Registration
Your websites will be hosted on the latest web hosting technologies that are very secured and not like other cheap web hosts where sites can be easily under cyber attack.
Wealthy Affiliate‘s hosting platform is also highly optimized for WordPress which is the engine behind your blog websites.
You can trust that your sites will be automatically backed up, highly secured, and will have the best site speeds.
On the training platform, they also offer domain registration as well if you want to transfer your free site to your own custom domain.
Custom domains bought on the platform offer some extra features like SSL Certificates and Private Registration which are both usually extra costs somewhere else.
Custom domains are always an extra cost anywhere you go but you can buy yours somewhere else as well and still host it on Wealthy Affiliate’s powerful hosting platform.
Transferring your free website to your own domain is very simple on Wealthy Affiliate and it’s done in a matter of a few clicks.
More Ways To Learn
Wealthy Affiliate offers Weekly Live Training Webinars to learn latest topics in affiliate marketing or see live case studies being built right in front of your eyes!
These webinars are great because you can watch them over and over again since they have instant replays available within 24 hours after the sessions is complete.
There are currently more than 200 past webinars to learn from at your own pace.
I really love attending these live so that you can ask questions to Jay who hosts these webinars and interact with other members attending.
Membership Options
There are simply two membership options at Wealthy Affiliate and there are no other upsells that you see with so many other programs in this industry.
The two options are Starter (Free) and Premium; and you should definitely start with Starter since it’s free and you don’t even need a credit card to sign up.
I will explain both options in detail here so you can see what you get and all the info you need to know!
Free Starter Membership (Sign Up HERE)
With the Free Starter membership, you must know the following:
With all that you get with this Starter membership, this is way more than any other free training program can offer you!
Most training don’t even offer a free option to test out the platform first so this is really a great benefit of Wealthy Affiliate.
So create your free account and sign up now here:
Premium Membership (Sign Up HERE)
I’ve been a Premium member since September 2016 and I can tell you that this membership is nothing but amazing!
The cost of this membership would only get you just the web hosting portion at other places but this membership not only get you state of the art web hosting but also full training of a proven path to making money online plus powerful business tools.
Let’s take a look at what’s included in the Premium membership here:
Who Is The Premium Membership For?
For those who are serious about building an online business and want to make money online!
You will have full access to all the business tools and full training so you can get all the teachings you need to build the online business of your dreams!
The biggest bonus about being Premium is the support and the training you’ll get.
You’ll literally have experts at your fingertip to ask questions to.
You will have so much resources at your hand to learn and really build something that will be long lasting.
Having the Premium membership will exponentially increase your chance of making money because of all the training and resources you’ll have access to.
What’s The Cost?
The monthly cost is $49 but if you sign up with the button below, I can get you a 59% discount for your first month and you’ll pay only $19 for your first month.
If you go Yearly like I did, you can save even more money. The annual membership is $495 a year which means you'll save $93 over the monthly plan at $49/month.
The only other cost to your business is if you want your website on a custom domain, which is recommended. For more info on this, see above section under Domain Registration.
Anyway, you don’t have to think about all this for now, you can start for free and that’s what I think you should concentrate on right now.
I will also send you the discount info after you have created your free account so you can wait till then to upgrade.
Get Started Today
It’s time! Take action and invest in your future now!
Get the training you need to build this online business successfully and not be lost on your own or get scammed again!
I will be on the inside to help you all well and will greet you when you sign up so you’ll be able to find me.
You can trust Wealthy Affiliate that’s been teaching people how to make money online since year 2005 and has over 1,500,000 members already signed up.
Here is a short checklist for you to get you started on building your online business:
1. Create a Free Account
2. Upload a Profile Picture
3. Write a Short Bio Description
4. Click "Training" on Left Menu to Start Learning!
Sign Up Now:
I know by now you must have a million questions and that’s okay!
Having a Free Coach by your side will help you get started on the right foot in your new online journey.
How To Get Me As Your Personal Coach:
#1) Sign Up for your Free Starter account using any of my links or buttons in this guide, these are of course affiliate links and how you will be tracked to me.
#2) Upgrade to Premium within your first 7 days, then you will have ME as your Personal Coach!
I will give you 1-on-1 feedback on your progress, correcting anything you’re not doing right, and pointing you in the right direction so you can be put on the path to success quicker.
I offer this service for Free, sign up with someone who's a Super Affiliate and one that actually makes money from this exact training!!
You will be able to ask me all your questions inside Wealthy Affiliate, just look for a welcome message on your profile from a “littlemama“ (again, that’s me!).
From there, you can ask me questions on your profile, my profile, or click on the “Private Message” button on my profile for one on one private consultation:
I am here for YOU and so please know that you can message me anytime.
I am on the platform several times a day so I will always reply to you on a timely basis.
I will also be messaging you the BONUSES you’ll get plus the 59% Premium Discount after you set up your new free account!
I look forward to working with you and helping you get started on building your awesome online business!
Let’s make money online!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This page has affiliate links on it, which means, if you click on them to create an account on Wealthy Affiliate, I will earn a commission if you decide to upgrade to a Premium membership, which is paid to me directly from Wealthy Affiliate.
All Earnings and income representations are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying what you learn, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
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