10 Amazon Affiliate Marketing Profitable Niches For Beginners

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10 Amazon Affiliate Marketing Profitable Niches For BeginnersDo you want to become an Amazon affiliate?

Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce websites in this world.

In this article, I am going to show you 10 Amazon affiliate marketing niches that are going to be very profitable for beginners.

This is going to make it easier for you to have a passive income online.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at the niches:





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Why Amazon?

First, you are just going to go to Google and you have to search for ‘Amazon best sellers’ and then click on the first link.

You are going to get to a page that is going to show you all the best sellers in different categories.

This is going to make it easier for you to find the best selling products that are on the site.

Amazon has a great affiliate marketing program, it is one of the ones that are very beginner-friendly and most people start at Amazon.

The niches that you can go into are massive on Amazon because they have so many products to offer.

The niches that I am going to show you are going to be fun and it’s going to be unique.

There might be some products that you may not have thought of and any of these ideas can be its own affiliate website and you could build an online business.

I am going to show you 10 ideas and you could literally have 10 little websites but I do not recommend you to do ten at once.



screenshot of amazon affiliate program webpage



You only start with one and because one is a lot of work and you don’t want to spread your work thin on each site.   It’s better to first work on one site until it’s earning, then start another one.

I am going to show you exactly where you can get a free affiliate site so keep on reading till the end.

I will show you everything that is involved with getting one of these affiliate websites up and running.



10 Profitable Amazon Affiliate Marketing Niches

#1 Outdoor Storage:

The first niche I want to show you is outdoor storage.

What I found interesting is that when I am looking for products to promote, I like to have products that are in the low to mid-range or even too high price ranges.

I want a variety of price ranges in my products that I want to promote.

When you click through the Amazon best seller page and the categories, you will be able to look through the best sellers for outdoor storage, you will be able to see that there are different types of outdoor storage.

If you want, you can even narrow it down to only storage benches, sheds, deck boxes, and carports.

So let’s say you only do like the first three because that’s more niche, and you can recommend good products in the range of $50 to over $100.

You can also do products that are higher priced items in the range of $300-$700.

If you know a lot about storage spaces or storage for in the backyard, this is a great niche for you to get into now.


#2 Camping And Hiking:

The next one I am going to show you is camping and hiking and this is a very big area that you can actually look into.

There are best sellers for each of these categories and you can just use two or three or even combine some of them for your affiliate website.

You have to really hone in on what aspect of camping and hiking you want to focus on, for example, you could just focus on tents and shelters.

There’s just so much you can do with camping, this is a huge market.

You could look into products such as air beds which are the inflatable beds because, not only their price is good, they are usually $50 and up.

You want to pick items that people really want and demand so that’s why its best to look at bestsellers because then you get ideas on what people are buying and what you can concentrate in. 

With Camping and hiking, there are several ways that you could get into it, you could just do tents, you could just do sleeping bags, or you could just combine certain aspects of camping together. 

I think camping furniture is a great one as well because some tents listed on Amazon are very popular with 4,000 people rating like five stars.

People really love stuff like little gadgets that can really help them with camping.

So, this is definitely a great area to go into.


#3 Headphones:

The next one is a good one to go into, which are headphones, these are very popular products on Amazon. 

Commissions in Amazon is ranged from 1% to 10% and the majority of the products are 4% and headphones are at 3% (Amazon updated in May 2020).

There are three types of headphones and if there’s a certain type that you want to concentrate on like gaming headphones, that’s a very special niche.

You can look through the best selling lists and see what type of headphones do you want to get into, you may not want to get into all of them.

Again, having an affiliate site is better if it’s concentrated on a certain niche so if you can niche it down to a certain type of headphones, that’d be really awesome.


#4 Drones:

This one that I want to show you is drones. Drones have been around the last couple of years and they are still very popular and they make awesome videos.

They are very popular amongst kids and adults both. Some fly cheap drones to play for fun, some take it more serious, and they buy very expensive drones.

You can see what kind of drones are popular to buy.

You could list the cheaper ones for kids and the more expensive ones for adults.

The more serious drone enthusiast may actually look at hundred bucks and up for the drones.
So drones are a big area that you can get into if you are interested in this topic.



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#5 Lighting:

Social media is huge at this time and will continue to be and social media people use their phones to do videos and upload them to social media.

One of the important tools they’ll need is having a ring light on their phones to have better lighting for their photos and their videos to upload to their YouTube or other social media platform.

Therefore, catering to the people who go on social media would be a great market to go into because you could be marketing all sorts of equipment to them such as lighting.

You will have to do research on if you want two cameras for social media or what camera to use for Instagram or what lighting should be used for a YouTube channel.

They are searching for products like that,  so if you are having an affiliate site that talks about this stuff you can really rank well for this kind of topic and earn good commissions!


#6 Kitchen And Dining:

Kitchen and dining is a huge area in Amazon so you don’t want to do everything.

Look at the bestseller list and concentrate on something smaller.

You could just do electric cake pop and mini cake makers so this could definitely be its own category.

If you know how to use or how to be creative with some of these appliances, you can actually teach and write about it on your affiliate website and that is also a great way to gain some traffic.

You can take a few different products and group them to be one niche but you also do not want to overcrowd your affiliate website with different types of things on there and you want to niche down.


#7 Pet Products:

There are a lot of different things that you can do in this niche.

For example, there are pet cameras and monitors, there are tons of people who love their pets so much that they have one of these machines.

There are tons of people buying these machines who want to communicate with their pets when they’re out of their home so they’re able to use their phone to communicate with their pet at home.

Their price ranges are different too, sometimes it is $200 for one of these machines or $150.

Then there are also smaller price ranges at around $30.

I like this niche because it has a lot of variety of products that are in here and some of these machines are also fun to learn about.


#8 Home Security:

If you are really into home security systems, then you can show people how to install them and have easy tutorials on your affiliate website to help others.

This is a really great niche to go into because security systems are going to cost a little bit more money especially when you buy a bunch of cameras.

Maybe you also need to buy the remotes or the sensors so there are tons of things that people need to buy and you could give them a guide on how to deal with all of that.

Guide them through everything that they might need and all those things could be affiliate products linked to Amazon.  

You could give that guide out for free and people think you are just giving up free information but really you earn a lot more money giving away that information!

So, when people look at your guide and start clicking on your affiliate links to go buy all the products that you listed, then you could earn commissions from all those products.


#9 Electric Scooter:

Electric scooters in general is a big very good niche to go to especially around the Christmas time for kids.

There are two types of electric scooters:

  • Electric Scooters For Adults: Adults are going to be using this type of electric scooters because they’re either injured or they medically cannot walk long or they just want to have some fun.
  • Electric Scooter For Kids: These are the type of electric scooters are for a younger audience so they will be slower than ones for adults.

It depends on which audience that you want to go into, you don’t have to do both.

I want to bring up this niche because it is a great niche because the pricing, electric scooters are like a few hundred dollars and the adult ones could go into thousands of dollars.

If you are into electric scooters and you know about them, you could educate people about these and this could be a really great niche for you to go into.


#10 Karaoke:

The last one I want to show you this is the karaoke niche, these are machines that allow you to sing along to popular songs that you like and you are going to be the one singing.

So you can hear yourself singing your favorite songs and the songs would just have the music and you won’t have the artist singing so that you can actually sing to your favorite songs from home.  

There are machines that allow you to do this with microphones so this is a fun little niche.



It depends on what you want to do for your business, you can have a little site like this that can concentrate on niche topics like karaoke machines or you can have a more broad topic like outdoor storage.

You can even do several different types of niches just within kitchen appliances, so there are many niches to choose from.

Make sure when choosing your niche that you choose it because you love it. It’s really hard to work on a niche you don’t really like but you want to do it for the money.

Never go for the money.

Always go with something you like because this is for the long term, and you want to make sure you’ll like working in it.



Where To Build Your Affiliate Website

Where you want to start your affiliate marketing journey is where you’d want to build your affiliate website at, which is one place where you can start for free and where I started myself as well, is on an online training platform that you can check out there in my guide.

This is the place where I started my affiliate marketing journey and they definitely will teach you exactly how to build an affiliate website because that is exactly what they specialize in.

They teach you step by step how to create it from scratch so that you can learn exactly how to build it from the ground up.

You going to learn everything about how to build a site, how to write on it, how to insert affiliate links, and everything else you need to you know.

As well, they also provide you tools that you can use to quickly create your site, write on your site, do keyword research, affiliate program search, and so much more.

They are also going to teach you in a way that your website attracts its own visitors 24/7 and that is how you can earn passive income online

So don’t delay, and CLICK HERE to go to my FREE guide to learn more about how you can get started today for $0!

They taught me so well that I became a super affiliate in 2018.



Get Started With Me As Your Mentor

I know I can guide you to the path of success and I know I can help you in your online journey.

It is really great to have somebody like me in your corner to ask questions too if you are stuck on a lesson and don’t know what to do you either send me a question on my profile or PM me.

I will answer you as soon as I can and I’ve been doing this for three years now with the online training platform I referenced above.

Get my guide below to find out where to sign up for free, get a free website, and get the first level of training for free as well with your free account:


This is what I do online and what makes me a full-time online income every single month and you can learn from the exact training I used and still use today.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the 10 profitable Amazon affiliate marketing niches for beginners or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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