7 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing 

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7 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Money may not buy us happiness, but it can surely make our lives enjoyable.

Unfortunately, many, particularly stay-at-home moms, find it hard to earn extra cash to make every day a bit more comfortable for them.

We’re lucky today the internet made it a lot easier for us to use various methods to make money.

An effective way to do so is through affiliate marketing.

I’m so thrilled to share with you how stay-at-home moms can make money through affiliate marketing. It’s undeniably one of the simplest ways to gain revenues.

While there are many ways we can earn online, don’t fall right away for those schemes that will promise you that you’ll get rich overnight. There’s no such thing!

You can definitely earn from affiliate marketing, but it will require you to dedicate a significant amount of your time and effort. The good news is, its nature signifies that you can earn while working or doing the things you enjoy.

Sounds great?! Then, it’s time to learn how you can increase your opportunities and make money!



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Before anything else, you must learn the basics. I believe you already have a pretty good idea what it is.

Simply put, when you become an affiliate marketer, you’ll be selling a company’s products or services.

You get paid for each person you lead to their site that generates a new sale, noting that person becomes their customer.

Remember, you only earn money when there’s a sale. It doesn’t include each time you convince a person to visit the website.

So, how do stay-at-home moms earn money through affiliate marketing?

The following are useful 7 tips to become a successful affiliate marketer:

1. Organize Your Website Properly

Your website is the heart of all your efforts as it is where you’ll do most of your marketing. A useful site should have the following features:

  • People should be able to navigate it easily.
  • It should be well-designed.
  • It must be able to provide you with various tools to measure your analytics.

A well-built website helps you come up with new marketing methods that will lead your site to better results. If you don’t have experience in making websites, don’t worry!

I recommend joining an affiliate marketing training platform like this one here that will help and guide you through in making one.

They are the leader in affiliate marketing training and will take you step by step on how to build such an online business.

You can check out the full details for the affiliate marketing training program here.  This is the exact training helped me make a 4 digit online income!


2. Understand Product Demand

Before you can earn from the products or services you’re marketing, you must learn first to whom you’re going to sell to. The quality of the products become pointless if you’re selling it to those who don’t need it.

Your research plan must include the following:

  • Measure the customers’ demand
  • Identify the trends
  • Analyze buyers’ behaviors
  • Examine competitors’ behaviors
  • Determine target markets
  • Identify sales potential

Methods of researching:

  • Surveys
  • Observations
  • Experiments – This method is time-consuming and pricey. However, you’ll benefit from it in the future. For instance, offering special discounts to certain products will attract customers to try them and find out whether they like it or not.


3. Use Various Traffic Sources

Your chances of earning online will increase if you send more traffic to your website.  What brings in traffic for a website is content and if you can use the right keywords, then you’ll be able to attract tons of visitors.

More free traffic sources are social media which I’ll go into next but also building a YouTube channel can also bring traffic to your website.

You can also do guest posting on other authority sites that allow a link back to your website, or blog commenting in long form.

Traffic generation is one of the most important aspects of making your website a success and if you’re not using latest SEO methods, then you may suffer from lack of traffic.

To get help with this, the affiliate marketing training platform that I recommend here will teach you everything you need to know!

It’s okay if you run ads on your website for paid traffic. However, it may be very expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

A great example is Google Adwords. If you create an ad on your account and buy ads on Google, your website will get traffic from your campaign if you can create a winning one.  Testing is key here but again, may require some money to do this properly.


4. Use Social Media

We are all aware of the marketing power of social media. There’s no question that social media platforms are a very effective way of reaching a vast range of potential customers.

It’s an excellent place where you can meaningfully connect with your audience and eventually lead them to your website, as well as the products and services you’re marketing.

Make sure that you come up with impressive profiles and be able to master using them for more desirable results.


5. Experiment, Measure, and Record

It will help you explore what works for your marketing strategies and don’t when you test your actions and measure the performance.

Basing on your records, it’s either you keep or improve your operations.

For instance, if you have banner ads and you believe you’re not earning enough, experiment by positioning them in different areas of your website and compare the results.

Make sure you are using Google Analytics to measure your traffic and see which pages are bringing you the most visitors, and make adjustments to those not bringing you as much traffic.


6. Keep Creating Top-quality Content

For you to keep inviting new views and generate new conversions, you need to write high-quality and original content consistently. You must keep adding new posts to your blogs, social media accounts, etc. on a daily basis.

While I believe that it’s imperative that we keep making content, we must not compromise the quality.

A common mistake made by others is they give less importance to the quality and focus more on making different materials as much as they can.

This shouldn’t be as your audience might lose confidence and interest in you.


7. Join Various Affiliate Programs & Networks

Signing up is absolutely free, and once you become a member, you can choose which sellers you wish to promote. After that, you’ll start advertising on your site, social media accounts, email lists, etc. and of course, get paid!

Don’t know where to start?  You can start with affiliate networks where you can join one platform and have access to many companies’ affiliate programs.

Here are some of my favorite affiliate network sites:

Then, there are affiliate programs that companies offer on their own and you’ll need to individually apply to like the following:

If you join the training program I use, they have one of the most lucrative affiliate programs around because of their monthly recurring membership plan.



Bottom Line

Affiliate marketing is ideal for stay-at-home moms and even to those who wish to make passive earnings. It doesn’t require delivery services, and you don’t need to be hooked on the phone for long periods.

You don’t even have to follow specific working hours. You can be doing something else and continue to earn online. However, everything will still depend on you.

Being an affiliate marketer can be efficient, and it’s probably the best way of monetizing your blog website.

I will have to admit though, it may be difficult when you’re just starting and will require a lot of work.

That’s why getting help from a training platform is ideal!  Just check out my income proof on this page!

What I can tell you that if you get the hang of it, learn useful tips, follow the training that I recommend and you’ll have a way better chance of succeeding than someone who does it on their own.

Good luck!

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If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the 7 tips on how stay at home moms make money with affiliate marketing or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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