How to Earn Commissions Online As A Beginner

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

How to Earn Commissions Online As A BeginnerAre you looking for ways on how to earn commissions online? Or, is starting an online business one of your life goals?

We can go further, do you aim to have an online career where you can earn an excellent income from a passive source?

Whatever your financial goals are, you can achieve it through the business model of affiliate marketing which is a great model for beginners to start with.

If you’re willing to learn and invest significant time working for it, then you can have the potential to earn what you’re looking for.

In this post, I will tell you about how you can earn commissions online through the use of affiliate marketing, so check out the following sections:



If You Haven’t Made Any Commissions Online,
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This business model is great for beginners because the concept is easy to understand, it’s low in cost relative to many other types of businesses, and earns you a passive income.

By passive I mean, the work you do don’t just earn you money once but it can earn you money over and over again.

For example, when you write a post about how to train a dog to sit and you have some affiliate products in that post and/or display ads, you can be earning over and over again from this one post from only writing this once which can take 2-3 hours to write.


Lady Holding Cash In Front Of Her Face


So that’s how passive income is earned in affiliate marketing but how does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission online from generating new sales for companies that you want to partner with.

So, if you have a dog website, you may partner with dog shops like or places that sell dog stuff like

When you sign up, they provide you with an affiliate link which then you will in turn paste the link into your content.

When a reader lands on your page to read about dog stuff, they may be inclined to click a link if you tell them they could find the tool you’re using here like: “Click here to see the training leash I used above.”

You would link those words with the affiliate link to the site that they can buy that product at.

When they click your link and go on the merchant’s site to buy the product, you will earn a commission!

That is how you can earn a commission online and it’s one of the best ways to make money from home with it, like I do myself.




There are many companies these days that offer affiliate programs because it’s a great way for them to get new sales without any upfront costs.

For people like you and me who want to make money online, affiliate programs offer us an easy way to monetize our websites.

That’s why affiliate marketing is such a great business model because it creates a win-win situation.

Brands and companies can create their own affiliate program like and has or they can join an affiliate network like Clickbank or to have their affiliate program hosted on a platform for them.


laptop with affiliate marketing target and cash


So for you as an affiliate marketer, you can choose to apply at a place like Amazon where they already have tons of products in one spot.

Or, you can apply to an affiliate network to get access to hundreds or thousands of merchants to choose from.

Sometimes you don’t need additional approval when find an affiliate program you want to join, but sometimes you still need to be approved individually by each company you apply to, even in an affiliate network.

How much you get pay per commission really depends on the affiliate program you join, they all differ very widely from 1 – 10% to 50% – 100%, and everything in between.




Everyone wants to know how much you can make and the truth is, it’s really up to you.  If anyone guarantees you any amount of money you can make, then it’s a sure sign of a scam and you should run away.

No one can predict or know how you’ll work, how you’ll learn, and what you’ll do with the training even if you have it.

You can make nothing or you can make a 4 digit monthly income like I do, or you can make way more than that.

It’s all up to you how much work you put into your own business as this is a very much you reap what you sow.

When starting an affiliate marketing business, it’s important to know how to start such a business and not just do it on your own.

You can certainly try to learn on your own and search online or watch videos on YouTube to learn but the best way to learn is on a training course or platform where you can learn everything at one place.

I tell you this from personal experience as when I tried affiliate marketing on my own about 7 years ago and totally failed.

But when I wanted to do it again in 2016, I made sure I got help, the right training, and my results show, see video here.

Getting training was one of the keys to my success and I know I can help you along the way…. keep reading…




The one place I learned everything at is Wealthy Affiliate and they specialize in affiliate marketing training that provides you with comprehensive, step-by-step lessons.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

They’re ideal for beginners.

There’s no place like theirs where you can learn how to earn commissions online and really get helped by others just like you, from beginners to experts, that really care.

Wealthy Affiliate has a fantastic community. You can easily ask for help, and you’ll be attended to in no time.

It’s the perfect training brand for aspiring online entrepreneurs who have no idea how to create a WordPress site.  Wealthy Affiliate is also useful for those who are fresh in the online industry.

The wealth of information you get on their platform is really incredible and vast.  They have a Live Chat, Live Weekly Webinars, and 1-on-1 mentorship with me (more on that in a bit).


So, is it worth the try?

Of course!

With Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll be able to create an online business in any niche of your choice. You can start a small site based on a topic you are passionate about.

You’ll learn how to build your site out with proper pages you’ll need, how to use keywords, how to get your site ranking on Google and everything in between.

They offer business tools to host your website, a keyword research tool, and offer you SSL certificates too to secure your websites.

Membership Options

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can make money in two ways, as a:

  • Free Starter member
  • Premium member

The Starter membership is a free-for-life membership so there’s no pressure to upgrade.  You can use it to check out the platform or use the 2 free websites to see if you can build it on your own with the first 10 free lessons of both of their courses included in your membership.

If you find that you can’t figure it out and need the rest of the lessons, then you will upgrade to Premium ($49/month, $234/6-month, $359/year).

When you’re Premium, you will get all access to all 50 lessons in the main course, Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and another 70 lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

Plus you get all the features mentioned above and so much more, click here to see.


My Coaching Offer

If you check my profile on Wealthy Affiliate, you will see I’ve been updating my progress.

You will also notice that I’ve already broken four digits in my online earnings in March 2018, and guess what? It has grown to $7.9k in Nov!

You see, that’s how online business works. Sure, it can be slow at first, but with time and hard work, you’ll see progress.

I’m so happy with what I’ve achieved in my two years+ at Wealthy Affiliate. If I, a stay at home mom, can be this successful, you can be, too!

I want to help you do it as well by giving you the opportunity to have me be YOUR Personal Coach!

All you have to do is sign up here for FREE:

Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here


Once you sign up, I will send you all the information on your profile and you will see how you can get my FREE Coaching Services!

I know I can guide you in the right direction and help you get onto the path of success much quicker.

I want to see you succeed as I know where you’re coming from since I was once there too.

If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to earn commissions online or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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