How & Where To Learn About Affiliate Marketing For Free Online

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

How & Where To Learn About Affiliate Marketing For Free OnlineAre you looking to make money with affiliate marketing but don’t know where to start?  I know how you feel because I was in your shoes not long ago.

I was also searching how to learn about affiliate marketing for free online and I wanted something that could show me everything I needed to know.

You’re in luck today because I found the ultimate platform just over 2 years ago to learn how to build your very own affiliate marketing business and it’s worked for me!

I’ve been making a 4 digit online income since Mar’18 and I know you can too if you just had the right guidance and proper know how like I learned.

This post will you all about this affiliate marketing training program:


If You Want To Be Coached By A Super Affiliate
Of The Best Training For Affiliate Marketing:

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Researching anything on the web can be tricky and difficult. There are so many pages covering so many topics that it is hard to distinguish the good ones from the bad.

For instance, looking up how to earn money online will produce thousands of results. If the person picks wrong, they will likely find themselves wrapped up in a scam.

Don’t feel bad if you have fallen victim to these things, it happens to the best of us, including me. Before I finally found the answer that I was searching for, I became entangled in one of these deceitful schemes and was out of $300 in the blink of an eye.


Finding Out Where To Learn About Affiliate Marketing


Ahead of discussing where to learn about affiliate marketing, I will tell what the process is for those that don’t know. After all, not everyone is a tech guru, computer expert, or work from home specialist.

Affiliate marketing is the process of receiving a commission for generating sales for an organization’s products or services.

After signing up with an affiliate program, the company provides you with an affiliate link that you add to your website or use it to promote elsewhere. Once page visitors click on the affiliate link and buy something, you will get paid.

If a person enjoys writing and has knowledge that can help someone else, it is possible for them to earn a comfortable living.

In some cases, the blog owner makes a lot of money once the site becomes established for a period of time like someone like Pat Flynn who makes millions a year just on affiliate commissions.

Don’t expect to get rich quickly and easily though. There is plenty of hard work to be done, and some blogs never take off because they don’t put in the time and effort it needs to see results.

So, if you want to be successful at this, hard work, patience, and consistency are keys but, if you want more, check out more tips here.




It is imperative that a person gets proper training before jumping into affiliate marketing. Failing to do so could be like jumping into roaring waters without a life jacket, which will leave you feeling as if you are drowning.

The training platform that taught me how to build my affiliate marketing business is Wealthy Affiliate. It is the ideal answer for where and how to learn about affiliate marketing for beginners.

I had joined them back in Sep/16 and I haven’t left because I am still continuously learning since they have weekly live webinars to learn on hot topics.


A Free Starter Membership

One thing that sets Wealthy Affiliate apart from the rest is its free Starter membership. After all, most folks don’t want to break the bank to learn how to make money online. There is no credit card needed to sign up, no hidden fees, and it is not a trial, so the individual can keep it as long as they like.

The company offers a Premium membership as well. It gives you full access to the training program and costs $49 per month or $359 per year. However, if a person signs up through my link, he or she can get 59% off the first bill if you go with the monthly plan. Hence, it will only run them $19.

Beginners should definitely go with the starter option though as it doesn’t cost them a cent and can check out the platform before committing anything.

Finding where to learn about affiliate marketing can be like trying to locate a needle in a haystack. Luckily, Wealthy Affiliate makes the process simple.


Free Starter Membership Includes:

  • First ten lessons of the Online Entrepreneurship Certification course (50 lessons total).
  • First ten lessons of the  Affiliate Bootcamp classes (70 lessons total).
  • Two Free websites
  • SiteBuilder
  • SiteContent
  • Keyword Search Tool
  • Templates
  • Tons of Tutorials


Ultimately Though, If You’re Serious

The Premium membership is the way to go if you want all the comprehensive training.  You really can’t expect the real core of how this business works to be also free do you?

Learning these skills will really take you places and can even get you clients if you want to be of service to others who don’t k now how to build websites or getting ranking on Google.

These are skills you can take with you to build more online assets or sell your skills to others.

Learning these online skills will take you very far!


Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here





You will go from knowing nothing about affiliate marketing and building websites to someone who can do that because the lessons inside Wealthy Affiliate will take you through all the steps, one by one, and ensures you take action by having tasks in each lesson for you to do.

The first thing you’ll learn is picking a niche or a topic you feel you can help people in.  Affiliate marketing is all about helping others and through offering value, you will build trust.

Once you build trust, you will be able to recommend products or services to your niche and people will buy because they trust you.

You will then learn how to lay down your foundation in the beginning with the necessary pages you need on your website.

Then you’ll learn about what drives traffic to your online business and how you can do this for absolutely free which is SO POWERFUL.

I get thousands of visitors on my website here because I learned how to do just that at Wealthy Affiliate and I don’t pay for any of this traffic.

You will also learn how to use affiliate links, affiliate programs, and where to apply them in your website or posts.

You will ultimately learn how to build a thriving niche website using affiliate marketing to make money with it.




There are certainly tons of products/systems out there who claim this or that but never provide any support or help no matter how much money you’ve paid into it.

Not at Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all the help you need as there is a huge community inside full of people just like you and people who are actually making money like me or many others.

Everyone has a “pay it forward” mindset and will help you if you post a question underneath the lessons or post a question by the other ways you can as there are SEVERAL ways to get help.

There is Live Chat where anyone can hop on to ask a quick question to get a quick answer.

If you need more opinions, it’s best to use “Ask a Question” as this option will be posted on the platform where everyone in the community can see and answer you.  This is the best one to use if you want several opinions on something.

You could leave messages on the most active members’ profiles under your Help Center if you’d like to ask someone directly for help.

There is also private messaging for 1-on-1 consultation for those who upgrade to Premium.

This is way more help than any of the training platforms I have seen by far and the support you’ll get at Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t end there, read on…




I’m going to show you my personal results from the 2 years I’ve been doing this and you can see how fast this business could grow.

You will also see what it takes to be successful in such an online business as well as how long it takes to make money with this.


Income vs New Posts Graph


The red line shows you my work effort and how much I was writing and the blue line shows you how much money I earned each month.

You can see that my first 12 months I wasn’t earning much and that is perfectly normal because this is how it works.

This is also why tons of people will quit before seeing any results because they are not willing to work for free.

But, look what happens when you don’t quit and you see it through?

See my income just soaring towards the last half of my second year?!

You can’t get raises like that on a job.

You can’t see income rise like that in any job!

In the first year, I still earned enough to cover my Premium Yearly membership so I’ve been making a profit for 2 years now and continuing to do so.

I really hope to reach up to 5 figures in my third year but we shall see, it’s a tall order but I am determined to reach it!




So, more help you say?

How about having a dedicated person to help you through your journey and someone who’s a Super Affiliate at Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s ME!  So in my 2 years, I have reached Super Affiliate status on the platform and it’s really a big deal since not everyone makes it as it takes a lot of hard work.

With all that I went through in my first 2 years, I know I can help you with any questions you have and can guide you onto the path of success much quicker than on your own.

I’ve proven to be a great helper on the platform as well since I’m also an Ambassador of Wealthy Affiliate as I’m ranked in the Top 25.


Wealthy Affiliate Ambassadors


Every member at Wealthy Affiliate is ranked and well over a million members have gone through there, so being in the Top 25 members shows how much I use, help, and offer my knowledge to everyone on there.

So if you sign up with me, you will find out how you’ll get my coaching services for free, I will send you the details on your profile after you sign up.

Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here


If you want to make money online by next year, start now and sign up!

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how and where to learn about affiliate marketing for free online or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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