American Consumer Eyes: Scam? YES! See How The Scam Works!

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American Consumer Eyes scamIf you’ve been looking to be a mystery shopper with American Consumer Eyes (aka Intelligent Service Graders) but wondering if American Consumer Eyes is a scam, then you’ve landed at the right place.

My review below of American Consumer Eyes will show you exactly how this works and how they will “get you” so you need to be very careful with this company.

There are many types of scams out there and this one will get you good if you’re not careful.

You will see how they will make you feel like everything seems fine and professional but by the time you find out it’s a scam, it’s too late.

My American Consumer Eyes review is as follows:



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American Consumer Eyes Logo


Program Name: American Consumer Eyes (aka Intelligent Service Graders)


Price: Free

Recommended? No

The American Consumer Eyes supposedly offers market research for companies through mystery shopping, web survey, and marketing research but thorough their site, you only see that you can only apply to be a mystery shopper.

Mystery shopping is where you are going undercover to go shop at their client’s store so you can evaluate their service or product or whatever the client wants to find out about their own store and staff.


American Consumer Eyes Home Page


American Consumer Eyes has supposedly worked with companies like PF Chang’s, Western Union, Hilton, Money Gram, and other names we’ve heard of.

As a mystery shopper for American Consumer Eyes, you can earn as much as $300 per week they say so this would be a very attractive gig for someone who wants to make some extra money.

All you would have to do is sign up and wait for instructions to see what you’ll have to do.  Most likely, you’ll be asked to shop at a local Walmart.

The whole process will seem legitimate and look professional which is part of the scheme, but once you realize you got scammed, it’s way too late.

Next, I will show you how the whole scheme works and point out some of the red flags I see on their site.




The Scam

Once you sign up, you will receive an email with complete instructions on what you need to do.

There are several scenarios this can play out but you will have step-by-step instructions which makes it seem thorough and easy since you just follow the steps.

One scenario, you will be sent a check in the amount of thousands, anywhere from $1,500 – $3,000, and the instructions will tell you that you are to deposit this check in your bank, take the cash out so you can test out the Western Union service at Walmart by sending part of the check to a supposedly another mystery shopper at a different Walmart.


American Consumer Eyes Sample letter


You are to keep the balance which is a few hundred dollars, $300 – $350, for your mystery shopping services.

Of course, this all needs to be done quickly within a certain time limit.

But after you’re done, you’ll realize this is all a scam because your bank will call you to let you know that the check has bounced and that you owe that money back so you will be debited that amount.

That’s how they get you!  You were sent a fake cashier’s check.

Real cashier’s checks are supposed to be as good as cash, so that’s why you’re able to deposit the cashier’s check and take the money back out.

Once the fake cashier’s check goes their the banking system and they realize it’s not a real one, then they will reverse that deposit on you and you will be out a lot of money.

Another scenario is that they will again send you money and withdraw the cash again so you can buy iTunes or Walmart gift cards.

You are to scratch off the back of these gift cards and send by text the pictures of the gift cards to a certain phone number.

Of course, the scam is that the people behind American Consumer Eyes will be receiving the money you’ll be sending through Western Union or the gift cards you’ll be sending through text.


Red Flags

I will mention some of the main red flags here so you can see how American Consumer Eyes is not legitimate:

#1 Red Flag – Bad Call To Action on Client Prospecting Page

On their site, you will see under Services the different types of services they offer to their clients but the only call to action is for people to apply to become a mystery shopper.

This is also the case if you clicked on Web Survey and Marketing Research services they offer.

American Consumer Eyes Bad Call To Action for Potential Client Page

This is extremely weird to have that call to action there as you would think the call to action would be for potential clients to call them or for companies to connect with them somehow to hire them for their services.

But there are no instructions on any of these pages for any potential clients to know how to gain their services.


#2 Red Flag – Contact Us Page As No Contact Info

If I was a potential company looking for mystery shopping services, I wouldn’t know how to contact them from their Contact Us page because there’s actually no contact info on there.

American Consumer Eyes Location is Missing

If you are such a great marketing company, why wouldn’t you show your location or have a phone number to call you?

How are any potential clients supposed to contact you?  You think Walmart would hire a company like this with no info on their site?

Think again.


#3 Red Flag – Tight Timeline

If there is anything that has to do with a check and people want you to do things quicker than it takes for a check to clear first, this is a huge red flag.

If someone doesn’t want you to wait for a check to clear first, then that means that check is fake.

This is why they want you to do everything quickly so you can’t find out that the check is fake til it’s too late.


#4 Red Flag – The Application Form

It is highly inappropriate for any business to ask for your age and gender in any type of application that has to do with work.

American Consumer Eyes Sign Up Form

These are very shady people we’re dealing with so by asking you for your age and gender, that means you’re at high risk of identity theft as well.

Especially if you went ahead to send them money, they will have even more personal info of yours to use for themselves or sell.

Protect yourself and don’t apply to anything that asks for your age and gender when it’s for work that you’re apply for.




Thumbs DownClearly American Consumer Eyes is a scam and you won’t get your money back from them.

I will show you real life experiences that confirms this scam as well.

This one is found here:

They sent me money 2975. I went to Walmart like they told me to for a survey. and they told me to put money in my account that they gave me then take it out and sent to someone else then I will get my money back. They didn’t receive the money they said. It was money2money at Walmart. now I cant pay my bills. because I have no money now.


Here’s another one who lost $3,000:

American Consumer Eyes Real Testimonies Of This Scam


Here you will find examples of the letters they send you so you can be familiar with it and not get scammed by these types of letters you may come across.

American Consumer Eyes (aka Intelligent Service Graders) is highly not recommended and you need to avoid this as much as possible.




In order for you to make real money online or work from home, it is best to learn a legitimate method that actually works and learn it properly or you will waste a lot of time (and in some cases money too).

If you want to work from home, you’ll need to build an online business, that’s the only way you’ll have able to earn enough real money you can rely on.

Otherwise, you’ll run into scams or do online surveys and such that don’t make you a lot of money but are actually big time wasters.

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I’ve been making a 4 digit online income from using the same program to build my online business at the comfort of my own home.

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Stop wasting time and money on scams, instead, start building your online business today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether American Consumer Eyes is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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