Is A Scam? Yes, There’s No Point To This! Avoid!

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is a scamThe seems to have an easy way for you to make money and all you have to do is share your opinion but is a scam that’s going to waste your time?

Will you really make money at  My review below will show you what this site is about and all that you need to know to decide whether this is a good site to sign up for.

I’ve been doing 100’s of reviews of many programs so I can easily tell you if this is going to be something that will make you easy money or not.

See what is about in the following sections:



If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
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Program Name:


Price: Free

Recommended? No claims to be a paid survey site and have been advertising on TV about it as well.  This is quite unusual to see a survey site to spend money on a TV commercial.

However, that does not make them more legit, it just means they have deep pockets. home page


They make it sound like it’s very easy to make money online by just sharing your opinions about products you can try or filling out surveys.

The reality is that when you sign up for this site, you will not get any surveys to fill out, you will be referred to other, real survey sites instead.

So, if does not have any surveys to fill out on their site, what’s the point of signing up for it?

None, there’s no point for you to sign up for and, if you do, you’ll be soon regretting it.

Let’s take a look at how this website really works.




The point of is so the owners behind the site can make money from all of you that sign up.

What they are doing is not illegal or anything, there are many survey sites that allow people to refer others to their site and will pay you for the referral.

However, they are telling people, on a massive scale, to go to their site to make easy money and make it seem like they will pay people to fill out surveys when they don’t have any surveys themselves is quite misleading and quite unethical to market this way.

This is the part I’m not okay with. is merely the middle man, they don’t have any surveys, they are just referring you to other real survey sites that actually do administer the surveys themselves or have access to actual surveys within their portal.

For example, when I signed in, I see three survey sites i-Say, MySurvey, and Global Test Market – I can confirm these are real survey sites that you can make money from. Refers you to OTHER Survey Sites


However, it’s not easy money, filling out surveys to me is the biggest waste of time and the worse way to make money online in my opinion.

Pretty much all survey sites are low paying, sometimes they disqualify you more than you qualify, and sometimes as you approach the payout limit, they shut down your account.

But back to, when you sign up for any of these survey sites, they will make money.

You will then try to make money from the survey sites which you’ll need to sign up to each survey platform individually.


Why Do You Need To Sign Up With

You actually don’t need to.

If anyone wants to fill out surveys to make money then all they have to do is Google paid survey sites and you’ll see tons of options for you to try.

Or if you don’t want to search, here’s a survey site that I personally recommend since I’ve tried it and have gotten paid:

There’s absolutely no benefit to you to sign up at and, in fact, you would be doing yourself a favor if you didn’t, which I’ll tell you why in a bit. was created for themselves and not really to benefit you or pay you to fill out surveys, so this is all set up for the owners themselves.


The Point Of

The owners of has built this to purely make money for themselves and not really helping people make money online.

They gave you 3 survey sites in exchange for your email address, your birthdate, gender, etc, which they will then sell to the highest bidder. is basically one big email list builder while also making money off of each of you that sign up at those survey sites.

Tons of people have complained about how their inbox have been overflowing with spam from signing up to their site.

So you are really doing yourself a favor if you don’t sign up with them.

They also have a second site that’s exactly the same thing but called has a second site called

So they are really in it for themselves and will compromise your email address, at least they don’t ask for a password like some other scams I’ve seen.




Thumbs DownWhen you tell people there’s money to be made on and you don’t have any ways to actually make money on, then I would call this a scam.

They are just letting you know of three survey sites to go to, that’s it.

There are so many survey sites out there, why only list 3?

I’d seen on older reviews of that they actually referred people to Toluna at one point which is a very low grade survey site.

I say for you to keep your email address safe or at least if you’re going to go down this route of making money with surveys then create a new email for these types of sign ups because you will receive tons of spam if it’s a bad survey site.

Legit survey sites don’t spam you.

This is a total waste of time and I have no other choice but to say that I do not recommend




Completing surveys to make money online is one of the slowest ways to make money, unrewarding, and it does not have any potential for a full time income the more or the longer you do it too.

Therefore, why waste your time with surveys when you could be learning how to build an online business like I have?

I’m a stay at home mom and I’ve built my online business helping others find a safe place to learn how to make money online.

I’ve been doing this since Sep/16 and I now make a 4 digit online income that allows me to be flexible for my girls who are in grade school.

I use a business model that’s really beginner friendly and takes advantage of millions of products and services that are available online today.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


You will learn in my guide what you’ll be doing, why it works, and how you can get started today without paying a penny!

You’ll get to see what real comprehensive, step-by-step training looks like as well as test out easy-to-use business tools to create your online business with.

You will have full support from me as well as from a community of like-minded people as well as the platform owners themselves.

Having an online business will have the earning power of what you’ve been looking for which could really be job replacing if you work hard at it.

This won’t be an easy way to make money, it will take some good work effort.  If it was easy, you wouldn’t be able to make much money with it and everyone would be doing it.

There’s really no magical ways to make tons of money online in a very short time, that’s scam product talk.

This is a legitimate way to make money online and I’m living proof of it.

Stop wasting time on surveys and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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