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I’ve been asked to look into American Income Life and find it if it’s a legit money maker or is American Income Life just another scam?
I already read some stuff online about their insurance side of business that didn’t sound so great but I’m not going to dive into that side of their business.
This American Income Life review is more about what work opportunities are there and if you can make real money with it.
Most people hop on their train thinking they are going to be working for a great company but then they are getting mixed signals about things so I want to clarify what this is all about.
I will take you through the following in my review below:
- What Is American Income Life?
- How American Income Life Really Works
- Is American Income Life A Scam?
- Try A Real Way To Make Money Online
If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
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Program Name: American Income Life
Price: $490
Recommended? No
A big misconception of American Income Life is that you will get hired for a real job employment but the truth is all the “jobs” there are not real jobs, you are hired to be an independent contractor which is a big difference.
That is also why there’s a price to this “job”, real jobs usually have no price.
When you are working at a real job, you don’t have to pay anything for you to start working on the job.
In this case, the on boarding process seems like you are applying for a job and sounds like they will interview you like a job and everything else that makes it seem like a job.
But, really this is an independent contractor position and you will be making 100% commissions so there is no salary involved.
You can also make money from recruiting others into the system as well and the training is more geared towards this side of the business because you actually make more money recruiting than selling insurance.
They also train you to recruit as wide as possible and as deep as possible so this is totally a MLM company as you will be making money from your recruits as well.
This is why what seems to be Managers would push you to recruit because they also benefit as well.
From interviews, signing papers, going for trainings, you may think you are getting a job but most times companies will have the same on-boarding process for independent contractors and real employees.
The only difference is how you make money and as a independent contractor, you can only earn when you sell insurance or recruit people.
So you can work all day and not do either of those things and you will make nothing, if it was a job, you will earn something from the form of salary.
In their training, they will tell you things you want to hear like having to be able to make six figures in income and be able to retire in 10 years because of the residuals you’ll be earning.
There is a huge turnover rate at American Income Life because people go into it thinking one thing but then they find out it’s a MLM company they don’t want to be apart of because they aren’t making anything after six months.
Here are some big complaints I’ve found on the web:
#1 – Found on
American income is an MLM (multi level marketing) scam that uses insurance sales as a cover, probably for legality reasons and the optics of legitimacy. You will be lied to constantly here from the time you walk into the door to the day you eventually quit…
…The insurance side of AIL is largely a waste of time and money though, if you really want to make anything here you need to become a great liar and start recruiting. The company’s compensation model is based off recruiting as many people as possible, similar to a cattle call. You make money off their sales (a “down line”) and money off of their recruits. You want to try and make your down lines as large and deep as possible. Sound familiar? Probably if you know anything about how companies like Avon and Amway work. It’s the same model they use at AIL, recruiting is compensated better than actually selling anything, which is technically a pyramid scheme. Your managers will push recruiting harder than anything to reinforce this, as most of the young people they hire aren’t from a generation familiar with how companies like Amway operated. Oh and the constant high burnout and turnover rate is because you stop getting increased commission from your recruits after 6 months so it’s more profitable to just drop them and hire on the next batch of suckers.
#2 – Found on
After laying out about $490 for licensing and travel up to Denver for a week, I started field “training” — without any compensation. During this time, in the midst of my unscheduled and unpaid 12-14 hour days, I consistently witnessed agents lying to prospective clients AND prospective new hires. They also require new agents to learn various scripts, word-for-word, before they would release us on our own to start earning income. These scripts were also very misleading in many ways. Needless to say, I had some serious problems with this way of doing business…
…I want to tell EVERYONE I come in contact with about this company, and to make sure you never do business with this organization. YOU WORK TOO HARD TO WASTE YOUR MONEY.
It just sounds like getting into American Income Life is a waste of time and you will not make any real money trying to work for them.
There are better things you can be doing with all that hard work instead of wasting it at American Income Life.
American Income Life is not a scam just because it wants to hire independent contractors instead of employees but it seems too many have complained about the same thing.
To make any good money from MLM companies like this, you would have to be really good at sales to actually sell the insurance or really good at recruiting people which most people run out of leads eventually.
That is also why there is such a huge turnover there at American Income Life because people are generally not making anything worth staying.
In MLM companies, only the people at the top are making the top dollars or any real money because their downline is huge. People who just join MLM companies generally don’t make a lot and they eventually quit once recruiting runs out.
I highly do NOT recommend American Income Life as your way to make money.
All that time wasted at American Income Life could have been used to actually learn a real way to make money online instead of cold calling and selling door to door.
I have a great way for beginners to learn how to make money online and it’s a business model I’ve been using myself since Sep 2016 to make a consistent online income.
I have put together a free guide for you to learn what this business model is, how it works and where you can get started today for FREE, so get it here:
This is a real way to make money online that’s been proven to work for many years and it is only getting better as more and more people continue to go online to search for things.
This online business could be built around any topic you want to work in so it’s not limited to selling insurance or any of the sort, it’s totally up to you what you want to build it on.
As this is not a get rich quick scheme, it will require your real work efforts and time to build but will be well worth it when your asset starts giving you a stream of passive income you can depend on!
Stop falling for MLM companies and build your own online business today!
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