Is My Freelance Paycheck A Scam Or Really Make $1K-$3K/Month?

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is My Freelance Paycheck a scamAre you looking at My Freelance Paycheck to learn about freelancing and how to make money from it but not sure if My Freelance Paycheck will scam you?

I’m glad you’re curious and wanting to learn more so I’m glad you’re at my review about My Freelance Paycheck.

Laura Pennington makes it sound like she’s revealing some big secret that I’m sure you were curious whether this could bring you a 4 digit income doing this.

I will give you a full review of My Freelance Paycheck with the following sections:



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My Freelance Paycheck logo


Program Name: My Freelance Paycheck


Price: $47

Owner: Laura Pennington

Recommended? Yes and No (I’ll explain below)

My Freelance Paycheck is a training program to learn how to do freelance writing work which is something you’ll be able to do from the comfort of your own home.

Her sales video on My Freelance Paycheck is a little ridiculous and unnecessarily misleading when talking about what this is like she’s revealing some big secret.


My Freelance Paycheck sales video


Being a freelance writer is certainly no secret and people have been doing it for years and years, so she was just using a marketing tactic that’s a big sleazy when she didn’t need to do that.

Everyone who promotes these days always say they have some secret but the truth is, there are no secrets to success online but good old hard work.

Anyway, she gives you all this hype just to find out this is to help you prepare how to get freelance gigs to make money from home.

Freelance writing gigs are very real and tons of people do it, so if you want to get into it, you can make 4 digit income with it but it won’t be as easy as she makes it seem.

There are way more competition out there and you don’t just find these writing gigs, apply, and you get it.  You will still have to prove yourself and beat out your competition in order to get the gig.

There is really no shortage on how many writing gigs you can find on the web so that’s not the worry there, but whether you get the gig is the big worry.

This is one of the big reasons why you won’t be making the big bucks til later on.




What You Get For $47

When you buy this product My Freelance Paycheck for $47, you will get the following in the package:

  • 156 page PDF on how to become a freelance writer
  • An audio version of that PDF
  • 23 short videos that details out certain aspects that will help you succeed
  • 5 templates to respond to you clients with
  • Success Multiplier book which gives you secret tips from 5 experts in the field

The quality of this product is pretty good and reveals where to find these writing gigs from.  Although, there’s a lot of information these days you can find free online.

This package will save you time in research and weeding out all the bad or wrong information that’s out there.

On the other hand, just the top of my head I can tell you that you can just find freelance writer jobs on places like,, and

The My Freelance Paycheck package is good for strategies you can do for your profile on those places so that when potential clients look, they would want you to be their writer.

There are also good tips on the equipment you need and how to go about selling yourself to these potential clients when apply for them.


Can You Make Money With My Freelance Paycheck?

The answer is yes if you take action on what’s taught and do what your clients have asked of you if approved to write for them.

But the money won’t come so easily, especially when you’re a new member of these freelance platforms.


My Freelance Paycheck sales video 2


Most of these freelance places will let others know that you’re a new or seasoned member with a rating system, how many gigs you’ve had or in the queue, or a levels ranking, etc.

So you will really have to build up your portfolio of work and your status on these freelance platforms to get continued work on them in order to increase your income as a freelance writer.

Although it’s possible to make $1,000 – $3,000 a month from freelance writing, you won’t be making this much from the beginning.

Just like any type of business you’re trying to build, it will take time to build leads, relationships, trust, and then money.

How much time it will take to make a full time income depend on you and how much work you do, it will all come with experience.




Thumbs UpNo, you can be assure that My Freelance Paycheck is not a scam and that you have quite a bit of resources to help you get your freelancing started.

That’s totally up to you if you want to buy this instead of just going directly to those freelance sites I talked about earlier.

It’s basically up to the people who needs the writing done and you just follow closely to what they need.

The key to making a 4 digit income doing freelance writing work is by building relationships with your clients so you can on-going or recurring work from them.

In order to do so, go beyond and above what’s asked but providing exactly what’s been asked of you is a must then you add more to it that was not asked for.

You will do really well if you can develop good relationships with a few of your clients.

There are not a lot of products I recommend because quite frankly, the web is full of scams and rip offs but for this one, I do recommend My Freelance Paycheck.




Thought I would also suggest writing for yourself like I do and build yourself an online business instead because the business model I use requires writing as well and you can talk about whatever you wish.

If you already enjoy writing, it’s even better but you will have to learn how to write in a way that will make you money with it.

For instance, this blog of mine, I am now making a 4 digit online income with it, but again, it didn’t happen right away.

With time and learning how to build this business, results start coming and has only grown every month since I started in Sep/16.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


I would even suggest that you do those freelance writing gigs while learning how to build your own business so you can supplement your income in the meanwhile.

You have much bigger earning potential to build your own online business in the long run and you’ll be in control of your own earnings.

My guide will show you where you can get started for FREE even and you’ll get to learn how to monetize your business so you will be making 4 digits like me!

Anyway, thought I would throw this out there because I’ve been enjoying it and I write for myself only, so it only make sense that you would too if you’re looking to write for others.



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether My Freelance Paycheck is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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