Is Scribie A Scam Or Could You Really Make $1000/Month?

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is Scribie a scamYou’ve come across a way to make money from home by doing transcription work on Scribie but you’re not sure if this is a real opportunity or if Scribie is just a scam.

Don’t worry, I have all the info you need here in my honest review which I’ve detailed out all the info you need to determine if you still want to join by the end of this.

Working from home by typing away would be an easy way to make some extra money at home so let’s get to my review so I can show you what this is all about:



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Scribie Logo


Program Name: Scribie


Price: Free

Owner: CGBiz Corporation

Recommended? No

Scribie is a place where you can get your audio files transcribed into text and also a place where you can make some money doing the transcribing work.

If you are a brand, company, or person who have audio files that needs their work to be converted into text then Scribie offers this great service to you and pairs you up with people who can do the work for you.


Scribie Home page


If you’re someone that needs this kind of work, then this is a great place to be paired with people who can offer such work.

There is not much to it and you don’t need any experience to apply.  All you have to do is listen to the audio file which is usually just 6 minutes or less in length and type out all the words you hear.

Sometimes the file can be hard to work with if the speaker has a heavy accent or if the recording is unclear but some are easy to transcribe and you will have the ability to pick which file to work with.

In general, you won’t be paying too much for the work you put it and basically, if you can type fast, you can make more.  The longer you take, the less you’ll earn.

I think doing transcription can be a good for a side thing at Scribie to generate some extra income but it’s nothing you can depend on.

The time it takes for you to earn a $1000/month income from Scribie, you can learn how to build your own online business with the same typing skill but earn a lot more.

It just depends on what you’re looking for and with Scribie, you can get paid more quickly than building your own business but building your own business will eventually surpass what you can ever make at Scribie by 2 – 10 folds, depending on how much you put into it of course.

Well, more on that later, but let’s now take a closer look at the Scribie program.




The Sign Up

It’s very simple to sign up, you will submit your email address that is attached to a verified PayPal account. Once you confirm your email, you will wait 1 business day to get approval.

Scribie transcriber sign up

Then you’ll be invited to do a test if you’re approved, like doing a sample for them so they know you exist and can do this job.

It’s not timed or anything, once you’re done, you will submit it for review.  Once your review is complete and accepted, you will get paid and certified to be a transcriber.

If you get rejected, you can try again, up to 10 times, so you have many chances of making it happen for yourself.


What’s Required

You really don’t need much to start doing this transcription work, all you need are the following:

Pretty simple things you need and also the ability to type!  Lol. I don’t know why that’s not on there but probably because they don’t pay you by the time it takes for you to work.

Other than the above, you’re pretty much set as most of us in the USA have access to all of the requirements.


The Process

After you’ve been approved and certified, you then have the choice to picking which files you want to work on and you’ll be able to preview them too before taking them on.

Scribie - Process

So you can listen for clarity, accents, and noise of the audio file before having to work on it which is huge since it will determine how long it will take you to transcribe this 6 minute file.

Once you pick one to transcribe, then you will do your work and then submit it for review.

The review process has three levels (review, proofreading, and quality control) and you must pass it all to get paid of course which assures high quality transcriptions for Scribie’s customers as well.


The Pay

The main question is how much do you get paid for each 6 minute or less audio file?  The latest rates on their site say $5 – $20 per audio hour.

Let’s not get this mixed up with the time that it will take you to transcribe a whole hour of audio.

Remember that you’ll need to listen, pause, type, rewind, listen, pause type, etc.  This is a long process and can easily take 2 – 5 times longer to transcribe a 6 minute audio file.

This also all depends on the quality of the audio file and how fast you can type.

If you just translated the $5 – $20 per audio hour rate to the 6 minute file, you will be paid $0.50 – $2 per 6 minute file.

But you’re going to take much longer to transcribe it so you can potentially be earning only $0.25 – $1 if you took 12 minutes to transcribe a 6 minute file or only $0.10 – $0.50 per 6 minute file if you took 30 minutes to transcribe that file.

It’s almost impossible to do it in 6 minutes no matter how fast you type so you can see that you won’t be making much money here.

The good news is that you can cash out anytime to your PayPal account and doesn’t take much hassle at all to get paid or have any minimums.



Well, if you work this long enough and very hard enough, your pay can go up by being promoted to be a Reviewer, Proofreader, or Quality Controller.

You will be graded for your performance A – D like back in school and if you can keep a certain grade up you can be promoted or demoted if your grades don’t stay up.

If you’re a reviewer for example, you can earn to be a self-reviewer too which means you can review your own transcriptions and get paid twice for the same 6 minute audio file.

The more you can do this, the higher up you can be promoted.

If you’re able to work 8 hours a day for 6 days a week, Scribie says you can earn an average of these rates per month:

Scribie - income potential per month


To work more than full-time hours just to be paid part-time rates, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather do something else that will pay off bigger than this.

But, if you like what you see and willing to put in that many hours just to make a few hundred per month, and you’re happy with that, then go for it.




No, I don’t think Scribie is a scam although some may say it is because of their low pay, but you are offered real opportunities to transcribe and they do pay you for it, although low.

If they didn’t pay you, then it would be a scam, but it sounds like people are getting paid and you’re not being taken for a ride.

The process of Scribie is simple enough but I’m betting you can get more paid from other freelance services like or where you can get hired directly by the people who needs this service instead of going through a middle man like Scribie.

Anyway, there are choices if this is what you want to do.

Personally, I think it takes way too much time to earn so little and, therefore, I do NOT recommend Scribie for this reason.




If you really want to work full time from home, you will need a full time income.  I mean, why else would you want to work from home otherwise, right?

Transcription won’t give that full time income you’re looking for but building your own online business will as I mentioned earlier.

Why? Because you’re able to reach so many more people using the business model that will work very well with having your own business.

I’ve detailed out everything I’m talking about here in my free guide:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


Like I said earlier as well, no, you will not get paid right away when you build your own business as businesses need time to grow as well as time for you to build it.

You will see in my free guide above what I’ve been using since Sep ’16 to learn how to do this, how the business model works, why it works, and how you can get started for FREE today!

You will even have free lessons, business tools and support for you to learn from and you can try it all for free.

Having your own business in a topic you get to choose is the best way to build a full time passive income!

Start building today as you have no more time to waste!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Scribie is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



4 thoughts on “Is Scribie A Scam Or Could You Really Make $1000/Month?”

  1. They pay below minimum wage for an average typing speed of 30-60/WPM. Each file segment is an average of 1000 words. You will earn $2-4/hour if you are fortunate enough to get clear audio and no foreign accents, which they do not offer consistently. When you work difficult files they downgrade severely, so you will earn little or nothing, and spend most of your time challenging automated grading.

    They try to justify the criminal violation of US laws by saying they hire the inexperienced. It does not matter whether you have experience. Entry level jobs in the US are required to pay living wage. Paying below minimum wage is stealing. It is a violation of US labor law and US fair labor practice. Stealing is stealing no matter how you look at it.

    There are all sorts of cheats and abuses besides the ones described that go on there at Scribe and other online sweatshops. Of all of them, I think creating or perpetuating poverty is the worst. In my opinion it is worse than being dishonest about pay rates, giving unfair grades that take eight hours of extra time per day to challenge and reverse.

    For anyone who is an average typist of 30-60/WPM their false advertising of earnings is never going to happen. They will cut you for no legitimate reason if you consistently earn more than a few dollars a day. If you make it to the top, they will douse you and start over with another low earner.

    • Hi Jol, Scribie is NOT providing you with a JOB here, you’re not their employee. You are a contractor to them, you are free to CHOOSE to do this or not. Yes, their sucks, that’s why I don’t recommend them.

      You have the freedom to use a different site or start your own online business like I suggested in my free guide which, with time & hard work, you can make way more than what you’ll ever earn at Scribie or any of these online transcription offers.

      I wish you best of luck,

  2. They have just changed their grading policy and it is now virtually impossible to keep your grades up without being highly selective about files you choose to do to the point where I’ve gone from an average 4.5+ grade as a reviewer to dropping to 4 in a day… I had very few rejections and every one I disputed was overturned. the proofreading in completely subjective at best and outright wrong on many occasions. They will surely lose many freelancers over the next few weeks as this starts to bite. Files are already backing up because the audio is very poor on 90% of the files and nobody is taking them on due to what has now become a farcical grading system whereby the client is now basically reviewing the transcripts and changing them subjectively to suit what they originally wanted to record. this is a joke when the obvious aspect of human nature kicks in and changes are made to the original after the fact… What fool thought that was a good idea to pursue?

    • Thank you Fred for sharing your experience with everyone. Sorry to hear of your experience and I’m sure much time wasted.

      I suggest you check out my free guide here where I tell how the exact method I used to make my 4 digit online income these days.

      Best of luck to you,


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