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I was emailed this product that seems to be called Wake Up To Cash and wanted to see if it is a scam or not so I watched the the video and boy.
I’m glad you’re wondering if you should trust this Wake Up To Cash site too because I can tell you right now that it’s not what it seems.
I’ve been doing so many product reviews here that I see this type of site all the time so my Wake Up To Cash review below will show you exactly what you really need to know so that you can make a better decision for yourself.
I will break my review down into these sections that you can click to jump to:
- What Is Wake Up To Cash?
- How Wake Up To Cash Really Works
- Is Wake Up To Cash A Scam?
- Build A Real Online Business Without Costing You Thousands
If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
Program Name: Wake Up To Cash
Price: $49 + $10,000’s (Yup!)
Owner: James Wendell
Recommended? No
The sales video at Wake Up To Cash will take you through how this one guy James Wendell got into this system that can make you tons of cash.
He tells you his sob story about how hard he was working at this shipping and receiving plant, then one day finds a solution to get out of that grind because he hates it so much.
The magic system he found makes him so much money now that he just has time to do everything he’s always wanted to do including living in fancy houses, fast sports cars, and world wind vacations that he just goes on the whim.
This kind of life is what everyone dreams about but joining his system will not give you such a life, especially him telling you that you only have to work 30 minutes a day and the rest of the day is yours.
No “real” self-made millionaires will tell you they got their millions from only working 30 minutes a day and no system is just going to dump massive cash into your bank account with a click of a few buttons.
You also can’t trust any of the testimonials in the sales video either because it’s totally fake as well which I’ll prove in a second.
The reality is, this guy has no system, he’s actually promoting a system that is double hidden because when you continue and click on that green button below the sales video, you’ll be taken to the Automated Daily Income checkout page.
First, it’s hidden in the sales video because he claims it’s “his traffic system” on the Wake Up To Cash site then the real system is still hidden at the checkout page because Automated Daily Income is also not the real system because I had previously proved it in the review I wrote here.
So what is it?
Its underlying system is MOBE (My Online Business Education, Ltd) which is a very high ticket program that requires massive amounts of money from you.
Don’t think anyone can just use this system and earn tons of cash from it, many people chase this kind of shiny object and get themselves into massive debt.
There are also tons of sites like Wake Up To Cash that hide this program unfortunately like My Optimized Success Plan and The Passive Payday, so you must be careful of these types of “sounds too good to be true” sales pitches.
Basically Wake Up To Cash site is owned by some member of the MOBE program who’s trying to get you to join under false pretenses which I find this kind of marketing to be highly unethical and misleading.
Once you join for $47 (or $49 or $99), then you’re going to go through some training but you won’t get too far into it because you’ll need to call your “coach”.
The “30 minutes a day” comes from this call you’re supposed to make so that this “coach” can help guide you in your business.
But, really what this “coach” is for is to get you to spend, spend, and spend. That person is no coach but a sales rep who will also get commissions when you buy these packages.
You see, the small initial payment is just the start of your spending.
MOBE uses the “licensing” business model where you will have to buy everything you want to promote and earn commissions from first.
Without buying these high ticket products that they already have for you to promote, you won’t have anything to promote and this whole business won’t work.
They have 5 digital marketing packages you can promote and they cost in the thousands as seen here:

If you don’t want to lose any commissions, then you’ll need to pay $295/month plus invest $64K into this program.
Most people will take one look at this and run away and that’s probably why they market this program so unethically because no one would even give them the initial smaller amount if they already knew the true cost of this program.
Still, it doesn’t make it right for them to market they way they do.
Anyway, I digress. After you have dropped tens of thousands of dollars into this program, then you’re supposed to go out there and use one of their fake sites like Wake Up To Cash to go out to mislead more people to join.
If they join and buy those digital products, then you make your thousands in commission and then your recruits will go out to mislead more people to join and the cycle repeats.
Nobody is creating anything of value, no outside sales, no retail sales, you’re just passing money from one new member to an existing member.
Well, a similar company that has this same business model got recently sued by the FTC so I don’t know how much longer this MOBE will be in business quite frankly.
It’s only a matter of time when the FTC goes after MOBE as well and you’ll wake up one morning to find out all the money you’ve put in is a complete waste.
Why This Won’t Work
Besides the fact that you may be shut down by the FTC, I know a lot of people lose tons of money joining systems like this.
It’s not only because of the massive amount of money you need to buy their products but also because there are way more money to be spent.
Having all those template fake sites will get you nowhere because they are just one page sites and no search engine will show these sites to anyone, so you will need to use paid traffic to have your landing pages seen by people.
Paid traffic is not for the faint of hearts because you can spend thousands a month easily testing your ad campaigns to finally get something that converts decently.
Unless you have a huge email list already or a big online presence before you joined MOBE, this will be very hard to get your money back and a very long time.
Also, you’ll need to recruit massively in order to find the very few that can afford such a high ticket program.
Red Flags
Here, I will show you why this Wake Up To Cash can’t be trusted and what you should look for as well if you come across more systems or programs like this.
#1 Red Flag – Fake Testimonials
There are many testimonials in Wake Up To Cash’s sales video but these are really just actors and you can just hire people like that on freelancing sites like
You can literally hire someone for $5 to make a short testimonial for you with whatever script you want them to read from.
Here are a few examples:
There are actually a lot more but I think you get the point here and see what’s going on so I won’t bore you with more.
#2 Red Flag – Hyped Up Income In Short Amount of Time
The sales video talks so much about making thousands of dollars in their first month or making 5 figures in 3 months.
Think about any kind of real life business that could make this kind of money in such short time, they don’t exist. If those figures were true, I would be doing this system myself. LOL
There really is no system out there that can just dump massive amount of money into your bank account like they say with a click of a few buttons. Such systems simply do not exist.
Also working only 30 minutes day will get you nowhere.
#3 Red Flag – Different Checkout Page
Whenever a program leads you from one site to a completely different checkout page, this is a huge red flag.
I wanted to bring this point up to you again because a product or system that you’re buying should remain on the same site that they claim is theirs.
Remember that these guys are selling “their system” or in this case, “James’ system”, so the checkout page should be on the same Wake Up To Cash domain, but nope, it jumps to Automated Daily Income.
So beware of this in the future for other sites like this that they claim their system can make you tons of money and so forth when they are actually hiding the real system.
If they were more transparent and say, “hey I found a system that works for me and you can get it here”, and gives you a link that goes to the website of the actual system they are talking about, then of course that’s fine.
But all these members of MOBE market like this, claiming the system is their own when it’s not.
Yes, I am concluding that Wake Up To Cash is a scam because it’s claiming to sell a system that is their own when it’s not.
I also call them a scam because of all the massive misleading things they tell you in their sales video as well with all the fake testimonials too.
If the MOBE system is so great, then Wake Up To Cash should just tell people what it is and be transparent about it.
It’s obviously not that great so that’s why they have to use these fake sites to promote it.
Ask yourself if this is the way you want to make money, tricking others into something you know is highly misleading and unethical.
They also use a business model that makes you put in thousands of dollars just so the existing member that got you in & the sales rep can earn commissions – this is actually seen as a cash gifting scheme to some and they are just wrapping it up in a nice bow in these high ticket marketing packages.
I wouldn’t do this kind of system if that was the last thing available but don’t fret, this is not the only way to make money online.
You could probably tell that I do not recommend Wake Up To Cash.
There is definitely another business model that doesn’t require you to spend thousands of dollars and this one is much more beginner friendly.
This is actually a business model that’s been around for a long while, and it’s been working for many people to build an online business that attracts its own organic free search traffic.
You’ll also be able to build a business of great value and helping others instead of misleading them.
I’ve been using this business model myself since Sep/16 and have always loved this kind of business model.
To find out more of what I do and how it all works, you can check it all out in my free guide here:
My guide will have all the information you’ll need to make a wise, educated decision and nothing is hidden or misconstrued.
You will see why this business model works and where you can even get started for FREE! You will get business tools to use, lessons to learn from, plus have your online business started in no time.
Since you are building a real online business, this will take some time to build as real work effort is needed as well as time to allow it to grow.
There will be no get rich quick schemes here I’m afraid as those never work and no system like that actually exists.
Stop wasting time on scams and see for yourself what you can be building for your future!
If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Wake Up To Cash is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂
Let’s make money online!
what if you don’t own your own business do they teach you how to make your own business?
Hi Christina, if you’re referring to the program in my guide, then yes. It’s an actual affiliate marketing training platform that teaches you how to build your own business using a topic of your choice. Also, you get tons of help on the platform and if you join with me, you will get a Super Affiliate as your coach!
The Wake Up To Cash is not a good program at all to join, I wouldn’t risk it.
Best to you,
Very informative Grace . Thank you
You’re welcome Sheldon, thanks for visiting.
Here’s how I make money online that you can learn how to do as well from the exact method I use, find out here!
Best of luck to you!
How are you making money online? Do you have a business license?
Hi Felicia, I make money online with this website and a business model I use on my website to earn from is all explained in my money making guide: check it out here!
I don’t need a business license since I only need one in my jurisdiction if I am selling something, which I’m not.
Just check my money guide to see how this all works!
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They are all not good. They don’t provide value that you can actually LEARN from.
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