What Is PTC Bank About? Could Make Money Or Is It A Scam?

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Is PTC Bank A Scam or LegitIf you’re wondering what PTC Bank is about, then you’ve come to the right place!  My review will answer you whether PTC Bank is a scam or if you can really make money with it.

There are many sites out there that look legit but then they turn out to be scams when I look into it so I’m glad you’re smart enough to do your research first!

I can tell you right now that this PTC Bank review won’t go well for them since I haven’t come across many good things about this place in my research.

Let me take you through what I found:



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PTC Bank Logo


Program Name: PTC Bank

Website: ptcbank.net

Price: Free

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? NO

PTC Bank is a website where you can earn money clicking on ads, viewing them for the required amount of time, and earn money from just doing that.

PTC stands for Paid To Click and there are many of these types of platforms around but most of them are not legitimate so these types of sites usually have a bad rap to start with.

You usually can’t earn more than a few cents at a time, if that, the norm is fractions of a penny but PTC Bank is offering $0.10 per ad you view which is a red flag.


PTC Bank Home Page


That’s very high for this industry and this industry pays low because you hardly do any work for it.  You’re clicking a link to go to a website to watch for like 30 seconds then you’re done.

You should only get fractions of a penny for it.

The ads you are looking at are from those who advertise on this PTC Bank platform and how PTC Bank owners make their money.

These guys have a minimum payout minimum of $100 which is just outrageously high again for this industry which is another huge red flag.

They offer many different payout options including PayPal, Payza, Western Union, EFT payments, and quite a lot of payment types not usually found in the industry.

PTC Bank pays out every 15 days, twice a month, and even provides a page of payment proof but the only problem with that is that I can see that the images are edited and not real.

I looked at the PayPal confirmations, since I’m most familiar with those, and the sections where it has “PTC Bank”, you can totally see the image was edited to put their name there and the fonts are not even the same.

So, I don’t think you can trust any of the payment proof you see.

PTC Bank Payment Proof Is Fake




How this PTC Bank really works is they are going to make you think you are earning money, letting you view these ads and accumulate your earnings in your balance.

They even tell you to refer others to the platform so you can earn 50% of your referrals’ earnings which is quite a lot you can earn.

The only problem is that when you reach close to their $100 minimum payout mark, your account will mysteriously get disabled.

Something will start to not work on your account and you may not be able to log in at all.

There are many complaints online about this found on Scam Book and Complaints Board where PTC Bank closes down accounts that are near the payout minimum.

You are left with nothing but a big waste of time and you won’t be able to get back into your account.

The owners will then just profit from all the ads but not paying those who are viewing them, giving themselves a nice inflow of cash and nothing going out.

With all their unusual practices from industry standards, I’m not surprised that they won’t pay people.

This is just another PTC that can’t be trusted, especially with all their red flags.




There’s no doubt that PTC Bank is a scam and I would not trust this site at all.

Their rates are too high, they don’t pay people who’s invested all their time to building their accounts up to $100, and their payment proof images are edited.

You won’t be making any real money here and I know this also because you can’t use your account balance to buy ads.

Payments for advertisers are ONLY by PAYPAL and PAYZA, PTCBANK BALANCE IS NOT ACCEPTED in the advertising system.

Whenever I see this clause it tells me that people’s account balances are useless because they don’t pay out, so that money in your account balance is not real, that’s why you can’t use it to buy any ads with it.

PTC Bank Can't Pay With Account Balances


I’ve seen this clause used in other scam PTC sites as well.

With everything discussed, I think you can see why I do not recommend you using PTC Bank.

If you still really want to do online activities like that to earn money, you are better off with a more legitimate platform like Fusion Cash (Get $5 Sign Up Bonus here, read review here) or Swagbucks (Sign Up here, read review here) that actually pays out.




Do you want to make pocket change forever or do you want to make some real money?

If you go Fusion Cash or Swagbucks above, although they are legitimate places to make money at, they are never going to get you out of the rat race and you’ll just be earning pocket change for months on end.

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You will learn how this business model works, why it works, what you’ll be doing and where you can even get started for FREE!

Yes you can check it out, learn from their training, use available business tools and get your online business live on the internet for free!

You will need to make sure you put some real work effort into building your online business because it does take time to build.

This is definitely more of a long term strategy in building a full time income online but well worth it!

Stop wasting more time making pocket change, and start learning how to be free from your 9 to 5!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether PTC Bank is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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