Instant Income At Home Must Read Review: Scam Or $500/Day?

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Is Instant Income At Home a scamAre you captured by the sales video at the Instant Income At Home site or are you wondering if it’s a scam waiting to take your money?

If you’re researching around, then you’re way smarter than a lot of people who will fall for such products as Instant Income At Home.

No matter what system it is, nothing will make you $500/day instantly, especially not for beginners.  Even experts take time to make that kind of money.

In my Instant Income At Home review below, you will see what this really is and why you won’t be making mad cash with this.

Here are the sections I will be covering:



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Product Name: Instant Income At Home


Price: $37

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No

The Instant Income At Home promises hyped up results like $500 – $1,000 a day with posting, liking and commenting on Facebook.


Instant Income At Home sales video home page


Making it sound easy to make this kind of money just by doing things you’re already doing on Facebook and other online forums.

They even promise you $500 for making it to the Level 2 video which we all now know is a complete lie.

The premise of this system is that they found some weakness in Zuckerberg’s and Gates’ systems and they have built their own system that can suck money out of their money making sites into your bank accounts.

If this doesn’t sound ridiculous, I don’t know what is.

No one can suck anything out of those millionaires’ systems, it doesn’t work that way and the Internet is full of these types of products that promises nonsense.

I’m so sure this lady was 1 out of 10 that got to attend this meeting between these millionaires, these are some crazy lies.

Besides, Instant Income At Home is not the system they are selling, even though it says that in their checkout page.

The sales video itself along with the links on their home page all points to one system: The Facebook Money System, which I already reviewed earlier.

It had the same story, same sales tactics, same lies.

There are other products that are similar like this one such as Facebook Cash System and Facebook On Fire.

They all say you can make a TON of money on Facebook by just posting, liking commenting, and sharing on there which is not true.

You will have to do much more than that to make money with Facebook and there’s definitely no loopholes around their systems to make money as easy as they make it sound.




How this really works is just to give you a familiar topic like Facebook and make you think that it’s super easy to make money with it.

They will then tell you all sorts of crazy stories just to make you think they have something real here.

But the truth is, I have been online not just socially but for business as well for over the last few years and I can tell you right now there are only a few ways to make money with Facebook.


Instant Income At Home's system makes money on Facebook


The way they are teaching you in Instant Income At Home will not make you much money, at least not way they teach you.

They will teach you to get affiliate links from stores you like such as,, etc and promote products on Facebook and other social media platforms.

You can make a little bit of money like that but majority of the time, you will only start to annoy people on the social platforms if that’s all you do.

You will be banned if you do it too often as well so posting and sharing affiliate links on social media can only earn you pocket change and nothing near $500 – $1,000 a day like Instant Income At Home says you can make.


Instant Income At Home $500 sales tactic


The sales tactic of giving you $500 for making it to Level 2 is pure joke.  Of course the product doesn’t cost $537 to start with, and then the $500 you get is the discount on a make believe price.

If this Instant Income At Home system actually worked and did make people $500 – $1,000 a day, don’t you think this system would be sold for a lot more money than $37?!

You get what you pay for folks and I think this is already over priced since the whole principle of making that much money from posting, liking, commenting, and sharing on Facebook is grossly exaggerated, I can’t imagine what kind of training they offer on the inside.




If you think a product is a scam because it doesn’t live up to the promise it advertises, then this Instant Income At Home is definitely a scam.

But if you think a product is a scam because it takes your money and run, then they may not be a scam because I’m sure you will get some low grade training on how to post on FB that will make you money.


Instant Income At Home promises hyped up income


However you look at this, it doesn’t matter, it’s not going to make you $500 – $1000 a day buying this product and I can say this confidently even though I did not purchase this because I have reviewed hundreds of products in this space and have seen enough scams to know what it looks like.

At best, you’ll get some very basic training and you may make a few bucks that won’t last in the long run.  This kind of method of trying to make money with affiliate marketing without a website will NOT work out.

At worse, you will be funneled into a high ticket program that makes you pay thousands of dollars to have the selling rights to promote their high ticket products.

Either way, this is not good news for you and I would not touch this ever so I can’t recommend Instant Income At Home to you.




I find that people who want to make money online only want to make it quick but anything that makes you money quick is not sustainable in the long run and it doesn’t make you a lot of money.

You need to build a real money maker instead and use your time to learn to how to do this because it will be worth your while in the long term.

Building an online business will not only provide you with a great web presence but it will act as a vehicle for you to attract tons of targeted visitors to your business.

I have explained how this kind of online business works, why it works and where you can start building one for FREE today in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Here Button


In my guide, you will learn the truth on how to make money online properly and where to learn everything you need to know.

I’ve used the exact same method to build my online business and have been doing this particular site since Sep ’16.

If you work at it and build it consistently, you can really build it to a level of success that you’ve always dreamed of.  The techniques you will learn can help you build as many online businesses as you have time for.

Stop getting scammed today and start building a real asset!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Instant Income At Home is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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