Best Way on How to Make Money With No Money on Clickbank

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How to Make Money With No Money on ClickbankWhen people start out in affiliate marketing, they often go to places like Clickbank to find affiliate products to promote because it’s a widely known affiliate network.

However, as beginners, you are usually on a limited budget and you may want to know how to make money with no money on Clickbank.

Clickbank offers many merchants that have digital products for you to promote and many of us newbies flock to Clickbank because it’s free to join and you get instant access to affiliate products.

It was sure a happening affiliate marketing network when I first started back in 2016 and many products have come and gone since then.

Fast forward to 2019, with many new affiliate networks coming out, you come to question, “Can I still make money with Clickbank?”

The answer is: Yes. A lot of beginners still choose Clickbank as their first option in finding offers to promote to their audience. It remains active and still has a lot of listed offers.

So let’s see how you’ll go about making money with Clickbank with no money.



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A Quick Review on Clickbank

Clickbank is an affiliate network that has a collection of digital products and offers that you can promote. This means that the platform is the connection between digital sellers or product creators and affiliate marketers.

So, if you’re going to use this platform, you’re going to use it solely for the purpose of finding an affiliate product to promote on your website (more to this topic later on).


Clickbank Home page


Join Clickbank for FREE

For you to promote Clickbank offers, you have to sign up first at Joining is fast and easy.

To become an affiliate, just go to the sign-up page, fill up the information, and you should be accepted right away as there is no pre-approval process.

It is 100% free, so you don’t have to worry about spending any money.


Find the Right Products to Promote

Affiliate marketing is effective once you have a target product that you can offer to your target audience.

To find a product to promote, simply go to Clickbank’s website and check out the “Marketplace”. Once there, filter the offers by going through the Categories.

Go through the products and choose the one that fits your niche and is useful to your audience.

Going through the categories will help you find the niche that you want to go into. 

You’ll want to concentrate on a niche so that you can provide the right information to your audience and as they go through your content, they can find other ways to help them if you’re just concentrating in a niche.

Anyone going into affiliate marketing always starts with a niche, so check out this post if you don’t have a niche.


Check Products That Are Top-sellers

It’s quite impossible to determine which products are the most ideal to promote. This product may work well with me but won’t have the same effects on you, or it may be a best-seller but does not contribute any use to your audience.

However, I can show you how to find top products in your niche, but you must do your part as well. Don’t promote a product because it’s popular. It should also relate to you and your audience.

To find top-selling offers, sort results by Gravity. This is Clickbank’s metrics that ranks offers according to how much they were sold compared to how much they were clicked. It uses a scale from 0 to 100.

This means that if the offer has a 30+ gravity, then we can assume that it sells quite well. However, it’s important to note that the offer may have a good gravity score because it sold well before, but has declined since then.

This is the reason why you must know your audience and determine which products are really useful to them.



How to Promote Your Products and Earn From It

The best method on how to make money with no money on Clickbank is by making unique and useful content about the products you want to promote and why they are beneficial to your audience.

The more you can presell your audience, the more likely they will buy from you especially if you show how the product benefits them.

In order to do this, I mentioned you’ll need a website to create this content on so when you’re promoting it, people has a place to go.

But if you’re just starting, you might be worried right now how you’re going to build a website when your goal is to start affiliate marketing without spending any money.

I’m going to discuss that later on this post and show you where you can get one for free but for now, let’s continue.


Laptop with 2 pens and phone


When you create content, make sure that your readers will benefit from it or it should be something they can do or use today.

For example, if your niche is healthy living, you can post topics about healthy food to include in their diet, a healthy daily routine, or something like that.

This approach is building trust among your readers and can be like “pre-selling” your products. You’re convincing your audience even without the product yet.

Once you have a target audience who trust you, you can now make product reviews and recommend products.

This is where you’re going to promote the offers from Clickbank. Since your readers trust you, it will be easier to convince them to click your affiliate link.

Therefore, building an online presence is very important and why you need a website.  Your website will be your internet home for people to find you.

Your website will be where people can find you and will allow you to get ranked in search engines where thousands more will find you.

This is why building a website to promote affiliate products is so important.


A Free and Easy Way to Build Your Website

Since your goal here is to start without involving money, I’d like to share with you an affiliate marketing training platform that offers a Free Starter membership account where you’ll be given a free website once you sign up.

This platform is Wealthy Affiliate, and this is where my affiliate marketing business started two and a half years ago in 2016.

It’s a really useful platform because they provide training to their members and have the right tools to kickstart your affiliate marketing business, as this is what they specialize in.

They offer a Free Starter that gives you access to Premium features in the first 7 days. Full access is only available in Premium accounts.

After the seven days, you can retain your free account if you prefer it, but can only access the features available on the Free Starter.

Since they offer you a free website, you can use this to start creating content, building your audience, and pre-selling your products from Clickbank.


Wealthy Affiliate Websites Menu


The first 10 free lessons that you’ll have access to will show you how to create your first website and start building it with some foundational pages.

You can also join Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program even with the Free Starter account. This is another way for you to earn with affiliate marketing, but you earn half of what Premiums earn.

Once you start earning, I recommend you upgrade to their Premium account so that you can learn all the strategies on how to get ranked on search engines.

Honestly, unless you know how to use a website to drive traffic, it’ll be very hard for you to do be successful at this without the rest of the training on Wealthy Affiliate.

However, I understand how people start out with very tight budgets, so you can try on your own first to see if you can do it, but ultimately, it’s best to get the Premium so you can learn how to build this business properly and correctly from the get-go.

As a Premium member, you’ll have full access to all their training, tools, and you will earn twice what Free Starter members earn if you decide to also promote Wealthy Affiliate.


Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here


With all the information I’ve just shared, I firmly hope that you can start your affiliate marketing journey for free at Wealthy Affiliate but if you want to really want to earn a passive income stream that’s life changing, then upgrading is a must.

You can read this post here and see how I’ve made $40K in 2018 because of Wealthy Affiliate’s training.

Just remember that earning money online is not going to be quick, if it was quick and easy, then everyone would be doing it.

Building an online business is no different than building an offline business, they all take a lot of work effort before you can reap the rewards of all that hard work.

Consistent hard work at that, especially when you’re not earning yet. (Secret tip!)


I wish you all the luck for your affiliate marketing success! It’s totally achievable when you have the right guidance and training.

If a stay at home mom can do it, so can YOU!


If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or how you can make money with no money on Clickbank, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below! I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now

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