Wealthy Affiliate 2019 Review: $40K Results, YES It’s Worth It!

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.


Wealthy Affiliate 2019 Review: $40K Results, YES It's Worth It!Happy New Year and glad you’re here to check out my 2019 Wealthy Affiliate Review as I get to report some very exciting news that will show you how worth it Wealthy Affiliate really is!

I have had an incredible year, this past year, and I’m so grateful for the success I’ve had as I’ve worked really hard for.

This January, 2019, I’m excited to be able to report last year’s income that amounted to $40K for last year!  This is all from my one website here that’s a result of Wealthy Affiliate’s training!

I will be going through how I have made that money but more importantly what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

So, check out these sections to see my Wealthy Affiliate review for 2019:




For those who want to just listen to me talk about this, then you can just watch my video here:




After Watching:

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If you want to learn affiliate marketing and how to build an online business around that business model, then Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be.

Wealthy Affiliate is the leading affiliate marketing training platform in the industry and has been in business since 2005.

With owners like Kyle & Carson, you know you will be taken care of as a member there, as they improve the platform every year to make it better for us.

This year will not be an exception, there will be more goodies in store for us to use so we can step up another level in our business.

You will learn through their step by step, comprehensive training how to build a blog website like the one you’re on now, Work Anywhere Now, and learn how to use affiliate marketing to monetize it.

What does a blog have to do with it?  Let’s first check out how affiliate marketing works.


How Affiliate Marketing Works

Let’s say you’re online searching for which puppy food is best for your small Yorkie puppy.  You type into Google “best puppy for yorkies” or something similar.

You’ll then see a bunch of search results and will probably click on the first few results on that first page to go find your answer.

You may see an answer you like on a particular blog about puppy food for Yorkies and click on the link to the puppy food that blog owner recommended.

And if you ended up buying something, that blog owner will earn a commission!

This is how affiliate marketing works, the best way to use affiliate marketing, and that’s what Wealthy Affiliate teaches, how to build blogs like that Yorkie blog to show up on Google’s first page of results.

That is how you’ll attract visitors for free and earn like me without paying for any advertising or promotions!

Free organic search traffic is also the highest targeted traffic you can get so learning this method on how to rank on Google is very powerful.

So let’s take a look at their training next.


What Does Wealthy Affiliate Offer?

They have two core courses:

The OEC course is for those who want to create their business by choosing their own niche, and the AB course is for those who want to promote Wealthy Affiliate in the affiliate marketing or make money online niche.

Click on image if you want to go check it out for free, it’ll be on your left menu under “Training”:

The Best Training On Affiliate Marketing Is The Online Entrepreneur Certification course


Both courses have the same strategy on how to build this business, but AB just has more examples that focuses on promoting Wealthy Affiliate itself.

OEC has 5 Levels and AB has 7 Levels with 10 lessons in each level.  If you use their Free Starter membership, you get the first level of each course free plus 2 websites!

There are also tasks at the end of each lesson so you can take action on what you just learned so this is applied learning.

You will be building your online business alongside your learning which is really the best way to learn something so you don’t forget what you learned.

Taking action is one of the most important part of this process and these tasks help you keep moving forward.

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When you follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll learn how to pick a niche because your blog website needs to be about something and should be a focused topic.

Then, you’ll learn how to build lots of high quality content.  This content will be valuable to those in your niche and can help them in some way.

You’ll also learn how to add affiliate products to your content to monetize your site with.

You will learn how to use keywords and SEO techniques to get your blog content ranking on Google’s search results.

Once you can get on Google’s search results and start getting visitors on your posts, you will make money when your visitors click on your affiliate links and buys your recommended products or services!

That’s how it works and that is how I made my money as well.

I followed Wealthy Affiliate’s training, built this site you’re on, and the results show (click image for full story):


2018 In Review - How I Made $40K with Affiliate Marketing


I not only made money from Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program but also with display ads and guest posts.

My website here is about making money online with affiliate marketing so I mostly promote Wealthy Affiliate.  This is just what I chose to do, you can pick any topic you wish.

With this website, I help a lot of people who want to make money online how to get started with affiliate marketing by showing them what Wealthy Affiliate is.

When people go check out Wealthy Affiliate with my affiliate links or green buttons like the ones you see on this page, they will be tracked to me but I don’t earn anything until they upgrade to Premium.

Everyone gets the free “Starter” account first and they can decide if they want to upgrade or not.

When they do upgrade, I make a commission.

With my results, which are not that high guys because I was still ramping up at the beginning of last year, but in the video above, I show you someone who made 6 figures last year and he’s in the health & fitness niche.

You will have the blueprint to a real full blown online business when you join Wealthy Affiliate!




When it comes to websites, there are domain and web hosting costs.  A domain is usually around $15/year but web hosting costs are included with Wealthy Affiliate.

So on top of the domain cost of $15/year, you will have two membership options:

  • Free Starter Account (except there are 10 countries who are excluded from this membership due to high risk of fraud) – For those who are from the 10 countries that are not eligible for the Starter free account, that means you’ll have to go directly to Premium.

This Free Starter account includes 2 websites and the first 10 lessons of each course.  This is a free-for-life account so you don’t need to upgrade if you don’t want to.  Once you upgrade, you don’t go back to a free account if you cancel.

  • Premium Account – $49/month, $234/6-months, or $359/year – this opens up the entire platform to you including:
    • Live Weekly Webinars
    • Unlimited Keyword Research Tool
    • Live Chat
    • 1-on-1 Private Messaging
    • All Main Courses
    • All Classrooms
    • Access to Owners
    • and much more

If you’re serious with wanting to build this business as I’m living proof this works, then you should click the Premium Account link to go Premium right away and don’t waste anytime not having full access of this incredibly valuable training platform.


Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?

Let’s do the math, I’m an annual member who started in Sep/16, so let’s say that’s $359 x 2 = $718 plus the first few months so let’s say total I’ve spent $1,000 at Wealthy Affiliate to round up.

What have I earned?

Over $40K!  $40K was only in 2018, I made not even $2K in the first a year and a bit.

Thumbs UpSo do the math, is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?  YES I would say so!

Other costs to consider outside of this are other tools that you may want to add to your business like a paid theme, or email autoresponder for building email lists with, and that’s about it (don’t forget the tiny domain cost I told you above).

This business has no advertising costs if you want it and that’s what I have done, you can see the video to see proof of this.

I made all that money without having to advertise, that’s the power you’re learning at Wealthy Affiliate.


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Community of SupportYou Know What Else Is Free?

The community inside which is a real gem!

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the best business communities ever and unheard of on a training platform anywhere else.

Everyone is focused on building their online business so you’re surrounded with all like-minded people and you’ll have access to beginners like yourself to money makers like me and even 7 figure earners, all at your fingertips.

This is the real secret of Wealthy Affiliate, everyone is so helpful on there and you just get to meet the nicest people.

There’s nothing like going through this lonely online journey to be able to bounce ideas or talk about your online business with people who will actually know what you’re going through, it’s immensely helpful.

If it wasn’t for the community’s help and support, I would not be where I am today for sure!




Let me be your CoachSo, now you know I’m a full-time income earner but you didn’t know that I’m also one of Wealthy Affiliate’s Super Affiliate.

Because of my success in 2018, I became one of their Super Affiliates, earning me a free trip to Vegas to attend their annual private Super Affiliate Conference where I’ll rub elbows with the owners and other Super Affiliates.

This will happen end of Jan/19, so it’ll be soon, look out for my update.

I’m also their Ambassador, for 326 days as of this writing, so I am a very active member who helps a lot of people, that’s how you become Ambassadors.

I’ve also been there for over 2 years, I started in Sep/16.

Why I’m telling you all this is not to brag but give you my credentials so you know that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this online business.

My Bonus to you is that if you sign up with me, I will be YOUR Personal Coach and provide you with guidance, mentorship.

Only those who sign up through me will be eligible, so sign up to Wealthy Affiliate with this button here:

Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here


Not every affiliate will be a coach for you, because that’s not part of affiliate marketing.  I’m just offering this to my referrals because I want to help you succeed.

I know with my background, I can help you stay on the path to success and guide you quickly.

I will send you a message on your profile after you sign up to let you know all the details of how to get my free coaching services.  Be sure to look out for a “littlemama” – that’s me! 🙂


If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding my Wealthy Affiliate review 2019 or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now


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