What Does Wealthy Affiliate Teach? How To Make Money!

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.


wealthy affiliate logoYou have heard of Wealthy Affiliate but wondering, “What does Wealthy Affiliate teach?” right?  I can tell you all about what they teach because I’m a Premium member there and have been so since September 2016, so I can give you an inside look.

They have two main courses that teaches you how to make money online with a website using affiliate marketing.  Affiliate marketing has been such a boom in the last few years, more and more people are interested in finding out how to use it to make money themselves.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the best training out there for affiliate marketing, and their courses are very organized with tasks at the end of each lesson to take action on your website.

They even include highly secured web hosting for your WordPress sites and they teach you how to build your website and monetize it properly so you can make money.


Today, I will walk you through their Online Entrepreneur Certification course, which is the main training course at Wealthy Affiliate.

The Best Training On Affiliate Marketing Is The Online Entrepreneur Certification course


Those who want to promote Wealthy Affiliate (as they have a very generous affiliate program) can use the other course they have which is called Affiliate Bootcamp, which I have reviewed in detail here.

Therefore, if you are not wanting to promote Wealthy Affiliate but you want to build your website based on your own topic or niche then the Online Entrepreneur Certification course is for you.


Here are the sections I’ll be reviewing about this course:




First, here’s a video for your to watch to get a full idea of how their courses work and how you will make money on Wealthy Affiliate:


Is This For YouThis course is for anyone who wants to learn about how to build a website to make money on the internet using affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the process of making a commission from someone buying a product you recommended on your website.  You will learn everything on how to do this in these lessons.

You do not have to have any prior experience as this course will teach you everything you will need to know.

The course is built for beginners in mind so you will not need to know anything about WordPress or know how a website is built, Wealthy Affiliate will teach you all the how’s.

This is also for people who want everything in one place.  Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform not only has the courses, but they also have all the business tools you’ll need such as user friendly website builder, highly optimized web hosting, domain registration, and keyword search tool.

You will not need to go to several places when learning at Wealthy Affiliate, you just need this one platform and you will be on your way to building your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate is also for people who are dedicated to do the work and build their online business until they see results.  This is not for people who just want a quick buck because this is a business after all, and businesses take time to build.

If you are looking for fast money, you will need to look elsewhere, this is for people who are interested in building something that’s long term, sustainable, and that will earn you a full time passive income in the future if you are willing to put in the work today.

If this is you, you will do very well at Wealthy Affiliate and you will learn so much that will help you achieve this goal!




The Online Entrepreneur Certification course has 5 Levels, and each level has 10 lessons.  At the end of each lesson, you will have tasks to perform to ensure you have understood the lesson and also to take action on your site.

The terms level and course will be interchangeable so Level 1 is the same as Course 1.  Just wanted to mention this as I will probably go back and forth on these two terms and it’s the same when you go onto the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 1 Getting Started

In this Getting Started level, you will learn how making money online works and lays down the basic foundation on how you can get started to do the same.

After understanding how making money online works, you will then learn how to find a niche that you want to work in and then you start building your website.

By the end of this level, you will have your very own website live on the internet, in a niche that you love to work in, and laying down the first layer of foundation for your website.

You will learn how to build your initial pages, what info needs to be on there, and what plugins you’ll need to make your website working well.

Before this Course 1 ends, you will have started to understand the importance of content creation and what that will mean for your website.

These first 10 lessons are FREE for anyone who signed up with their Free Starter membership, which is what everyone starts with.




To get to the rest of the Levels in this training, you will need to upgrade to the Premium membership which opens up the whole training platform for you.

Here in Level 2, there are many mechanics of your website you’ll be learning. First you will learn about the importance of having your own custom domain name and having an email that has an address that matches your domain, which gives more trust and professionalism.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 2 Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

You will then learn how to build your content that will include images, diving more deep into how the WordPress Editor works, and your first understanding of how keyword works.

Knowing how keyword works and how it brings you traffic, you will then start to see the power of content and how it will bring you tons of traffic with the method they teach on how to use and choose the keywords.

Learning how to use keywords in your content will help you get very relevant traffic to your website that is all free traffic and highly targeted to your niche.




Now, things get a bit more exciting with Course 3 here where you will learn all about make money!

You have so far learned how to build your website, how to use keywords, how to get traffic and ranking on search engines, now it’s time to get your website monetized.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 3 Making Money

You gotta remember that getting to this point has not been easy for some of you as you are learning all this brand new with zero knowledge.  For you to make it to this point, it’s really awesome so congratulations when you reach it!

This level will teach you all about how to leverage where your audience when they are near the end of their Customer Purchase Lifecycle and how to use affiliate marketing to capture this opportunity.

You will learn about affiliate programs, affiliate products, and how to use affiliate links on your website.

Learning the key to using affiliate marketing is to help others vs selling to others is very important, so you will learn more in-depth of how this will making you money the more you can help your audience.

Another way you will learn to earn money on your website is using Google Adsense and how to set this up.  This is totally passive income you will be earning once you get enough traffic to your site.

Getting to this level of the Online Entrepreneur Certification course gets very exciting and fun as you will learn how to use affiliate marketing to ensure maximum opportunities to make money with your site as your it grows and gets even more traffic.




In this day and age, it is imperative to have social media accounts if you have a website because it offers you new traffic opportunities you otherwise you wouldn’t get and it’s all free.

In Level 4, you will learn all about how to set up these accounts, what to post in them and what you should expect from them for traffic.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

On your own website, you will learn how to get it social engagement ready so that you will be able to take on comments from your readers.  You will learn the importance of replying to all the comments you’ll get so others viewing will trust that they will get a reply in return if they comment.

Ensuring your branding reaches out to your social media outlets, this course teaches you how to ensure your social media accounts have all the same branding as your website as these social accounts are an extension of your website.

There’s also a benefit to be social on the Wealthy Affiliate platform itself and you’ll be able to blog on there and create other types of content on the platform to earn money.

So this level really teaches you to be social on many levels of the communities available to you and how you should take advantage of all of them.




Level 5 continues to build on what you have learned so far plus what your game plan will be for the first year of your website.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 5 Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

You will learn that building content is will be main business here and producing the best helpful content to your readers will be the ultimate goal of your writing.

You will learn also how to get indexed and ranked faster on Google by installing Google Search Console (aka Google Webmaster Tools) and getting that set up.

Readability of your content will be a big factor going forward so you will learn how to format your posts better so that it’s easy for anyone to breeze through your writing.

You will also learn how to grab your audience’s attention by using the right headlines and images to provoke emotions.

You will learn how to write with intent not only in your blog posts but also in your replies to the comments your readers leave you.

You will also see how it’s important to have a writing schedule and have a plan for the next months and year ahead of you.  It’s so crucial for your website to continually churn out high quality content and at a frequency that’s as often as you possible can.

Having a writing schedule will very well help you plan out how much you can write and what you will be writing about.

After this level, you will be on your own, but you will have had all the knowledge you’ll need to continue to build your business until you achieve the level of success you wish to have.

Sky’s the limit and you can do this with the training at Wealthy Affiliate!






There are truly so many different people that sign up at Wealthy Affiliate but the ones that stick around are those who are willing to truly dedicate themselves to this type of online business.

I say this as sincerely as possible, this business takes time to build, but it’s not as hard as many offline businesses either.

My Wealthy Affiliate ProfileI would say this is one of the easier businesses to get into and the training at Wealthy Affiliate has helped me tremendously.  I have built this website from their training and I’m on my way to achieving the financial goals I have for this site.

Having said that, it does take time, I’m still within my first year of this website, so I still haven’t reached my goals yet but I know if I keep going I will.

There are many successful members at Wealthy Affiliate that tell us the same thing all the time, if you don’t give up, you will make it!

Besides the training aspect of Wealthy Affiliate, I absolutely love the members in there and the community that’s so warm and supportive.

You really get to build your business next to other entrepreneurs and learn from the ones who’s made it!

You also get to interact with the owners on the platform as well as learn in other ways like the Weekly Live Webinars which are so fun to attend.  If you can’t attend, there are instant replays within 24 hours of its broadcast so you can replay them anytime you wish, there are already well over 200 webinars to learn from past live shows.



At the end of the day though, this business is yours to build and if you don’t put in the effort, especially when you don’t see the results you’re looking for, no one else will do it for you and your website will only suffer if you don’t continue to build it every week.

On the other side, if you can keep going and make it, you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labor in a bigger way than you can imagine.

You can literally make a full time income with this business, and if you put even more effort into your site and monetize it with even more ways, you can make even more than you thought possible!

Your success is hinged on you using the techniques taught in the training above and waiting for your rankings to get better and better in the search engines.  Yes, it takes time for the search engines to trust your site and that is why you don’t see the fruits of your labor in this business until months down the road.

Churning out quality, helping content is key and creating product reviews are a huge factor as well that can get your site ranked better and on your way to financial success!




The great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is you’re able to test it out before you buy.  Some other training will make you pay before you even start.

This way, you get 2 free websites to start with plus the first 10 lessons of Online Entrepreneur Certification and the Affiliate Bootcamp courses.

To ensure this is right for you, you will have most of the Premium features available to you during the first 7 days and if you like it, then you upgrade; but if you don’t, you can stay a free member for as long as you want and upgrade later.

There are still other aspects of Wealthy Affiliate I haven’t explained in this post and you can learn even more in my full review with the click of this green button which will include a video tour of the platform:

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button


If you really like what you’ve heard in this post and want to sign up now, you can do so here:

Sign Up at Wealthy Affiliate Button


If you have any questions or thoughts about what Wealthy Affiliate teaches, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below and I will reply to you shortly as I always do!  ðŸ™‚



Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



7 thoughts on “What Does Wealthy Affiliate Teach? How To Make Money!”

  1. The bad thing about WA is when u ask questions on the platform, ur getting answers from anyone regardless of whether they’re knowledgeable or not. I have many times gotten answers that I found out to be wrong months later. And then had to go back and change everything. Sometimes I wish only those who actually have made success are allowed to offer advice.

    • Hi John, yes it is true that anyone on Live Chat can answer the questions needed to be answered and sorry to hear you have had some bad advice. This will happen when you have such a diverse group of members in the community. There are often more senior/experts on Live Chat including the owner himself.

      If they only had successful people on Live Chat then they would probably need to be paid and you wouldn’t have people on there 24/7. The best thing you can do is if you feel you didn’t get your question answered correctly or if it’s a bigger issue, you should just ask the whole community using the “Ask A Question” option then you can get opinions from several people to ensure you have the right answer. The other option is private messaging Kyle himself and you will definitely get the correct answer.

      Hope this will help with your future questions,

  2. I just gotta say one more thing. I keep hearing ppl stress the importance of writing “unique quality content” but I asked different ppl to explain what that even means and they have different opinions.

    There is this post on WA I read last night that says I cant even do research by reading other ppls articles then put it all into my own words because it wont be unique enough. This makes no sense after so many others have said its okay to do.

    And ppl keep acting like how dare i want to make money by inserting affiliate links, i should be helping ppl with “unique content”. As if im now greedy for adding a few aff links in a 1500 word post. Why would anyone be doing this if not for the money? Yes i help ppl too and most my content up to this point has been helpful posts without aff links. but at some point you gotta start commercializing the blog right?

    • Hi John,

      I’m not sure what post that is and it’s probably not part of the training. The training teaches us to do our own in-depth research and that includes reading other people’s articles, as well as other methods such as buying the product and testing it yourself, or find people in forums who’s used it and see what they think about it.

      After such research is done, it’s up to you to form your own opinion and write your article based on that research. How else will you write about a product? And this is what is taught in the training.

      I’m not sure who you are interacting with on there that say you are being greedy about putting affiliate links on your posts. You are building an online business and that means you are trying to make money with your website, this is not a non-profit you’re building.

      Again, the training shows you everything about how and when to put affiliate links, and Kyle teaches us to use them in our posts – how many to use, etc.

      If you write 1500 word post, you can at least have 3 affiliate links in there but they need to be relevant to your content. I had learned that if you put non-related affiliate links your post may not rank well.

      Anyway, back to the issue, from what you’ve written here, I can tell you know what to do and it’s what is taught in the lessons. I would say stick with the lessons and I can let you know who to ask questions to inside Wealthy Affiliate so you get the right answers. I can answer questions best I can, but I know there are many others who are more knowledgeable than me. Please PM me (@littlemama) in WA and we can discuss further.

      If you have any doubt when some member tells you something in the future, I would suggest that you to just go back to the training and check what the training says on that issue. That is your best bet is to follow what is taught.

      Thanks for expressing your frustrations but from my experience, the community has been more helpful than not so I would just be weary about taking advice from newer members, which you can see on their profile when they joined.

      I wish you much success in your business!

  3. Hello Grace. Its Doug from Wealthy Affiliate. A few nights ago, i made a slip up, and put an affiliate link in the wrong post. I put the link in my intro post, instead of the review post. Now, overnight, they have taken away my membership, my domains, my websites, all forms of contact, and my trust, I dont know if you remember me, i have asked you a few questions from time to time. I dont know if WordPress have done this, or the team at W.A. I dont know if they are temporarily punishing me , and my membership will be reinstated down the track. They have not left me an email, a message, nothing. I am curious if this is the usual way they do buisness. Its going to be extremely difficult to write an upbeat and happy review now. .Anyway, thanks for your time Grace. By the way, kicking website. Congrats, its awesome. Doug.

    • Hi Doug, I’m sorry to hear about this. I’m not sure what the circumstances were since I was not involved. When you violate platform rules, you will be locked out if it’s severe. If enough people thought you were spamming by reporing you, then the system automatically bans you.. but I’m not sure for how long and if it’s for only write-access or total lockout. I don’t know since I’ve never been locked out in my 2.5 years there.

      You can go on wealthyaffiliate.com/contact and write to Kyle & Carson about your circumstance and I’m sure you will be let back in. It may take a few tries because they get a lot of messages everyday, but if you see your message and sound reasonable for your to return, I’m sure they will let you back in.

      I’ve met the owners, they are not “mean” spirited people, they are very protected of the community inside Wealthy Affiliate, so violations are not taken lightly.

      I wish you the best of luck getting back your account which I know you can do if you explain yourself to them.

      Thanks for your kind words about my site. 🙂

    • Hi Doug,

      I’m pasting your other response here so everyone can see that Wealthy Affiliate did NOT do anything wrong as you first wrote above, and that it was your own doing.

      I can only attach an image of your response since I cannot move comments from one post to another.

      Comment from Douglas Hamilton on the wrong post, moving it to appropriate post.

      Thanks for the follow up,


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