Builderall Sales Funnels Make You Money: $100/Day?

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Builderall Sales Funnels Make You Money: $100/Day?Why $100 per day? Let me tell you.

If you can make $100 every day, you don’t need a job anywhere in the world.

It means you have enough marketing techniques to make it on your own. The answer to the question “can I really make a living on the internet?”

Eventually, YES! But reaching the $100/day is not easy but Builderall’s sales funnels will help you make that money.

The good news is, there are more methods available today. For the newbie marketers, it can be confusing on choosing a method and sticking with it.

In Builderall, it has everything business owners need, not only to build amazing responsive websites and blogs but also to market your companies successfully. It’s easy to use too.

This is why in this post; I’ve combed through the proven sales funnels for making money online that don’t need much initial investment.

Additionally, with all of these methods, you have the opportunity to build an authority site that could make your business a lot more passive in the future.

What are these 3 proven Sales Funnel that will generate income in your online business? You will find out in the following sections:


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What Is A Sales Funnel and Why Should I Care?

There are a lot of things that funnels can do for you. The sky is the limit when looking for a way to accomplish what you need inside of sales funnel.


Builderall Sales Funnel Templates


But, starting out, I understand that you need a little guidance, a little help on figuring out what you need or what you can do.

If you are looking for leads in your business, one of the best things to do is offer them a kind of value to draw them in for the exchange of their email address.

The coolest way to do this is to have a Sales Funnel, which is going to be precise to your desired clients and directly offer them something that is very valuable, showing your worth. It’s golden!

Why sales funnels work well is because your visitor will go down an undistracted series of pages on your website that will bring them closer to giving you their email address or making a purchase.

Your sales funnel will concentrate on a certain objective whether you just need leads or you want to actually generate sales, or some other conversion you want to see.

Whatever your objective, building the right sales funnel is crucial to your success and Builderall has 17 of these awesome, high converting sales funnel ready for you to customize with.

You will be able to access their 20 highly optimized sales funnel under their “Digital Marketing” plan ($29.90/month) or their “Builderall Business” plan ($49.90/month).

But don’t you worry, I have you covered with a 7 day free trial here so you can see what these sales funnels are like before you buy.

Today though, in this blog post, we are going to discuss three of these sales funnels:

  1. Lead Magnet Funnel
  2. Bridge Funnel; and
  3. Break Even Funnel

Let’s start with the Lead Magnet Funnel…



What Is a Lead Magnet Funnel? And Why You Need It?

Unsure if this is the right funnel for you? Unsure why you need a Lead Magnet Funnel compared to the other options?

Well, the Lead Magnet Funnel is definitely designed for valuable traffic that is already sincere to what you’re offering them. A lead is mindful of the problem and they are attentive that you hold a solution.


Builderall Lead Magnet Sales Funnel


With the Lead Magnet Funnel, you offer a different type of tangible freebie in exchange for an email address. Commonly, the offer is a report, video, or even a worksheet.

Giving something away that’s valuable will get you the leads you want.  It’s not a problem for people to give you their email address when you give them tons of value, it only makes that they give that email address to you so you can send them that freebie.

This is why a Lead Magnet Funnel works exceptionally well.  You basically have an opt-in page that tells them exactly what they are going to get and how that information is going to benefit them.


Builderall Lead Magnet Sales Funnel Blueprint


After they give you their email address and click the submit button, you will redirect them to a “Thank  You” page where you can immediately pitch them a soft sell or provide them directly to the free gift at that point and deliver your free gift to them.

Meanwhile, that captured email, you will be able to follow up with them and build a relationship with value-added email series.

By giving them more value in the email series, they will earn your trust even more and will be able to establish trust.

Once you have trust, they will more likely buy from you.

Now, that doesn’t mean that every gain lead is going to be money in the bank. As we know, leads can change their minds for a hundred reasons. But, these are people that are currently hunting for solutions to their problems.

Leads are the main focus of any business, without them, you have no business and with sales funnels, especially this Lead generation sales funnel, you will be able to capture more people to your business this way.



What is a Bridge Page Funnel and How It Works?

A bridge page funnel is a sales funnel that has three web pages in it: your opt-in page, a bridge page, and the affiliate marketing (or your own) product that you to want to promote which is usually not really part of your actual funnel but your bridge page will have affiliate links that brings your visitor to the affiliate product’s sales page.


Builderall Bridge Sales Funnel


The opt-in page is the first thing our visitor will see, which still needs to have some sort of value add item that they will get for giving you their email address.

On the bridge page, is a video where you’re bridging the gap between what they understand and what they need to understand to buy the product or the service on the next page.

The bridge page is basically a sales page with a video on it so you can explain further about the affiliate product.  This helps warm up your visitor to be hotter leads that gets them ready to buy.

You will be showing them all the benefits of the affiliate product here on the bridge page. Explaining to them how they can make it work for them, how they will be better off with it, etc.


Builderall Bridge Sales Funnel Blueprint


Then under the video will be a button for them to click with your affiliate link in it that will then take them to the affiliate product.

This is helpful for affiliate marketers who don’t control the pages they are sending their visitors to when they are ready to sign-up. This pre-frame bridge page gives you the capacity to presell before sending them into a funnel you don’t have control of.

Now, this is how the bridge page funnel works. It’s really cool and can really convert your traffic more by using a bridge sales funnel.



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How to Make the Break Even Funnel?

The goal of the Break Even Funnel is to make money earlier so you break even faster if you’re using paid traffic as you’re going to be selling right after the opt-in page.

To do the Break Even Funnel, you have to bring all the traffic on an opt-in page as like the other two funnels, in which you gather the email in exchange for a particular offer that you will give and communicate (it can be through an E-Book, a PDF or a video), then you send them to a sales page.


Builderall Break Even Sales Funnel


The sales page will be selling a $17 or $47 product and you can have a video on this sales page or text but the point is to make them buy at this point.

This content leads in a call to action to purchase a product or a very low-cost service, which allows you to earn back on this type of funnel quickly.

The product that you’re selling though, make sure it’s worth 10X its value, meaning make sure that product is really worthwhile for them to buy.

Then, if they buy, you will send them to the next higher priced product, this is how you will take someone through your value ladder where the price of the products will increase as you keep going deeper into the funnel.

If they don’t buy, then just send them to a thank you page and just give them all the other stuff that they were promised.

You will still have their email to follow up with and send them emails for that same product or other products as well.



Final Tips

Sales funnels are a great way to increase your sales conversions for your traffic you get.  At the end of the day though, having a free traffic source is very important for this reason.

You’d want to have something that generates you free traffic and there are two ways to do that, building a blog like mine here at Work Anywhere Now, or you can build a YouTube channel.  These are the two best ways to build a free traffic generator.

If you want to build a site like mine, I’d recommend you to use the training platform I used and learn how to do it properly, it’s not as easy as it looks but not hard either.

Main thing to learn for a blog like mine is the keyword research, SEO, and content creation, and you can learn all of it at the same training platform I used which is all detailed in my money making guide here.

As you’re building that traffic generator, then you can build your sales funnel too using Builderall so you can send all your free traffic to your sales funnel for better sales and conversions.

You will not find another platform that will have that many tools in it than at Builderall, they have so many other tools, not just sales funnels, see here:

  • Email autoresponder (unlimited size lists)
  • Webinar live streaming or webinar funnels
  • Build membership sites
  • Build your own e-commerce store
  • Build your own app
  • Facebook Chatbot
  • Script generator
  • Build your own course

The “Digital Marketing” ($29.90/month) & “Builderall Business” ($49.90/month) plans have all these 20 sales funnels for you to use and customize.


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Plus, the “Builderall Business” plan has an amazing 2-tiered affiliate program where you can make 100% commission on your new sales then 30% monthly recurring on your first tier AND second tier!!

Builderall is a great platform for all your digital marketing tool needs in one place!  Any digital marketer will need a tool kit like Builderall.

If you want to take advantage of this ultimate all-in-one marketing platform, don’t wait, take action today and start making money!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how Builderall sales funnels make you money or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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