How To Grow Your YouTube Channel From 0 To 10k Subscribers

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How To Grow Your YouTube Channel From 0 To 10k SubscribersAre you trying to grow your YouTube channel like I am? Do you want to know what I am planning to do?

Well, I would love to share my ideas with you. 

Since 2005, YouTube has been one of the biggest platforms to share your ideas with the right number of targeted audiences who need them.

If you started a YouTube channel in order to showcase your talents like singing, dancing, etc, or to share your knowledge about something you are well informed about, it is very crucial to have a large number of subscribers in order to get them engaged in your content and further get more subscribers.

So, do you want to know how to grow your YouTube channel from 0 to 10k Subscribers?

The steps I am going to highlight below are some ways that surely will make it easier for you to get the number of subscribers you need to get your message across this platform:





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Three Must-Have To Grow Your YouTube Channel

As I already have this website, I plan on growing my website through this Youtube channel.

I am well aware of the power of YouTube and the power of search engines, this will bring a much needed targeted traffic for free on my website.

There are some actions that I have highlighted below in order to grow my channel:

  • Massive Action = Massive Results: I have actually used this method for my website as well. I have seen that the more you post and interact with the content you are creating in whichever platform the more popular your site will get. 
  • 365 Videos at the End of the Year: I have targeted to post 1 video every day till the end of this year in order to bring some much-needed traffic on my YouTube channel. If you post daily you will see that your posts will get ranked higher on search engines and will help you interact more with people who need help in your niche. 
  • Consistency is Key: You can see by the suggestion above that posting daily will make you consistent on your channel. This will help people rely on you and get a regular following as your targeted audience will be able to count on you for regular content and to learn from you. 

The above is the course of action I am planning to take in order to grow my YouTube channel and you can learn from me and do the same.



How A YouTube Channel Can Change Your Business

I make my income from my business completely online and I think one of the best ways to grow and increase my income is through a YouTube channel.

Growing my YouTube channel will allow me to attract even more free visitors to the offers I’m promoting in my videos.

The 3 ways which I will list below are what you will be able to gain by applying the course of action I have outlined before: 

  1. Helping More People: By creating content regularly in your particular niche, you will be able to focus on the topics that help the people in your niche and make sure that you do not veer off of that. This way the targeted audience that is searching your topic on the internet will come upon your content and be able to learn more from you and you will be able to gain a loyal subscriber base. 
  2. More Free Traffic: By creating certain content, you will gain more authority on that particular niche and this will help you rank better on the search engines. If you make content regularly, search engines such as Google,  Bing, or Yahoo will show your channel when someone searches for the topic you are creating your content about. This will generate more traffic on your YouTube channel or your website. 
  3. More Money: As your YouTube channel grows more popular, it will obviously create more income for you. As you talk about how you are going to help people that are in your niche, this will be why people will want to come to your channel, which will in turn help you gain more money.






Having another different source that is helping me bring people to my business is how this YouTube channel is going to change my business and help it grow.



How To Build Massive Free Traffic 

Building an online asset is basically having something that generates you:

Free Traffic

Two of the best ways to generate free traffic is to: 

  • Build A Website 
  • Build A YouTube Channel

In my opinion, these two are the most powerful ways because you will be taking advantage of search engine traffic, which is highly targeted. 

Why is this highly targeted? This is because they are already searching for your content.

They are looking for answers to the problems they have and if you create content that shows them solutions to their problems, then you’ll have a chance that they will search out your content if your stuff gets ranked in search engines.

In that sense, you can work at your own space and you can research and figure out what kind of content people are looking for in your niche or the topic you are going to focus on and that is how you are going to drive traffic. 

There are many different ways you can create content and promote but the main point, what is the most important, is to be able to attract free targeted traffic coming to your content and coming to what you are promoting in your online assets consistently.

By building a YouTube channel, you’ll be able to create this online asset that attracts its own visitors.

Another very important thing that websites and YouTube channels allow you to have is:

Ad Revenue

Even if you have nothing to promote on your channel, you can generate income by putting Google ads.

If your website or your channel has a high number of visitors or views, Google will pay you to put ads on your website or your videos.

In order to get ads showing on your video, you will need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, which can take a while to get if you don’t promote your own videos.

But, following the strategies above, you can make this happen if you stay consistent and upload videos very often.



Update On My YouTube Journey 

Guess what? You are not alone in this journey of making your channel an online asset. 

I have been posting consistently for a little over a year now and since then my YouTube channel has grown and changed a lot. 

I have over 27,000 subscribers now and if you go visit my YouTube channel you can see what kind of videos I post. 

YouTube Subscribe button

Over the past year, I have analyzed what kind of videos work for my channel and what kind of videos don’t work and will use that going forward and see how it will benefit me. 

Do you want to know what kind of video will work for the topic you decided to focus on?

The best way to figure this out is to study what other channels in your niche are posting and what their videos are focusing on. You can also use the same templates or get ideas from them, so start following channels in your niches.

I consistently post 3-5 videos per week now and my YouTube Channel has definitely helped my website grow, which in turn helped my online business grow. 




After all the steps that we went through above, I have one question to ask:

Do you know how to monetize from your YouTube Channel? 

If you do not know how and want to learn a business model that will earn you commission by promoting other people’s products and to learn how I have been doing it and what I have been using to monetize my YouTube channel. Check out my FREE guide now!

Also, guess what? You do not have to just earn from ad revenue on your YouTube channel. You can earn faster if you use my business model.

It is a business model that you can earn commissions by promoting other people’s products and you can use this right at the beginning of your YouTube journey to earn money faster and not wait for the ad revenue.

Most people use this business model to earn way more than just ad revenue and it’s something I’ve been using since 2016.

This is what I do online and what makes me a full-time online income every single month and you can learn from the exact training I used and still use today.

So check my guide to learn how to do that!


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding growing your YouTube Channel from 0 to 10K subscribers or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now





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