How To Make $100 Per Day Writing These 5 Types Of Blog Posts

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How To Make $100 Per Day Writing These 5 Types Of Blog PostsIn this article, I am going to show you how to make $100 per day writing these five types of blog posts on your affiliate marketing website.

I hope you’ll learn with me and start your affiliate site now.

Also, be sure to read till the end of the article because I am going to share a special tool that will give you tons of blog posts ideas, and hopefully you will never run out of ideas with this one tool.

Let’s get into the five types of blog posts that will really drive traffic to your website:





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#1 – Lists Posts

The first is list type blog articles. You’d want to start doing lists for your blog posts because lists are great for readers because they could just scan real quick down the sections of what those things are.

So this is a great read for your visitors and attracts a lot of sharing actually when you have list type posts, therefore, you will attract a lot more visitors from this kind of sharing.

For example, if you are in the coffee machine niche, for lists you can see do:

  • top 10 coffee machines
  • 3 ways to make cold brew coffee
  • seven reasons why cold brew is better

These are just very easy examples of use list type blogs for your site if you were in the coffee niche.

You can use these ideas for thousands of other niches as well.

List posts are very popular amongst bloggers and visitors also love engaging in these types of posts.



#2 – Best-Of Posts

People love knowing what is the best of something and so that’s what they search for the most.

That’s what you want to write about, you want to write about the things that people are searching for in your niche.



guy on laptop



For example, maybe people are searching for best coffee machines, best coffee machines for beginners, or best cold brew coffee techniques.

These are just very small examples of the types of posts that you can write for the best-of lists.

In best-of posts, you can name however many products you want for each post and link all the related affiliate products to earn.

Visitors who are searching for this type of post is very close to their buying decision so you need to provide your best detailed info for each product you write about in these posts.

You can easily convert these visitors into affiliate commissions for you if you have the right info in this type of post to make them want to buy by clicking on your affiliate link!



#3 – How-To Posts

How to’s are very good as well for your audience because this really teaches them things and these really give them solutions to questions that they’re asking on search engines.

They will usually type into search engines how to do something or researching about some problem they have that needs fixing.

So you’d want to also write this kind of posts as well, for example, how to make cold brew coffee, how to clean a coffee machine, how to brew your first cup of coffee.

There are tons of how to’s, you can really turn out tons of tons of posts just on how to.

I find that this type of post converts the least for me because they just want to learn something.

But, unless I had a tool or product they’ll need in order to solve their solution, then I can earn some commissions this way.

However, generally, how-to posts have a more of a supporting role for your site than a money maker.



#4 – Product Reviews

The fourth type of blog post is product review posts and they are awesome because your audience is already near the end of their purchasing cycle.  

When they’re actually using product names to do their search they are ready to buy so when you are writing about the products that they are searching for, you’re going to have a lot of traffic coming to your website.

One type of product reviews you can do is comparison.  

Such as, Product A versus Product B and then you could give the pros and cons of each one and then you can kind of give your own conclusion of what you like and even though you have two products it doesn’t mean that you can’t have affiliate links for both products.

It doesn’t matter if you like both or not, it’s up to the audience, you’re just giving them the pros and cons of each and presenting the products as what they are so they can decide for themselves.

You can influence them one way or another but some people will not listen to you anyway and buy the product that they like so be sure to add your affiliate links no matter what you recommend.

So if they are interested in a particular product they want to know if it works or if it’s worth it or not so these types of product-focused blog posts will be really good for driving traffic and also converting sales.



#5 – Answering Questions

The fifth type of blog post is answering questions, for example, blog posts that answers questions like:

  • Is cold brew better than a hot brew?
  • How much does a coffee machine cost?
  • What are benefits for a cold brew coffee?

These are questions that people will be typing into search engines so you can think about your audience and what kind of questions they would be asking and then you just answer them by typing out or writing about them in your blog posts.

The very last tip is a free tool that will help you get even more and more ideas and hopefully, you will never run out of ideas.

This free tool can be found on a website called



answer the publick website screenshot



All you got to do is go on their webpage and in the search box, you’re going to type in your niche idea so for example you type in cold brew coffee.

When the data comes from your search, you will be given all this information about your topic.

On the top, you will be able to see questions that you could be answered on your blog and prepositions that you could be writing about, comparisons, keywords, related things, etc.

There are tons of questions that you can answer in on your blog prepositions and there are great ideas for your blog posts.

For example, cold brew coffee without an ice-cold brew, coffee for weight loss.

So you can go for what whatever your niche is and then you could also go down to four different types of the audience if you do for seniors, for pregnant people, for whatever type of audience that you want to focus on.

Such as you can write about if you use a cold brew coffee with foam, with alcohol, with nitrogen, with protein, with cream, or with coconut milk, so there are tons of ideas.

You can do comparisons as well and concentrate on cold brew coffee, such as cold brew coffee versus hot coffee, cold brew coffee versus iced latte, and basically cold brew coffee versus all the different types of coffees that you can think of.

They will also show you all these keywords that you can use in your blog posts and then also other keywords that relate to them.

On this webpage, you can get questions and prepositions and comparisons and so forth so you really can get unlimited ideas – for your affiliate niche site right here on this Answer The Public website.



What Has Helped Me Make My Affiliate Website

I hope you liked all the ideas that I talked about in this article, if you want more help on how to make your affiliate website more successful, I can help you with that too!

I make a full-time online income running an online business and I have a passive online income stream!

Having an affiliate website is a great way to earn a passive online income stream. And it is important that you learn the specific online skills that you need to become successful in this business.

I use this business model and a training platform to make my online business successful.

If you want to learn more about this, I recommend you click on this link below:


This is what I do online and what makes me a full-time online income every single month and you can learn from the exact training I used and still use today.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to make $100 per day writing these five types of blog posts or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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