How To Start A Print On Demand Business With No Money

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how to start a print on demand business with no moneyIn this article, I’m going to show you how to start a print on demand business with no money.

For those who don’t know what print on demand is I just want to explain a little bit what it is so that everybody is on the same page.

This is a very exciting business model that I want to get into myself and so you’re going to be learning along with me and maybe even earning along with me.

So without further ado, let’s get into the details on how to start a print on demand business with no money:





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What Is Print On Demand Business? 

Print On Demand service gives you the ability to earn money by uploading graphic designs or just photos or images that you have on your phone.

You can take the graphic designs that you have or the images or the photos and you could put them on various products. 

That these print on demand websites or companies will store and print and ship to your customers directly so you don’t even touch the product.

You are not involved with the production process at all.

This business model is like drop shipping because they are the companies who print the products for you and will ship them directly to your customers. 

It’s going to be better because the shipping time for these companies is way faster than drop shipping companies because most people who drop ship use Aliexpress or Alibaba which are from china and the shipping on those are horrendous.

On the other hand, there are companies in the United States who will print these products and ship very quickly so the turnaround time is way better for customers.

Everybody will be happy this way.

There are different ways to build a Print On Demand business. 

You’re going to learn a few ways to start your print-on-demand business with no money. 

 Let’s look at some benefits of a print-on-demand business: 

  • No Inventory:  There is no inventory you don’t have to buy any products ahead of time and you don’t have to order a bunch of minimum products to store at your place. 
  • You don’t have to touch anything:  you just have to connect to your Print On Demand service website and then it all goes very fast but it’s one order at a time you don’t have to buy a bunch and you don’t have to touch anything. 
  • No customer service: You will not have to provide customer service on certain platforms.



Different Platforms For You To Start Your Print On Demand Business

As we’re talking about building this business with no money this is going to be platforms that don’t require money and so you’re not building like your own website or your own online shop.

You could earn a passive income because you can earn over and over again from one item. 

You could earn any time of the day so you could be earning in your sleep.

Your stuff is going to be on the internet 24/7 and these websites sell all over the world.

The websites I’m going to show you today will have a marketplace component meaning that they already have customers going to their websites every single month.

You don’t have to drive traffic if you don’t want to but it’s probably advisable you do.

Then you could get sales faster earlier in your game.

The biggest benefit is that it’s free to start this way. 

The three best print on demand places to start with no money is: 

  1. Redbubble: Found at
  2. Amazon Merch: Found at
  3. Teespring: Found at



On Redbubble you can see up top here all the different products that they sell. 

There are so many different products these days it’s amazing.

Here, you just have to click on the top on cellular art, this is where you go to learn more about cellular art. 






This page explains to you how everything works and how pretty easy it is to get started here. 

The age limit for Redbubble is 16 but don’t be discouraged if you’re 13 to 15 because all you have to do is partner up with somebody who’s 16 and over who you trust.

They will be responsible for the account that they create but you’ll have access to it and you’ll get to get your money. 

Make sure your partner is trustworthy, so maybe a parent would be the best option.



The next one is Teespring at

On the top, you can read about how it works and sell anything and everywhere.

You can start your account and start designing. 

Teespring works a little bit differently than the other ones.  





On Teespring, you do have to kind of promote your own designs and get some sales, then Teespring will kick in their marketing and sell for you. 

Unlike Redbubble which is a marketplace already so there, you don’t need to promote your own products if you don’t want to. 

Redbubble is a marketplace once you upload they already will be marketing your products for you but Teespring you have to meet a certain level of sales first and then they’ll kick in their marketing.

Then you don’t have to market yourself so it’s just getting those initial sales that you’re going to need to work on before they market for you. 


Amazon Merch: 

The last one is Merch by Amazon which is probably one of the best places to go to do your Print On Demand because of the traffic that you can get from amazon.

You have to request an invitation and you have to basically apply to amazon to get your account approved.

As this program is so popular they have to put this in here so basically they want to deter the ones who aren’t that serious.

 They want to have an extra layer so that they only get people who are serious about building their business on Amazon. 

You do need to be at least 18 to make an account here but don’t get deterred because of the age thing, you can always partner up with your parents or somebody trustworthy to do it with you. 


Bonus Site: 

I’m going to give you a bonus site here so if you have a little bit of money there is a site called Etsy.  

Where you can set up your account for free but when you start listing your products it does cost 20 cents each so depending on how much money you have you may want to use this. 

Etsy is another place where they have a built-in marketplace and a lot of people come on Etsy just to buy and they are famous for handmade goods.

Their website is found at

They also allow print on demand so this is another platform that’s going to be really great for you because there’s a lot of traffic that goes on Etsy.

You do need to be  18 years but you can go on Etsy if you’re 13 so again you just need to partner up with somebody like your parents to open an account. 

So this is how you can start your print on demand business with no money and start earning on these four different platforms.




Although this is a very good way to earn some passive online income, I will give you another way, which in my opinion is the best way to earn a full-time online income every single month. 

This is where I learned how to build my online business and have a full-time online income and a passive online income stream and you can do it too.

For the reasons above, I highly recommend you checking out my free guide here so you can learn how to build an online business instead that can earn you not only a lot more money but a passive online income stream:


This is what I do online and what makes me a full-time online income every single month and you can learn from the exact training I used and still use today.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to start your Print On Demand business with no money or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




2 thoughts on “How To Start A Print On Demand Business With No Money”

  1. Thank you for the great insights ..I have been trying for the past couple months to figure out a way to make money online. I haven’t been able to yet but I know that I will.i will not give up. I don’t have start up money because it all goes to living expenses . But I’m determined I will find a way. When I do finally get there I can’t wait to help other people do the same. You have encouraged me greatly. Thank you so much✌️

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