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Wow! Is today your lucky day or is My Optimized Success Plan a scam just waiting to take your money?
Having such claims as dumping truckloads of cash in your bank account sounds great but is My Optimized Success Plan even legit?
I’m glad you’re on my review because I’m going to show you what’s real and what’s not.
You will not believe what I will uncover in this review that will be a big eye opener for you and hopefully help you decide whether you really should join this program or not.
I will show you all the truths about this in my review of My Optimized Success Plan as follows:
- What Is My Optimized Success Plan?
- How My Optimized Success Plan Really Works
- Is My Optimized Success Plan A Scam?
- Use A Business Model With Way Less Risk
If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
Program Name: My Optimized Success Plan
Price: $47 + $10,000’s
Owner: Jordan Daniels
Recommended? NO.
My Optimized Success Plan claims it has millionaire websites to give away to you so you can make truckloads of cash without you doing much of any work.
I’m sure you got a little excited about everything they said from getting a brand new Mercedes to having all the time in the world to spend as you please and buy whatever you want, whenever you want.
The reality is that this is all to mislead into a very expensive high ticket program. In fact, there is no My Optimized Success Plan program or product.
I know this because there are two other programs claiming the exact same thing!
All three programs are fake sites that hide the truth.
Hhere is the site that you came here for My Optimized Success Plan:
Oh look, here’s another site with a similar name called Online Success Plan but exact video:
And oh, here it is again, yet another site called Ultimate Online Success Plan with the exact sales video again:
So they are using multiple sites promoting the same “system” but they are all called different names. Hmmm.
There is no doubt this is also hiding the same high ticket program because the same people are in the sales video that promote the hidden program, I’ve seen them before and know who they are.
They are highly tied to the hidden program MOBE.
This My Optimized Success Plan originally came out last November, and they were misleading people to a high ticket program called MOBE at that time and that is what you’ll see me write about just below this update here.
Earlier last month, MOBE was shut down by the FTC, so now these guys behind My Optimized Success Plan is probably promoting a mystery system behind it.
So again, if you buy into My Optimized Success Plan, you’re not buying “My Optimized Success Plan” at all but into some other program that you will not know anything about until you have paid.
Because I had identified this as a scam already earlier, this still remains a scam today and I hope you will not trust this My Optimized Success Plan website.
Original Post Continues:
There are no millionaire sites guys, just a bunch of template landing pages that you and everyone who joins will be using, that’s why this program starts with only $47.
However, that’s just the beginning of your spendings if you end up joining this.
MOBE uses a “licensing” business model where you have to purchase memberships and high ticket packages before you can promote them to make a commission from them.
Let’s check out just how expensive these products are that you have to buy:

Yes, those are 4 and 5 digit pricing PLUS monthly freaking fees on top of that. You have that kind of cash just laying around to spend as you please?
Have your eyeballs popped out of their sockets yet?
You need to purchase all 5 packages at a total of over $64K if you don’t want to miss any commissions! It’s crazy expensive.
Having those digital marketing packages priced this high is the only way you will be able to earn those big commissions they talk about in sales video.
In order for you to make those high commissions, you will have to go out and recruit others because that’s the only way the products are sold.
You’re not selling to the general public, there will be no retail sales, you’re just selling to other members that also want in, therefore, kind of making this a really bad cash gifting scheme.
When you buy those high ticket packages, the person that got you in, in this case the scammer behind My Optimized Success Plan, will earn commissions.
When you recruit other people in, you will earn commissions when those fools also “invest” but how many are ready to just plunk down $64K?
And oh please, the coach is not a real coach but a sales rep who also profits when you buy these packages so you’re really just going to be spending and spending in this program.
As well, how will you recruit massively with those template pages? You’ll have to spend even more money like thousands a month to get them seen since no search engines will rank one page sites like that.
You want to use fake sites like My Optimized Success Plan to also deceive others into joining this kind of scheme?
Think again.
A similar rival company just got sued not long ago by the FTC so it won’t be long until they also go after this one too.
What About That $500?
You will basically not get the $500 because they word it in their clause a certain way so that can basically say anything they want to deny you.
Plus, you have to do everything they say, including buying those high ticket packages, so if you do, then you’re already out way more than $500 even if you just buy one package.
I have heard many horror stories about MOBE members losing thousands of dollars in this program and nobody gets it back so they just have this $500 to give you some piece of mind but it’s not going to work in your favor since all the money from the products are already passed to the people who made those commissions.
They won’t be able to get any money from any sales rep or members to refund you, think about that.
You will get nothing as they will make it very hard for you, they hardly give any “refunds” that I’ve heard of.
Yes, My Optimized Success Plan is a scam because it is not what you’re really buying plus you’re being misled to a system that uses a business model that’s not good in the FTC’s eyes.
My Optimized Success Plan is also a scam because it’s totally unethical how it markets itself as a system that is run on complete auto-pilot which is not.
You will have the hardest part of the entire system, getting leads and recruiting others.
There are many who have joined this MOBE system that has ultimately lost thousands of dollars and never getting their money back.
You’re not really building any business with this system but just passing money from one new member to an existing member and then the cycle just repeats.
I highly do not recommend My Optimized Success Plan or MOBE.
Wanting quick money and easy way to make it will only lead you to scams.
If you want to really make money online, you need to roll up your sleeve, get working and build something that has value.
There are definitely real ways to make money online and one of those is a business model I use that takes advantage of products and services that are online today.
Not just that, you can also use this business model with new products that come online in the future as well so this is a very good one to use to make money with.
It’s a business model that will help you build an online business that will be sustainable in the long term and it’s something anyone can learn from any background.
To take a look at what I’ve been using since Sep/16, check out my free guide here:
In my guide, you will only get the truth about the best way to make money online and it’s a formula that’s been working for a lot of people.
There will be no lies and bullshit to feed you, just plain what I do and how it all works.
You can do also build yourself an online business if you’re willing to learn, work hard (as this is not a get rich quick scheme), and really allow time for your online business to grow.
I even show you where you can get started for FREE so you can really see if you like and if it’s something you want to pursue.
Forget about looking for that magic system or push button method that neither exists! Use a sound business model that’s been proven to work.
If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether My Optimized Success Plan is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂
Let’s make money online!
myos is a complete SCAM and DIRTY. They did refund my money, however… they sold my contact info to who knows how many “make money” lead companies! I now get about 20 calls weekly from different companies calling up on the form that I filled out. I use a unique email address every time that I fill out a form, so it was pretty easy to find out who had sold my contact info.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience with all of us to see, and very unfortunate about selling your contact info. I am glad to hear that you got your money back though!
I hope you will check out my guide instead for a method that truly works as I’m living proof of it!
I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
Thanks for stopping by,