Is NorthAmeriCorp A Scam Or Copy & Paste To The Bank?

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Is NorthAmeriCorp a scamYou’re looking for a good way to make money online and saw that NorthAmeriCorp is offering you “jobs” to just copy and paste but is this NorthAmeriCorp a scam that will waste your time?

Will NorthAmeriCorp take your money?

I’m glad your search has landed you here at my review of NorthAmeriCorp and I will show you what you need to know about this product that can be quite deceiving.

With what I reveal below, I hope you will have a better idea what this is and that you will be able to make a better decision for yourself.

My NorthAmeriCorp review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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Program Name: NorthAmeriCorp


Price: $52 – $100+

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No

When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  This saying is true for lots of products that are online today in the make money online niche.

So you must be careful with people telling you that you can make up to $30/hour to just copy and paste.  Nobody offers copy and paste jobs, these don’t exist.

NorthAmeriCorp and their whole scheme is very misleading and highly unethical to let you guys think that you could make that much money with just copying and pasting.

This scheme starts off with “Trevor Harris” on a completely different site, telling you what you’ll be doing to make your money.


NorthAmeriCorp 1st landing page


Of course, he also tells you how easy everything is as well and you’ll be able to get paid from doing such easy tasks.

Once you click on that button below that video, you will then be taken to NorthAmeriCorp’s website which is totally fake.


NorthAmeriCorp Home Page Sales Video


First of all, they have the video there saying “thank you for completing the job application”, I’m like huh? No I didn’t fill out any application.

Then you’re told that you need to install an anti-virus software on your computer or device you’re using because you’ll be working with sensitive information.

You can’t access any “jobs” until you have done so and that you will be reimbursed for it too.

There are so many red flags here that I don’t even know where to start.




NorthAmeriCorp is very fake, no corporate website has only two pages on there like that.

They say they will reimburse you but if this was legit, why do they need us to buy it first in the first place?

If this was a real corporation, they would have bought all the licensing for the anti-virus software and have you just download it to install.


NorthAmeriCorp Will Not Reimburse You


There’s absolutely no need to have you purchase it first and then get reimbursed.

I’ve been in the corporate world and things like this don’t work like that.

This site is setup for the sole purpose of having you buy something like the anti-virus software so they can make money from your purchase.

Making money from promoting a product is not a crime and in fact it is called affiliate marketing, something I use everyday to make money online as well, but they are being very unethical about it.

They are making you purchase this to get something out of it, which are the “jobs” you’re looking for.

However, once you buy, I highly doubt you will get anything money back because this site is associate to a known scam called Legit Flex Job.


NorthAmeriCorp is related to scam Legit Flex Job


I made the connection when looking at their company links below and saw that their support email has the Legit Flex Job domain in it.

I just did that review to show how they are scamming people with filling out “worksheets” and then having people send them $5 for each of these “worksheets” they fill out.

This time they are using a fake corporate company NorthAmeriCorp that tells people they have helped thousands of people get work online when all it does is misleading people to make a purchase.

I really don’t know how these people sleep at night.




I would have to say that a lot of things about NorthAmeriCorp point to a scam.  Also, they are connected to known scams like Legit Flex Job.

NorthAmeriCorp doesn’t have any “online processing jobs” for you and you will not be making any money copying and pasting.

You are just being misled and unethically making you buy something you don’t need or want when they should be providing it in the first place without the whole run around about buying it first and then reimbursing you.

There are so many different kinds of scams out there that it’s really hard to know what’s real or not these days.

The more people want to make money online fast, the more people will get scammed.

I have to conclude that I do not recommend NorthAmeriCorp.




To be honest, it’s really hard to find real online jobs, the only places I would recommend to look for such jobs are on or, well known online job search boards.

Other than that, if you want to make money online, you need to start your own online business which will require you to learn how the internet works, and how you can make money doing it.

I have been building my online business since Sep/16 and am now able to make my living online from my home as I’m a stay at home mom.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide will show you everything you need to know and where you can get started for FREE even!

You will learn a new skill that you can help you build more than one successful online businesses.

You will have comprehensive, step-by-step training, business tools to use, as well as having lots of help so you won’t get lost or stuck for too long.

The support is not only from myself but a whole community of people including experts in the field.

Stop wasting time on scams and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether NorthAmeriCorp is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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