Is Payday Shortcuts A Scam Or An Amazing $3K Per Day System?

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Is PayDay ShortCuts a ScamI was checking out Payday Shortcuts and wondering if you can really make $3,000/day but I had a feeling this was a scam so I looked more into it.

I’m doing this review so you can learn what to look out for and what this product is really about because I don’t want you to go into it without all the details.

The problem with products like this is that they never disclose the most important of their system that can actually make or break your decision to join.

I think it’s only fair that you know all the details before you join as this is a business opportunity and should be evaluated fully before making your decision.

In my Payday Shortcuts review I will show you the following:



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PayDay ShortCuts Logo


Program Name:  Payday Shortcuts


Price: $49

Recommended?  No

The Payday Shortcuts system offers you a way to make $3,000 per day from home and it sounds super easy since you just have to “switch it on”.


PayDay ShortCuts home page sales video


At $3K a day, you’ll be making a cool million in a year and it doesn’t even sound like it takes that long to get there since some members make 5 figures in their first month.

You will get a system that comes with products, promotional websites, and even a success coach will be there to help you make money so I can see how this is really attractive to people.

You will also get Jeff’s amazing training that would be valued at thousands of dollars but somehow we can get it for only $49.

Pretty amazing right?

Well, not really.

You see, you don’t have all the info yet to decide fully if this is what you want to do.  They leave out the most important details so you will be tricked into just paying $49 for their membership fee to get you in the door.

Then bam! SURPRISE… there are way more costs.




These guys want to make you feel like they have some kind of shortcut to making that $3K a day but in reality PayDay Shortcuts is not even a real system.

The real system is revealed at the checkout page which is Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System which I’ve seen in many other products like Copy The Millionaire and Job Killer System that pose as a new system but then ends up being this one instead.


PayDay ShortCuts real system is Jeff's 6 Figure Business System


The danger of this is that they don’t tell you everything about the system before you join.

Sure, $49 doesn’t seem like it could break the bank but it that’s just the beginning of your spendings.

The real system, Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System, is a high ticket program where will pay and buy the products you want to promote and make commissions off of.

You will need to own everything first so your sponsors could make their commission and then it’s your turn to have the same ability.

It is true that much of the system is set up for you as in they have people behind the scenes to ‘close sales’ for you, they already have the products, etc.

But these products that you need to pay for first run in the thousands of dollars!

Very similar programs are MOBE and Aspire if you’ve heard those names and usually if you invest in all their products so you don’t miss any commissions, you will be investing an amount as big as a down payment on a house!

That’s how you will earn those big commissions they tell you about, they overprice their digital products.

Your main job here is to get other people to do the same thing so you’ll need to send leads/traffic to the template landing pages that they’ll give you that will work similar to the PayDay Shortcuts site.

But because these types of sites won’t get you any rankings in search engines, you’ll need to use paid traffic to get anyone to see your templates.

Therefore, after investing 5 digits of your life savings, then you’ll have to still pay a lot more for paid advertising to get others to join and basically do the same thing.


PayDay ShortCuts Provides You A Coach


Your coach that you’ll get is basically there to make sure you upgrade and buy and spend, as that person is basically your upline’s sales team.

When you bring others into the system, your sales team is your referrals’ coach.

See how this works?


Who Does This Work For?

Not newbies even though they claim it to be so.

Listen if you don’t know how to generate massive amount of leads (not just bug your friends and family), you won’t be able to generate enough traffic to get the small percentage of people that will actually have enough money to join such a system.

Just looking at their earnings disclosure for Jan 1, 2017 – Jan 31, 2018 that they told you to check out:

Jeff's 6 Figure Business Earnings Disclosure


You will see above that NOBODY is making $3,000 per day which is $90K a month, and only less than 1% is making $50K a month.

Over 66% don’t even make $1000 per month.

So it’s super hard to get a lot of people to join high ticket programs because nobody has that kind of money to invest.

If you invested, you will not see that money back any time soon and you’ll be working around the clock trying to get your money back.




I usually don’t like products like PayDay Shortcuts that’s very misleading and makes people think this is the magic system that will be the answer to all their financial problems.

PayDay Shortcuts is not a system at all but they did talk about “Jeff” in the video, so I will give them that much and will not call this a scam.

But you don’t normally get advertised one thing and turns out it be something else, that’s actually called false advertising and can be sued for it.

Unless you’re an internet marketer guru and have been in the field for a few years with a huge following, I don’t think this system will work for you.

There is a much better business model for you to use if you want to make money online but this is not it.

I highly do not recommend PayDay Shortcuts or Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System.




Sure any business you want to build has some sort of cost to it, whether it be training you need, business tools, etc, but it’s not going to cost you 5 figures if you use what I use.

The business model I use doesn’t make you pay for anything before you promote products and you can even get started for FREE first to check it out.

Learn about what I do in my free guide here and see all the details:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


Nothing will be left out in my guide, and all the information will be disclosed including where you’ll get started for free.

This is a real way of building an online business and making money from it so be prepared to put some real work effort and time into this.

Rome was not built in a day or even a week, and businesses are the same way.

You’ll have the luxury to choose what kind of online business you’ll want to create as well without having to do what everyone else does.

You’ll also learn how to generate free organic traffic that’s highly targeted so you don’t have to pay for any visitors!

Stop being fooled by hidden systems and create your own online business instead!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether PayDay Shortcuts is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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