Is Survey Voices Legit, Easily Make $300 Or Just Plain Scam?

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Is Survey Voices Legit?Have you come across Survey Voices and wondering if it’s legit?  Sounds enticing to make $300 from just answering some surveys but is this for real or scam?

I have reviewed a lot of survey sites and this one is a bit different than the rest so I wanted to write this review to make sure you know what this is all about.

I will show you whether you can trust Survey Voices or if you should just stay away and try something more legitimate if you like surveys.

Surveys in general are a waste of time because you don’t make a lot of money, I’d like to use my time to build a real online business that really pays.

For those still interested in Survey Voices, I will break down my review like this:



If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Surveys,
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Survey Voices Logo


Survey Program: Survey Voices


Price: Free

Owner: Reward Zone LLC

Recommended? No

Survey Voices is a website that offers you paid survey opportunities that are offered at marketing research companies.

Survey Voices does not have any surveys for you themselves, they are just the middle man to connect you to other survey sites.

With their site declaring you can “Make $300+ sharing your opinion” is quite far stretched because you’ll have to be doing a TON of them to get to that amount of money.


Survey Voices home page


You will go through many obstacles to get there as well and you’ll certainly not make that $300 in a day.

However, it’s easy to sign up and you just have to answer some questions about yourself to get you started.

Once in, you’ll be able to see the offers available that you can take.

You will be connected to some legitimate places like Survey Junkie but I can see that some are actual known scams so you must tread carefully through those offers.

Whatever you take, you won’t be making much money because surveys generally don’t pay much and some of those survey sites won’t pay at all.

The point of this Survey Voices site is to get you to sign up to as many survey sites as possible whether they are legit or scams because there’s something for Survey Voices when you do.

You may think they are offering a nice service to you by putting together this Survey Voices site to connect you to all surveys at one place for free, but really, this is just a method to make money for themselves.




You see, Survey Voices won’t even charge you to offer this great service because everything you’re going to take action on will make them money.  It’s called affiliate marketing and it’s a legitimate way of making money but some take advantage and use it unethically.

If you sign up for something, or take up offers, or whatever, there will be some monetary benefit to Survey Voices.

When they are offering you scams though, that’s where I draw the line and say they are using affiliate marketing unethically.

No one should need to take advantage of innocent people to earn a buck, that’s just unnecessary and so cruel to the people that will get scammed.

Also, once they have your information, you will be bombarded with tons of spams and sales calls you don’t want because they will make money selling your info to other marketing companies.

You will be harassed with the info you provide to them during sign up and it won’t stop there since your information will continue to spread to other scams from the other offers you sign up for.

It’ll be a never ending circle of spam and sales calls that you’ll be quite annoyed about.

Even more annoying is that some of their 3rd party partners will serve pop up ads on your mobile phone while you’re browsing on the internet!

See this FAQ on their site:


Survey Voices Pop up ads on your phone


How is it not hijacking your mobile browser session if it serves an ad that will create a new tab for it, that will take you off of what you were browsing at on your phone and take you to the ad.

As you can see above, you can’t even opt-out of this nonsense!

They just tell you how to close out those ads out on your browser on your phone, so there’s no way of stopping these pop-ups ads which is unbelievable!

I will not get my phone hijacked like that and I hope yours don’t either since you’re reading this first.

At the end of the day, you can get some good surveys on this site but you can also get a bunch of junk thrown at you, so you will have to make the decision to join it or not.




In my opinion, Survey Voices is borderline legitimate as it does present you with not so legit offers as well.

I would say mostly you are getting connected to legit survey sites but even then, you should research each survey site before you decide to join it.

Some “legit” survey sites still won’t pay well or users have a lot of trouble when trying to cash out their accounts.  Some even shut down people’s accounts for no apparent reason when they submit a request to withdrawal their funds so that’s not cool.

There are other problems with survey sites in general like going through 90% – 95% of the survey and then getting notified the survey is “full” or you don’t qualify somehow by that point in the survey.

Those are all low tactics to not pay people for the time they have already spent on these surveys which generally take 10 – 30 mins to fill out.

I can’t say I can recommend Survey Voices because of the junk mail/ads you get afterwards or the scam offers you may come across on that site.

The two that I usually recommend are the following:




Doing surveys will only make you a little bit of money, if you want something that will really impact your life, you need to build an online business.

It is not that hard to learn if you have the right, safe training platform to guide you and you can use the same one I used to get my online business started.

I’ve been using it since September 2016, and I’ve explained what business model I use, how it works, why it works and where you can get started today in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


You will learn how to build your very own online business step-by-step in the topic you will choose.  The training is geared for people who don’t know much about making money online so it will explain to you how it will all work.

This is a blueprint to building a successful online business that you can take with you for the rest of your life.  You will be able to build an asset that will pay you as much as a full time income if you put in the work and build your online business up to that level of success.

It’s not a push button system or anything magical, you will have to put in work because this is a real opportunity and no one can do the work for you.

However, you will have TONS of help, a whole community worth and you have my personal experience on your side that I can guide you with as well.

I haven’t been scammed since I found this in Sep ’16 and have been successful in building my online business, how about you?  Join me today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Survey Voices is legit or scam, or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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