Things You Need To Know To Earn Money Online Writing Reviews

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Things You Need To Know To Earn Money Online Writing ReviewsWhat’s the best way to earn money online writing reviews? How can you make it work?

You’ve come to the right place as I will tell you all about it in this post below.

Nowadays, I’ve noticed that many people no longer purchase products by relying on someone’s recommendations. They search for extensive reviews that will cover all the details of the product along with the advantages and disadvantages.

Discussing each aspect of the product is what sells a review. The people will be informed of the real worth of the product, and if the money they’re spending it on will not be put to waste.

However, the challenge when reading online reviews of a specific product is to determine whether it’s fake or not.

Well, it’s not your fault because most of us likely came across with conversations about people being paid to write fake online product reviews.

This is the reason why some have trust issues and are hesitant to purchase online. But, that’s another story that rarely happens.

Most blogs that write product reviews are often detailed and authentic so that they develop the trust factor and authority for their sites. Only established blogs create reviews of famous and reputable brands.

When my blog became recognized among social platforms, I got the chance to write reviews for some well-known brands. It was an excellent opportunity to delve into the market and learn more about various products and services offered in the market.

I learned it was an effective way to earn money by creating reviews for companies either through affiliate promotions or direct sales.

So, I started to write reviews.

But, before you can earn money doing product reviews, there are some things you need to know.



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Your Guide to Earn Money Through Writing Reviews

Yes, you can earn money online writing reviews. However, these reviews aren’t like those casual posts; they require proper planning and execution.


Laptop on wooden desk


Some guidelines to help you write compelling brand or product reviews:

1. Make sure that you have the right blog for creating reviews.

If you’re new to blogging, then you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose a suitable niche for your blog.
  • Build a site with the aid of web hosting companies. You will already receive web designing, a domain name, and other helpful features to boost your online presence.
  • Get in touch with brands which handle products and services and become a member of their affiliate or referral program.
  • Reviews are either based on personal experience or extensive research.

By using product reviews to drive traffic, you’re getting visitors who are in their purchasing mode of their customer purchase cycle.

When your audience is looking for reviews, then that means they are serious about the product and ready to buy, you just need to give them compelling reasons why or why not buy something.

If you have an affiliate product for one of the brands but not the other, you can easily sway your readers to buy the one you will make money on by writing reviews of products that are of high quality.

Don’t affiliate yourself with low quality products and only recommend high quality ones, this way you can show your readers what will benefit them the most.

This is the information that they will be looking for most, how the product will benefit or not benefit them.

Explore the wide range of content by always trying to create engaging review stories for your audience. The most effective way to drive more traffic to your site is by creating top-quality keyword-based content.

Use tools, such as SEO, rich snippets and traffic funnels, to help you write your brand reviews.


2. Determine the difference between a review and an advertisement.

Before you start writing, let’s make sure that you understand the difference between a review and an ad.

An ad is:

  • a source of info of the product’s availability
  • a brief display of the product’s features from the manufacturer’s point of view

A brand review is:

  • a crucial evaluation of a particular product
  • a detailed report of each aspect of the brand that covers the benefits, drawbacks, and other features that are relevant to the readers

Your readers will be looking for reviews of products not an ad, so make sure you will be writing about all benefits or positives but also the negative aspects of the products or how the product could have been better.

Just because you are telling them the negatives it doesn’t mean your reader won’t purchase it.  It’s better to be honest in your review and make sure your reader has the right information than not.


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3. Consider yourself an influencer.

Before you begin writing, you must view yourself as someone who can influence someone’s decision and purchasing habits.  It will come with time though if you don’t feel so influential in the beginning.

Becoming authoritative in your niche comes with time and much research, and you’ll learn more about your niche as you look more into it.

Especially when your blog become ranked more higher in the search results, you will be seen as an authoritative blog to go to for your niche.

When you have established an excellent reader base, you’ll want to recommend products that will be helpful to your target audience. You could even create reviews for those brands that you’ve used and enjoyed the benefits.

You will not be paid until you link your product reviews to the affiliate links of different brands like Commission Junction or Amazon or whatever product you are reviewing.

Your blog will generate income, and you’ll be paid for each click on a specific product or the commission on the product’s sales, usually you need a purchase to earn money.

You can make the most money if you have established trust with your audience.


Laptop on table with mug and plant


4. Select the product you want to write reviews.

This step is crucial for a blog that’s already established which has decided to start writing reviews.

Some points to consider before you start:

  • Is the theme of your blog compatible with the product you’ve picked to review?
  • Are your resources enough to try out the new field? For instance, someone who can write your reviews or time invested for comprehensive research of those products.
  • Are there significant benefits you’ll receive in the future from this change of idea?
  • Will your target audience be interested in the new section of your blog?


You must address all of these questions before you choose a product to review. You have to determine the group of people you’re targeting.

Also, you have to see if your potential audience will eventually stick around with the changes.

If your user base is mostly young readers, you can write reviews about the latest technology like laptops, smartphones, video gaming brands, etc.



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Welcome to Affiliate Marketing!

Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest ways to earn from your blog. The journey of most new bloggers begins with affiliate marketing and the best place to start is using the Amazon affiliate program.


Finding Out Where To Learn About Affiliate Marketing


You can review and recommend millions of products on Amazon. As of June 2018, about 60% of Amazon clients in the US are also Amazon Prime members.

This means that more than half of Amazon members purchase items from them regularly.


Affiliate links – What are they?

They are links with tracking codes. When a reader clicks your affiliate link and buys something, you’ll get a commission from that purchase.

With Amazon’s affiliate program, you will also receive a commission on other products they purchase within 24 hours after clicking your affiliate link.

For example, if you have recommended a laptop and your visitor purchased the device, a new toy, and a new smartphone, you’ll get a commission from the entire purchase!



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The Amazon Affiliate Program – How does it work?

Amazon’s affiliate program is open and free to anyone who wishes to join. Once you set up your account, you can create links directly on their website that will have your special referral code or your affiliate link.

A cookie will be placed on their device when someone clicks your affiliate link. And, when they buy something, Amazon will know to assign that sale to you because it was your referral!

While Amazon’s affiliate program can definitely help you earn, some conditions need to be met:

Their cookie duration is short. And, I mean really short, it’s only 24 hours. This means that even if someone clicked through your link, but doesn’t make a purchase within the day after clicking, you will not get any commission.

If your site is new, you have to make a sale within 90 days after signing up. Otherwise, your account will be denied.

You are required to follow their program guidelines religiously. It’s not impossible to have your account reinstated, but that is completely up to Amazon and your ability to make up for what went wrong.

For a lot of people, these conditions are a complete nightmare. The good news is, there will always be a way to handle them.



How To Build This Online Business Properly

Thumbs UpIf you’re wanting to write product reviews and earn money from them, then I suggest that you get proper training for it.

There’s no way I can possibly tell you everything on how to earn money online writing reviews with just one post, it takes much more knowledge to build such an online business and make good money with.

You don’t just start writing on a blog and think you can get visitors to your product reviews.  There’s definitely a method and a way to do SEO in order to get your reviews seen by people.

That is why when I wanted to make money online, I searched out a training platform that helped me do just that, I wanted to learn from comprehensive training that will have everything I need to know.

I was able to use this training platform to build my online business that you’re on right now, Work Anywhere Now, that earns me a 4 digit online income.

If you want to do the same and use the training I used, then I suggest you checking out my free guide here!

I will show you how it all works and my guide will show you the exact training I learned from.

Blogging for money is not as easy as it sounds, you will need to learn the technicalities that come with it and learn how to get ranked on Google’s first page of search results.

You’ll be able to get tons of visitors to your blog this way, thus people reading your product reviews, and then make money!

That’s really the most important part, how to get people to your reviews.  I’ve been able to create this blog so it generates its own visitors and makes me money even if I’m not working on it.

That’s the beauty of building this business!

Best parts:

  • Free to join as they have a FREE Starter Membership that’s free for life
  • You’ll get my coaching services for FREE if you join me!

You’ll find all the detailed information in my free guide.  So, if you’re serious about earning money from writing reviews, then take the training I used and build your online business properly:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to earn money online writing reviews or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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