Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Sale 2018! SUPER BONUS For You Here! **EXTENDED**

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Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Sale 2018 Super Bonus*** EXTENDED ***

This awesome sale has just been extended through NOV 29th, Thursday, 11:59pm PST.



Yes, it’s that time of year again at Wealthy Affiliate when they will have their biggest sale on Black Friday and this year it will run on Nov 23 – 26, 2018!

I’m going to have a special bonus for all those that sign up or upgrade with my links or buttons on this page to the Yearly Membership at Wealthy Affiliate on those days.

Keep reading to see all the info!  You DON’T want to miss out on this big BONUS!

Check out these awesome reasons why you should take this Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Deal:






Make 2019 your biggest online year ever!

If you have been wanting to build your own online business or get into affiliate marketing so you can finally make a passive online income, then there’s no better way to learn it than at Wealthy Affiliate.

You have all the business tools you’ll need there to help you with your new journey as well as a whole community full of people that are just like you who are all doing the same thing.

You will have people at all levels including being able to be in contact with some real experts in the industry who can advise you on anything in this business.

Nobody just wakes up and knows how to make money online, you need to learn it.  It’s a skill that you will take with you to potentially build many more online businesses far into the future.

What you’ll learn is very powerful as you’ll be able to attract your own visitors to your own website like mine does day after day.

I have 40K – 45K visitors coming to my blog every month and growing all because of the techniques I’ve learned at Wealthy Affiliate and I don’t have to pay a penny in advertising or pay for any type of promotion to get all my visitors coming to my website.

They all come on my site free for me because I know how to get my site ranked high on Page 1 of search engines.

You can learn the same techniques I learned and the use the exact training I used to start building your online asset that will make money for you while you eat, play, work, and sleep.




Wealthy Affiliate teaches people how to start their own online business through their comprehensive training that takes you step by step on how to do everything.

Their friendly, easy to use lessons are organized in such a way that tracks your progress to ensure you know where you are in the course and tasks at the end of each lesson to ensure you are building your online business as you are learning.

This training feature will help you move forward to take action on the lessons you just learned about and I don’t see a better way than that to apply what you learned right away to your new website.

There are several facts that make Wealthy Affiliate stand out and I will go through them here:

  1. FREE (for LIFE) Starter Membership – This membership allows you to check out the platform and get the first 10 lessons free to make sure you like what you see.  By the end of the 10 lessons, you’ll have a free website already created live on the web with a couple of pages of content on it already!
  2. Premium Membership Includes Everything – There are training platforms out there that keep upselling you even when you think you got everything you needed, not at Wealthy Affiliate, the Premium membership will get you everything.  Monthly it’s $49/month, but if you go Yearly it’s usually $359/year so this Black Friday sale, you will be paying only $299!
  3. Improvements Year After Year – They improve their platform year after year without raising our costs and 2018 was no exception, and 2019 will not be either!  For 2018, they had the biggest face lift on the platform ever back in May, made SSL free for everyone (not just for Premiums), integrated Jaaxy into the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and created a new Super Affiliate challenge program.  For 2019, they have the following slated to rollout:2019 Wealthy Affiliate Line Up Of Platform Improvements
  4. Community Is The Best – I don’t know how many times the Wealthy Affiliate community saved my @ss from trouble I got myself into!  Literally, you will be helped by anyone from beginners to experts and everyone has a “pay it forward” attitude to help each other which is why the community thrives inside the platform.  The type of support and you can get at Wealthy Affiliate is like no other platform.
  5. Access To Owners – Yes I can message the owners, Kyle & Carson, anytime for advice and they respond almost immediately sometimes but most times is within a couple of days which is pretty fast considering how many members are there (well over a million).  You wanna know what kind of people they are?  They are the type of people who are willing to spend half a million dollars to stand up to scammers and defend what’s right, and then to also donate half of their winnings to the victims of those scammers, they are just amazing people!  Read this story here.



Yes, it does work, very well it works IF you put in the work that is.  There are many people who go through their training and not use it or apply it to their websites because it does take some work to build this online business.

Wealthy Affiliate’s strategy that they teach is for the long term, meaning you will not see results right away because of the way this online business works, you need to give it time to build out, to gain authority in search engines’ eyes, and to give yourself time to learn how to do this.

I’m not the smartest girl out there and it did take me a little longer than others but even I did it!

Look at my 2 year results here:

Income vs New Posts Graph

The blue line is what you’re wanting to see, how much money I made in my first 2 years.  The first year, I didn’t make that much money, only $483, but look at how my second year has soared!

Pretty crazy, this is because I’m in a very competitive niche and so it needs more time and more work for it to start making 4 digits.  Once it does, look at the growth!

I never expect my online business to work like this and this graph is the perfect picture for this business as it shows it takes time to grow.

I have continued to make a 4 figure income since then and my 3rd year is looking great already!

The successes, of course, does not just come from me, there are many more I can show you like this lady below, Zarina, that got to 4 figures within 12 months!!  Oh I was so jealous of her when I saw this since I took 19 months to get to 4 figures! Lol


Zarina's $1K in 12 months post


Beginning of every month, more and more people blog about their successes and how they did the previous month:

New Successes At Wealthy Affiliate for Oct/18 Even More Successes At Wealthy Affiliate more successes on Wealthy Affiliate First Dollar Earned On Wealthy AffiliateSwangirl making money on Amazon


You could be one of these success stories in 2019!  Invest in yourself and learn how to do this the right way so you can also build something that you can really depend on and earn from.

Wealthy Affiliate’s training sure works without a doubt!




Well, that really depends on you.  Are you going to pay $299 and then do nothing about it or are you going to start right away and dive right into the training?

If you start right away, you will have a very, very good chance you will get it back within a year of you paying for it.

Nothing is guaranteed and don’t let anyone tell you how much you can make because nobody is YOU and nobody can predict what you’ll do in the next 12 months or know how you will absorb the training.

Having said all that, I have seen time and time again people building these websites and making money.

If you follow the training, do the tasks at the end of each lesson, ask questions when you’re stuck or not sure about something, then I don’t see why you can’t make back this $299 cost.

It does usually take people 12 – 18 months to get all the way up to a 4 figure income but there are also people that have been there for longer than that and not make much money so it really depends on what you’ll do with your membership.

Only you can truly answer this question.  Are you a hard worker that will consistently work hard throughout the next 12 months?  If yes, get the membership:





Wealthy Affiliate has trained me so well that I’ve actually become one of their Super Affiliates this year back in August!

My Wealthy Affiliate RankWhat that means is that I have won a free all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for a private Super Affiliate Conference for 4 days in January, 2019!  There, I will meet the owners in person and other Super Affiliates to mastermind about 2019, I can’t wait for this trip!

I’m also an Ambassador of Wealthy Affiliate so I really know how things work and how to help others.  To be an Ambassador, you need to be super helpful to others, influential on the platform, and ranked in the Top 25 of all members.  I’m ranked 9 as of this post. 😉

So what does all this after to do with you?

Well, I just wanted to give you my background and where I’m coming from so you’ll know that when I offer my bonus, it’s going to be a good one!

Here it is:  My Super Bonus is that if you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate with any of the links and buttons on this page and buy the Yearly membership during the Black Friday sale, you will be eligible to get a FREE 30 Minute Skype Coaching Session with Me (aka “littlemama” on Wealthy Affiliate)!


Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday 2018 Special Bonus


The 30 minute free Skype coaching session will be on video so I can share my screen to show you the most important things for you to know and do to get your online business going, and moving in the right direction.

To claim this free gift:

After you purchased the yearly membership during the 2018 Black Friday sale, you must notify me through private messaging on Wealthy Affiliate that you want to claim your Free 30 minute Skype Coaching Session with me, and you need to message me by December 31, 2018.

The actual Skype session does not have to be scheduled right away but use it when you feel you will need it, the Skype session must be scheduled and done by March 31, 2019.

If you do NOT claim your Free Super Bonus by December 31, 2018, you will forfeit this free gift.

As an Ambassador and a Super Affiliate, I know I can give you a great, information-packed 30 minute Skype session that is tailored to your needs and will help answer all your questions.

We will prepare for this session together so we can maximize the information I deliver in those 30 minutes.

That is my super bonus for you and I hope you will take advantage of it!


If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding Wealthy Affiliate’s Black Friday sale or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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