What Is The Best Way To Start An Online Business in 2017? I Have The Answer!

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

The internet has made it possible to make money online from home so much easier these days and there are a variety of ways you can do this but what is the best way to start an online business?

I believe the best way to start an online business is to get yourself the right support and training.  This is a whole new way of making money and if this is something new to you, you should really consider this.

I will walk through what elements are needed to build a successful online business in today’s market and will tell you where you’ll be able to get training to learn all the details in each element and tools you’ll need to build a successful business.


Without further ado, let’s take a look at what is needed to build a successful online business today:




The crucial elements and steps you need to take to build an online business are to choose an interest, build a website around that interest, attract visitors to your website and earn revenue from that traffic through affiliate marketing.

overview of the elements needed to start an online business


This kind of formula has been the number one way to make money online for years now and it’s only getting better in the future as even more people will go online to buy products and services.

Affiliate marketing is already one of the best ways to make money online and top earners are making 5 to 6 figures a month doing this!

It’s only going to get even better and easier to make money from affiliate marketing in the coming years as more and more companies realize the potential profits they will earn to have an army of affiliates promoting their products for them.

Revenue Chart

There will be more products available to promote than ever and you’ll have so much to choose from.

Therefore, building this kind of online business is the best way to go!

Now let’s look at each of the elements closer to see how you will build such an online business.




Choose an interestWhen starting this business, you need to choose an interest or topic for your website.  Your website shouldn’t be all over the place.

Your aim is to serve a certain group of audience called a niche.  The more you can focus on a niche the better it will be for your website.

For example, you wouldn’t want to choose a niche that is sports because that’s just too wide of a topic.

Choosing tennis within sports is better but choosing tennis for women is even better for your business.

There are 3.75 billion people online these days so you don’t have to worry about choosing something that you won’t make money in because you WILL.

This is why is best that you choose something that you are interested in or passionate about.  The more you make it fun for yourself, the better it will be for your business.

You already have a 9 to 5 job?  Why not now do something that you will actually ENJOY!

Even if you don’t have a 9 to 5, you should really be doing something that makes you happy.  Think about what would make you happy to work on every morning when you wake up.

Using your interests and passion to help choose your niche is a great way to get you started in this business.

You can also branch out to other niches once you get one going, have learned the formula, and are successful, then you can just rinse and repeat to have even more earnings.




Coding on laptop I don’t care what anybody says, you need a website if you want to make money online.  Without one, you will always be chasing to make money online instead of having the website make money for you.

A website is your base and foundation, it’s where you will attract your visitors to, it’s where you will help others, and it’s where you will make your money online.

Without a website, you won’t have the online presence you’ll need and you won’t have an online business.

The one platform that I will recommend to you below will make this process SUPER easy for you.

You will literally be able to create your website in less than a minute without any coding knowledge!

When I built websites years ago, I needed to know coding, I was using software like Dreamweaver and the like to build websites and that would take a long time.

These days, ANYONE can create and build their own website without any knowledge beforehand and with the training I’m going to tell you about later below, you will learn everything you need to know to build out your website, plus get 2 free websites to start with!

You are lucky to be starting this now because you will have all the user friendly tools and training you’ll ever need to easily take on this “scary” part of your business.

Building a website these days is much easier than you may think and to learn how to build your website out is not hard either because of the training I’m going to tell you about.

Just keep on reading…




While building your website, you will think about and learn how to attract visitors to your website because without anyone on your site, you won’t make any money.

So before you make money, you need to know how to get eyeballs on your website which you will learn exactly how to do this in the training I will tell you about.

You will learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you will learn to use keywords that will bring in tons of traffic, and you will learn the latest current methods too!

You will also learn ways to leverage free traffic from Facebook and social media to also paid methods to scale your business even higher.

world internet user graph

There are 3.7 billion users on the internet as of this post that are searching for solutions, finding information, and purchasing things or services.

This is YOUR audience and you could be capitalizing on this kind of opportunity!

From what you learn, you will be ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, where your audience is searching for many things.

The higher you rank, the better for your website, and the more money you can potentially make!




Once you have an audience, you will be able to monetize your website to make money!  You will make your website ready to make money while you’re building it out in the training I’ll be showing you below.

You will learn many ways to make money with your website but one of the main sources of income for you will be affiliate marketing.

How will affiliate marketing make money for you?  This is how it works:

  • On your website, you will be promoting other people’s products to help your audience solve their problems.
  • If your audience feels that’s a great solution, they will click on your recommended product which is linked to company that sells that product.  (That link called an affiliate link that tracks your reader going from your website to the company’s website.)
  • When your reader goes and buys that product from the company you recommended, you make a commission!

There are many big brand name companies these days like Nike, Apple, and Starbucks, who all have affiliate programs for people like you and me to join.

Once you join and get approved, you will be able to get affiliate links to put on your website and start monetizing it this way.

Companies with affiliate programs

Instead of going to every company to join their affiliate program, you can join shopping networks like Amazon, Walmart, Target, or Commission Junction that will have multiple products and a wide selection of products to choose from.

You will learn all about this whole process at the training place I will tell you about below, but do you see the awesome potential of this online business?

Besides affiliate marketing, you can also learn to add advertisement on your site to make ad revenue, get sponsored posts from companies, and many other ways.

Are you ready to learn?




So let’s see what basic things you will need and know for your online business:

  • A website builder
  • WordPress for your content
  • Web hosting for your site
  • A domain
  • How to find a niche
  • How to create your website
  • How to build out your site
  • How to write awesome content
  • How to get massive traffic to your site
  • How to use affiliate marketing to make money
  • How to scale your business to make even more money

Plus, how about some extra things that will make you successful in your new online venture:

  • Free keyword search tool;
  • Free websites to start with;
  • Weekly live webinar training on current trends and issues, with instant replay to view on your own time;
  • SSL Certificates to ensure your site is extra secured and increase ranking in search engines;
  • High Site Speed for your websites which again will increase your ranking in search engines;
  • A community of over 850,000 members to help you to answer your questions related to your online business;
  • A Site Support staff that will ensure your website is up and running smoothly 24/7, and answer any website issues you may have;
  • Access to owners and industry leaders if you are really stuck on something;
  • Privacy messaging for 1-on-1 coaching;
  • and much more!

If it wasn’t for this one place, you would have to go to so many different places to get all this information, support, AND it would cost you a fortune!

Instead, you can get all of this and training on all the how-to’s, everything listed above in both lists at Wealthy Affiliate!

wealthy affiliate logo

As a Premium member, you can get everything for $49/month!  That’s it!  I haven’t even listed everything you get here as a Premium member.

This Premium membership can be even cheaper if you want to get the annual membership at $359/year, which goes down to $29.92/month.

But guess what?

You don’t have to pay yet.  You can start for FREE and test drive the whole platform for the first 7 days using their free Starter membership!

After the 7 days, you can either stay as a free member or upgrade to the Premium membership, it’s that simple, no other strings attached.

You don’t even have to sign up with any credit card info until you want to upgrade.

There’s absolutely no other place that has state-of-art web hosting optimized for WordPress sites like them, a super easy website builder to use, and world class step-by-step in-depth training on how to build your online business in every aspect.

Just website hosting alone, Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium membership is way lower priced than any comparable plans and you can see my full analysis here about their highly secured and fast WordPress website hosting.

Their website builder is super easy to use and you can see how it all works here in this in-depth look at what it has to offer you.

Wealthy Affiliate is truly an amazing online training platform that offers so much more than just training.  Everything you need is right there in one place so you don’t have to research on your own or go anywhere else.

The support you will need is so crucial to your start as well because you will have many questions and how nice is it to have other members answer them for you super fast so you can keep moving on with your training?!

Their training courses are easy to follow with tasks as the end of each lesson to apply to your website so you can build your business along with the lessons!

It is certainly organized and planned out meticulously to build your website right and properly from the get-go.

To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, read my full detailed review and a video tour of their platform here:

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button


But, if you’re eager to get started, you can start your FREE account now:

Sign Up at Wealthy Affiliate Button


If you have any questions about what the best way to start an online business is or Wealthy Affiliate, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below!  I always answer my readers. 🙂



Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now


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