100K In 1 Year Blueprint Review: Upsells Galore! BEWARE!

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100K In 1 Year Blueprint Review Upsells GaloreCould you imagine making $100k a year?  I can and I am aiming for that goal but… I am not using 100K In 1 Year Blueprint to get me there and in my honest review, I will tell you exactly why that is.

You would think with a title like 100K In 1 Year Blueprint in a product would give me the answer to my riches but it’s more like a blueprint to their riches.

Products like these always have promises that they don’t deliver unfortunately and it’s my mission to reveal the truth about these products.


In my detailed review of 100K In 1 Year Blueprint, you will find:



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Product Name:  100K In 1 Year Blueprint

Website: infobusinessuniversity.com/vault/sa/100K/index2.html

Owners: Barb Ling & Dennis Becker

Price: $17.63 (as of this post)

100K In 1 Year Blueprint Title

This is actually a relaunch of Sean Mize’s “how to structure a business so you end up with 100K” but Barb Ling and Dennis Becker have added more information to it and relaunching it as “100K In 1 Year Blueprint“.

This blueprint is supposed to show you what work you should be doing every single day for the next year so you can reach $100k by the end of it.

The blueprint will break down the year into digestible bite size like what you should be doing in each quarter, then each month, then each week, and finally each day.

What is included in this product:

  • 20+ page quick actionable blueprint PDF
  • Barb Ling’s cheatsheet “Business Blueprint Cheatsheet
  • “Ling’s Notes for Sean “Your 1 Year Personal Blueprint for earning 100K by the end of next year

The blueprint is basically this:  figure out how many assets you’ll need to get to $10K/month and if you can get there, you can get to your $100/year.

The asset examples they give you are having the following in your business:

  • 5 products (Highly priced at that $97 – $497 each)
  • 1 coaching program
  • Having a mailing list of 5K subscribers
  • 30 minutes of daily content
  • Sending out daily emails

Then they show you when you should have all those assets within your one year timeline by so that you know what to achieve each month.

What’s ridiculous about this program is that there’s no way a person can launch FIVE products that’s highly priced at that level in a year!

Especially when they don’t train you how to do that.


My #1 Recommended Training Program That Really Teaches You How To Make Money Online


It usually takes 6 months to more than a year just to launch ONE product, they are suggesting you launch a product every other month!

Where do these products come from and how will you develop five of them back to back?!

AND because they need to be priced so high, they need to be very high quality products which would take even more time to develop.

This is just one aspect of their blueprint that I find really hard to achieve if you look at it realistically.

There are many more aspects like this that I do not find for any person to feasibly do all of it in a year like developing a coaching program the same time you’re supposed to launch 2 products in the first quarter!


100K In 1 Year Blueprint Sales page


Plus they keep adding all those assets to the calendar!  You would need a team of 10 or more for this to work plus you would need to know HOW TO do all those things to train your team to do it.

But that’s the major flaw in this product:  there is no step-by-step training on how to achieve these assets and the suggestions they do give on how long it would take to create an asset is ridiculously short periods of time.

I just find this blueprint not ideal nor a realistic plan, especially for people who are new to making money online.

There are many parts of the blueprint that newbies will not be able to figure out on their own and in the timeframe they suggest.




Upsells = Low value-add productOnce you buy your front end product for $17.63, you will be bombarded with three upsells:

  1. Reverse Funnel High Ticket Sales Mastery $28.89 – this upsell teaches you how to create products mentioned in the 28 page PDF you get in the main product plus how products should be priced in your sales funnel.
  2. Big Ticket Mastery $97.74 – for more training on you how to create big ticket “authority products” and giving you coaching lessons that you can use yourself to create your own coaching program.
  3. Product Creation Masterclass $16.77 – Training on how to create products, giving you more than 500 product niche ideas, and a planner on how to get it all done.

When you finally get into the member’s area, you will have even more upsells, but this time it’ll be the big ticket, high priced upsells that they teach you about.

Guess how many of them you’ll be getting?  Not 1, or 2, or 3, but FOUR more expensive upsells:

  1. Coaching Course $187 – this is supposed to teach you how to create a coaching program that you can charge anywhere from $200 to $1,000’s to your clients.
  2. Email Marketing $97 – this one teaches how to use email marketing, how to write the emails, how to be persuasive, and how to use psychological tactics to trick your readers into buying more B.S. from you.
  3. Maven / Influencer Training Program $100 – over the shoulder training to teach you how to create an influencer website in 7 days and pretend to be an expert in a field you’re not.
  4. Free Consult Selling Program $197 – teaching you how to show others how to sell consulting services using free sessions strategy.


Geez, by the time you’re done buying everything, you’ll be out almost $800!

What are you getting of value here?  Not much because like the main product, they don’t have the step-by-step training and these upsells will only lead to more upsells for templates and do-it-yourself samples.

Products with so many upsells only mean one thing, their main product won’t give you much value at all.  You’re basically buying your way into a sales funnel that will sell you more and more and more.




Buying 100K In 1 Year Blueprint will not make you $100K/year, plain and simple truth why this product won’t work.

First of all, their timeline in their blueprint is totally unrealistic.  They don’t allot enough time to do all the tasks that need to be done for each month of the one year timeline.


My #1 Recommended Training Program That Really Teaches You How To Make Money Online


Especially when they don’t provide you with step-by-step in-depth training on HOW to do anything they suggest in the blueprint.

Secondly, for a newbie to take on ALL the things they say you need within a year would actually take you five years or more!

I mean, how would someone who’s a beginner (as they say this is newbie-friendly) to online marketing know how to:

  • create 5 new products costing $97-497 each; AND
  • create and implement a coaching program; AND
  • build an email list to 5,000 subscribers; AND
  • send daily emails for the email list; AND
  • write 30 minute daily content for their subscribers,

In only one year timeframe without any proper training provided?!

That is a tall order; there’s no way this can be done within that time frame AND make $100K in that year.  It’s not that easy to create products or a coaching program.

I know of people who even have training still take about 3 years to hit the $10K/month mark so it’s possible definitely and I’m aiming for it too but it will take more than a year of your hard work so this is another reason why this product is a scam and won’t get you to your $100K goal!

The only thing that works here is the owners of this product making money from you as you buy more and more of their upsells!  I hope you don’t fall for it!




If you are aiming to work from home and want to build a$100K/year online business, I suggest you go to my #1 most recommended training platform to go to instead!

Where the owners actually care about their members and their successes by providing a state of the art training platform to learn from!

wealthy affiliate logoThis incredible training platform is at Wealthy Affiliate and they literally have all that you need to help you learn how to get to any of your financial goals.

Wealthy Affiliate specializes in training people on how to build your own online business using affiliate marketing.

You will learn through their actual step-by-step, in-depth lessons to:

  • create your very own website;
  • know how to choose the right niche for you;
  • know how to build out your website;
  • know how to write engaging content to covert your readers into customers;
  • know how to use keywords to bring your website tons of traffic;
  • know how to leverage free traffic sources to help your site even more;
  • know how to use affiliate marketing to make money from your site;
  • and so much more!!

You will be able to learn all this at your own pace and with all the help you want from active members of their huge community (over 850,000 members and counting)!

You will not be left alone to build this business by yourself and you will have all the support you’ll need from other members as well as the owners themselves, Kyle & Carson (without extra cost)!

They provide you with helpful tools like:

  • easy to use website builder;
  • website hosting with the latest technology and security;
  • keyword research tool;
  • live chat for instant help;
  • weekly live training webinars to learn about current strategies, specific topics to further members’ knowledge and expand their businesses with; and
  • 2 FREE websites to start!

I’ve been a member there since September 2016 and have seen other members make $100K/year but it took them more than a year to reach it.

Real work takes time and you will need to account for learning curve, ups and downs of the industry but you will get there if you can apply the training at Wealthy Affiliate on a consistent basis, work hard at it, and be 100% committed to your online business.

If you want to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate and see proof of these earnings, you can read my full review here:

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button


You will also see a video tour of the platform too in my review as well as all the details of a Free Started membership and a Premium membership.

That’s it, two options and no upsells!

I wish you best of luck in choosing wisely as it will make the difference of you succeeding in your online business or not.


If you have any questions about 100k In 1 Year Blueprint or Wealthy Affiliate, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below.  I always reply to all my readers’ comments!  🙂



Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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