17 Minutes Only Review: Is This A Scam Or Will You Make $1,000’s?

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Is 17 Minutes Only a scam?Watching the sales video on 17 Minutes Only and wondering if it’s all true or if 17 Minutes Only is just another scam waiting to take your money?

My review will show you what’s up with this program and point out the missing piece they forgot to mention in the sales video.

There are so many products online to learn how to make money on the internet but most of them won’t work out because either they cost way too much, they don’t have enough training, or they are just pure scams.

I have been doing hundreds of these reviews, so I know what this program is and can tell you everything you need to know along with my thoughts about this program.

My review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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17 Minutes Only Logo


Program Name: 17 Minutes Only

Website: 17MinutesOnly.com

Price: Free 7 Day Trial + $10,000’s

Recommended? No

17 Minutes Only is a sales page for the underlying high ticket program MOBE as you have seen in their sales video.

They offer a business-in-a-box sort of speak opportunity for you to join where all your back end business processes are done for you while your job is just going out there and advertise to get leads.


17 Minutes Only sales video


Their system will provide the products for you to promote, the customer service, the payment processing, the product delivery, websites, marketing materials, sales team to close your sales, and a coach to help you every step of the way.

The video claims you only need about 30 minutes a day to talk to you coach and you only work about an hour a day to earn such those high commissions.

The sales team is top notch and they are highly motivated to close sales for you since they also get a commission as well.

So what’s the missing piece they forgot to mention?

The total cost of such a program, which I’ll go over in a bit but this MOBE program has been promoted under many different names / sites and they all don’t tell you about the real cost of the program.

Some of these different sites will not even give you any hint that you’re being funneled into MOBE like these ones:

17 Minutes Only is promoting MOBE in a much better way since they show the MOBE conferences where people are holding up big commission checks and they tell you quite in detail what is all involved, except for the cost.




Here I will go over how their system works, my opinions of a system like this, and offer you the best information I know I can provide so you can make the most educated decision for yourself.


Quick Overview

I’m going to run through how their funnel works here and it starts with a MOBE member promoting a site  like 17 Minutes Only which is what you saw.

You will sign up and in this case it’s free, most times it’s $49, that’s why you have to provide your credit card info at sign up.

You’ll then be taking through their 21 step training program where each day unlocks another course for you to learn from and you will need to call your coach to unlock these.

The coach will be there to answer any questions you have, but really, they want you to get earning those big commissions so they will start selling the high ticket products to you.

MOBE uses a licensing rights business model where you have to buy their licensing rights to sell their high ticket packages.

If you buy in, then great, you can start promoting those products and learn how to get leads from their training and way you go.

You will then do the same thing as that member that got the 17 Minutes Only site in front of you, meaning you’ll then pick one of those sites like 17 Minutes Only to promote MOBE with and find other people to join this system.

When your sales team sells them the same packages you bought into, then you earn a nice 4 or 5 digit commission, depending on what this package is.

If your leads buy something you didn’t buy, you will lose that commission to someone else who did buy that product.

In a nutshell, that’s how their system works.


Real Costs

At this point, not sure if you realized how many people gets a piece of the pie when a high ticket product is sold but it will be three: MOBE, sales person that closed the sale, and you if you qualified for that product.

In order to qualify, you must buy the licensing rights to them which will cost in the thousands (you could also just sell 5 of the product for free without earning anything) since the commissions need to be split three ways and everyone wants big commissions.

Here is the cost of their products in the 4 – 5 figures as well:

MOBE True Costs
See https://s3.amazonaws.com/mobecompensation/MOBE-Compensation-Plan.pdf for Full Details.


As you can see, there are 5 high ticket packages you can buy into that’s priced from $2,497 to $29,997 along with monthly fees as well.

So if you don’t wan to miss any commissions, you need to invest $64K+!


17 Minutes Only does require a lot of upfront capital


Understandably, these costs are never shown in any of their sales video or else you wouldn’t even opt-in in the first place at the free or $49 initial entrance.

But, in order for you to analyze this opportunity with both eyes wide opened, you will need to know this part as well.


Harder Than It Sounds

The sales video at 17 Minutes Only makes this business sound very easy to do because all you have to do is place ads and send them leads.

But, this “Step 1” as they call it, is the hardest part of the whole system.  Without leads/traffic, no sales funnel will work.

Now, how many do you think you’ll have to recruit to find the very few that can also afford such an expensive system?  You will need to recruit massively.

This is where a lot of people fail to do and they lose thousands of dollars into buying those licensing rights.

On top of that, in order to recruit massively, they’ll teach you to use paid traffic (remember they said to place ads online) but that can run you in the $1,000’s per month as well.

So if you want to go into this, think about how much money you’ll need to start it with and if you’re willing to do recruit so many people into this kind of system.




Thumbs DownNo, I don’t consider 17 Minutes Only a scam because they are showing you a system that will work if you know how to use it.

For me, I don’t have that kind of money to play around with so I have opted to use a different business model that doesn’t cost so much.

This MOBE system is good for those who already know internet marketing and who knows how paid traffic works online or else you’ll lose more money than you gain.

If you put thousands of dollars into a system, it will take you months to start profiting but it could work if you put a lot of work effort into it.

There are some things I don’t agree with the way they market 17 Minutes Only though because it’s very misleading like telling you that this business just takes an hour a day, or that this is easy as pie, or not needing any capital.

No system is really that easy, especially if you want to earn 4 – 5 figures online from it.

They also tell you that you have a coach and a sales team but they are one and the same.  Your “coach” is actual the sales team for the person that brought you in, and your sales team will be your leads’ coach.

They are just sales reps who’ll also get a commission from closing sales.

Lastly, the MOBE system doesn’t provide you a way to build something that’s your own.

From all the money you invest in this system, you will come out with no real asset you can call your own because you’re not creating anything or building anything.

You’re depending your whole entire business on MOBE’s system.

The problem with that is, if MOBE one days folds (like one of their competitors did), so does your entire business.

From everything I’ve said, I do not recommend 17 Minutes Only or MOBE.




If you want an online business that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars to start, get to build your own asset that you will very much own yourself, and create value with your business, then this may be for you.

I have done just that when I started my online business in Sep/16 that generates a 4 digit monthly online income for me.

If you’re serious about building a business that can potentially replace your job or even just side money, then building an asset for yourself is a must.

Yes, it will require hard work and lots of time to build it but I can tell you right now that it’s well worth it.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide shows you how the business model I use works, why it works, and where you can even get started for FREE!

I show you the exact training platform I used to learn everything I know about this online business and you get to learn how to build your online business that attracts its own organic free traffic so you don’t have to pay for any promotions if you don’t want to.

It’s the same method how you landing on my review today without me paying a penny for it.

You’ll also get tons of help and support too on this new journey so if you have questions, they will be answered.

Stop wasting time on high ticket programs and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether 17 Minutes Only is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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