Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking

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Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword RankingI want to share with you the best way I found on how to check google website keyword ranking because without rankings, you won’t have traffic and if you don’t have traffic, then your site will be doomed!

Therefore it’s important to check your Google ranking for your keywords so you know how you’re performing.

Today, you’re in for a treat because I have the best tool for you to use not only for keyword research but also for an amazing, easy way to not only check your keyword rankings, you’ll be able to automatically track them!

You’ll be able to track not only your own website’s keywords, but also your competitors’ sites too!

That’s the best feature yet I think, so let’s get to showing you the following:



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Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Test Drive




Product Name: Jaaxy


Price: Free Trial – $0 (No Credit Card Needed), Pro – $49/Month, Enterprise – $99/Month

Owners: Kyle & Carson

Recommended? Yes.

Jaaxy is not only a keyword search tool but it can also check your website ranking for all your keywords for three search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

This is the best tool I was referring above to not only check your keyword rankings but also automatically track your website ranking on a frequency you can choose.

You can also do instant searches to see where you are at for a particular keyword, look at the first page search results, and track it if you want to continue seeing the progression of this ranking.


Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy homepage


As a search tool, Jaaxy has many features that will bring you the best keywords to use in any niche and you’ll have different ways to discover new keywords as well.

There are easy indicators for you to see whether the keyword is worth using or not and you’ll quickly find the ones you’ll want to use.

While checking for keywords, you can also see if there are affiliate programs for that keyword available as well as domains available if you like to buy keyword type domains.

This multifunctional keyword tool is well worth the money if you want to get one of their paid memberships but it comes with a free trial that you can test out first.

Let me now give you a closer look at Jaaxy and all its features.




The owners of Jaaxy really improved the tool by expanding the Site Rank feature in this 3.0 version and it’s got lots of juicy features with it too.

Site Rank is the part where you will be checking your keyword rankings for your website and you’ll get to do so on three search engines, not just Google but also Bing and Yahoo.

The features you’ll love best are:


Instant Keyword Rank Search

It’s so easy and fast to just do a quick search on a keyword, just put in the keyword you want to look up and the domain you want to check for.


Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Instant Search Keyword Rankings


The best part is you can put in any domain, so you can check your own and your competitors’ rankings as well which can give you a competitive edge!

Here’s a quick view of what you’ll see if you do an instant keyword rank search:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Key Features


I will go through each section in greater detail so you’re not too confused seeing all this at once.

I’ll start with top left, as you can see, I did a search for the keyword phrase “is countdown to profits a scam” for my domain, and it gave me the results of position 2 on the first page of Google:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Instant Search

As you can see, I’m not even ranked at all on Bing or Yahoo for this keyword so that’s something I’ll need to find out why and get it ranked over there as well.

You can also track any domain, not just your own, so this is a great way to see how your competitors are doing!


A View of 1st Page SERP

To the right of your instant keyword rank search results, you will see the first page search results of the search engine tab you’re on, and I’ve got Google on so you can see my listing in the second spot and it’s highlighted so you can see quickly where your site is on the first page:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank 1st Page results


I couldn’t capture it all in the image but it will list you the full 10 results of the first page of each search engine if you’re ranked there.

This is helpful to see what kind of sites are ranked around you and gives you strategies to see how you can do better or changes to be made.

This also shows if you’re out ranking your competitors in this view, so that’s a great way to quickly see where you are at amongst your competitors.


Track Your Ranking for Multiple Keywords

This is one of the best features of Jaaxy, I feel anyway, is the ability to track your keyword rankings so you don’t have to search for it all the time.

It’s easy to set it up because if you looked up an instant keyword rank search, in the middle left of the results, you will see this:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Track Keyword Rankings Automatically


So all you have to do to add this keyword you looked up to your keyword tracking, you just have to pick the frequency you want Jaaxy to go out to check the ranking for you and click the “Track This Keyword Daily” button – of course, the Daily word, will change to whatever frequency you pick.

You have four choices of how frequent you want the keyword ranking checked: Daily, Twice a Week, Weekly, and Twice a Month Monthly.

The frequency can be changed anytime so you may want to check it more often in the first couple of weeks and then less often later.

Once you set it up, you’ll be able to view it all under the “Tracked Rankings” tab:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Tracked Rankings


I didn’t show my own results for obvious reasons but here is an example of what the tracking tool looks like:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Tracking Features


As you can see, you will see the keywords you’re tracking, then the domains, then how many times it’s been scanned (checked), the frequency, and what the keyword rankings are for each keyword for the three search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

It also gives you a little arrow indicator to let you know if that ranking has gone up or down from its current position.

This is by far one of the best features of Jaaxy and I really love seeing all my keywords tracked like this and see all my keyword rankings quickly.


View Keyword Ranking History

The last feature I’ll point out is the history view of the keyword ranking:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Site Rank Keyword Ranking History


This is where you can see how you’ve been ranking or your competitors been ranking in a historical view going back to “All Time” for a full history.

I think this is a great feature as well so you can see how you’ve been progressing on a particular keyword and make changes accordingly if need be to stay on top of your keyword rankings.



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Jaaxy is also a very powerful keyword search tool that you’ll have many ways to find low competitive keywords to use.

It has easy indicators to tell you if a keyword is good to use or not and will give you options to expand your search to offer you even more ideas.

The key features of the keyword search tool are:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Keyword Search Menu

  • Keyword Search
  • Alphabet Soup
  • Saved Lists
  • Search History
  • Search Analysis
  • Affiliate Programs Check
  • Brainstorm


I will go through these as I explain how the search tool works and how easy it is to find low competition keywords with it.

Let’s start with the view of what you see when you search a keyword like “can you make money on twitch”:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Keyword Search Results Analysis


The results here are truncated just for example sake but this page could be a long list of 30 related keyword results or more depending on what membership you have.

What I love is the keyword data it gives you:

  • AVG – the average amount of searches made in a month
  • Traffic – the amount of traffic you can expect if you land on first page
  • QSR – quoted search results – how many sites use the exact keyword if used with quotes on google

The quick way for me to find a low competition keyword is by looking only TWO of these factors:

  • AVG needs to be higher than 100
  • QSR needs to be lower than 100

That’s it.  The higher the AVG the better and the lower the QSR the better.

The KPI column gives you a general “green light” sort of speak based on more than the two factors I just talked about and it will offer you these three grading for the keyword: “Great” in green, “Normal” in yellow, or “Poor” in red.

So if you have these three factors: AVG above 100, QSR below 100, and you have KPI says “Great”, then this would be an awesome keyword to use.

You’ll also see on the right of the image above that there’s a “Domains” column, this tells you if that keyword can be bought as a domain in .com, .net, or .org.

So if you’re one to love getting keyword type domains, this is a great one feature to have so you know right away if you could buy that domain or not for that keyword.



Your Turn To Find Some Amazing Keywords For FREE:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Test Drive



Other Keyword Search Features

The main search is awesome and easy to use but let’s take a look at the other features here:

  • Alphabet Soup – This will take you through the whole alphabet for a particular keyword to see what other keywords you can find if you went through the alphabet for say “dog training”.  For A’s, it could give you keywords like “dog training at home” or “dog training for Afghan Houds”.  Then it can give you keywords with “dog training” + B words, etc all the way to Z!
  • Saved Lists – Any keywords you find that you want to keep can be saved into lists, so your keywords can be organized like a list for dog training and a list for dog health, etc.  This will help you find your keywords easily later on.
  • Search History – Even if you didn’t save your keywords in lists, you have this history that can also fall back on as well to see what you’ve searched before.  You can also save to a list from the history view as well which makes it convenient to grab the keywords you previously searched but forgot to save.
  • Search Analysis – This gives you a quick look at the SERPs for the keyword you want to search for.  Instead of going to Google to make another search, you can do it all within Jaaxy for your convenience!
  • Affiliate Programs Check – I love this feature too because it lets you know what affiliate programs are out there for the keywords you are looking for.  So if I looked up “dog training” it would show me affiliate programs that would have products for me to promote.  Of course, this is only useful to those who are using affiliate marketing to monetize their site.
  • Brainstorm – This gives you more ideas on the keyword you’re searching and very neat to use.  You will find some interesting topics that you may not thought of for your niche and can really offer you lots to write about too.

With all these great features for the keyword search, I don’t know if you can ever complain that you can’t find any good keywords to use!

You will have so many ways to find new keywords and easy indicators to tell you what to use.

Finding great keywords to use is the first step to getting your website ranked high on search engines and this tool will help you do that.




The Jaaxy memberships are divided into three groups:

  • Trial
  • Pro
  • Enterprise


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The Trial membership is free to sign up and has these features:

  • 30 keyword searches
  • 30 search results
  • 30 Site Rank analysis scans
  • 1x Speed

The Pro membership is $49/month and here’s a snapshot of this one:

  • You get everything in the Trial +
  • Unlimited searches
  • Unlimited search history
  • Search Analysis
  • Manual QSR & Domain Searches
  • Alphabet Soup (15 keywords/letter)
  • 2x Multi-Threaded Search
  • 2K Site Rank Scans

The Enterprise membership is $99/month and has the following features:

  • You get everything in Pro +
  • Automated QSR & Domain Searches
  • Alphabet Soup (50 keywords/letter)
  • 5x Speed
  • Unlimited Keyword Lists
  • 5x Multi-Threaded Search
  • 5K Site Rank Scans

Here’s another view of all three memberships side by side:

Jaaxy Membership Options




If you use Jaaxy and turns out you really like it, you can make money with it by referring it to other people who would benefit from such a great tool.

When you sign up for your Jaaxy account, you will automatically be able to refer others to the tool.  You just have to grab your affiliate link under the “Program Details” tab under the “Affiliate Program” menu on top:

Best Way On How To Check Google Website Keyword Ranking Jaaxy Affiliate Program Menus


You will see the details of the program there as well that shows this as a very lucrative program as you can earn on a monthly recurring basis when someone upgrades from a free trial to the Pro or Enterprise accounts.

Under “My Stats” you will see the clicks you get plus any referrals you get.

Under “Links & Tracking”, you’ll have even more referral links to choose from plus a Jaaxy search plugin that allows people to try out a search while on your site like this:






Jaaxy is a very powerful tool as you can see and any website owner should have it to not only find incredible low competition keywords but also automatically track your website keyword rankings as well.

Jaaxy makes it so easy for you to check Google keyword ranking and also rankings for Yahoo & Bing as well.

In addition, you will be one step ahead as you can also check the Google ranking of your competitors’ keywords as well and stay on top of them!

The speed that Jaaxy does its keyword and keyword ranking searches saves you a lot of time and uses very accurate data to provide you with the latest keyword stats.

With all the features of Jaaxy, no wonder it’s ranked one of the world’s best keyword tool to use!



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If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to check website Google keyword ranking or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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