CBD Oil Network Marketing Vs Affiliate Marketing

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CBD Oil Network Marketing Vs Affiliate MarketingCBD oil has taken the internet marketing world by storm in recent years as more and more people are growing a sense of attachment to this product.

For affiliate marketers like myself, we are profiting heavily from monetary opportunities CBD presents and as for the everyday person, the product has been tested to help cure a number of diseases that previously were considered untouchable.

But, there are other choices like network marketing or joining a multi-level marketing (MLM) company to get started in this niche, so what’s better for CBD oil niche, network marketing vs affiliate marketing?

This post will show you what you need to know about using both to promote this niche.



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So What Exactly Does CBD Oil Do?

Well, CBD oil is a cannabidiol extract from the hemp cannabis plant that is industrialized or purified to remove elements of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and processed for its impressive health benefits.

It is believed that CBD oil provides great remedy for diseases such as pain related problems, cancer related symptoms, sleep related problems, skin related problems, for pet diseases and much more.

Because CBD oil has been clinically tested to be able to sort out and cure certain fringe diseases like cancer, it’s very easy for many people to develop a wrong impression about it.

What do I mean?

Alright here we go: CBD oil mustn’t be considered like a magic pill capable of curing all sorts of diseases.

Even though it has shown a lot of potential in its therapeutic abilities, testing is on going and there’s still short of evidence to back its overall healing capabilities.



In other words, if you are a consumer of CBD oil or you’re marketing it on your blog or other mediums, do not let companies out there tell you that CBD oil is a one stop healing product for all your healthy woes! That simply is not true!

Anyway if you’re a promoter of CBD oil, you want to partner with the best CBD oil affiliate programs out there in the industry offering legit products that will make your followers happy.

In addition, you want to stamp your feet in the ground and use the best CBD oil marketing strategy that will make you the most profits while preserving your brand.

This is because when dealing with any online business, the most common marketing strategies you can use in your business are network marketing and affiliate marketing.

Here’s a quick video that explains what the differences are between network marketing (MLM companies) and affiliate marketing in general:




So with the rise of CBD oil, you are gonna see lots of companies coming up and targeting you (internet marketer) to partner with them and help spread the word about products they’re selling.

In this article, we are going to compare CBD network marketing vs affiliate marketing.

We’ll discuss pros and cons for each marketing strategy so that without a shadow of a doubt, you know exactly where you want to plant your seeds!

So let’s begin!



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CBD Oil and Network Marketing

Also known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM), the reason for this name is the fact that it involves finding people to build a team so as to promote a certain project or product.

In order to earn money in a MLM, you usually have to:

  • Sell the products yourself which means you have to buy inventory from that MLM company at wholesale and you sell to customers at retail price to make a profit, and;
  • Recruit others so you can earn from their sales too and grow your team.


4 Hands Huddle


How It Works

To join an MLM company selling CBD oil, it’s either through someone’s recommendation who’s already an affiliate with the company or you can simply search and go to the website directly.

Usually, you have to pay a certain amount of money to join an MLM company and also additional costs for inventory you need to buy.

You’ll get a start up kit that gives you a variety of products of their product line that you can start selling with.

Then, you’ll be taught to recruit others to join your team so that you can earn from their sales as well.

The recruiting aspect usually starts with one person at the top who recruits people to join him by creating levels or downlines.

As his team grows, more products are sold and more revenue he earns.

This simply means that each person in the team is obligated to recruit and create his downline too.

Therefore the entire set up eventually looks like a pyramid structure. The person who hasn’t signed anyone up is always at the very bottom of the pyramid and earns little or close to nothing but the one at the top reaps the most benefits.



  • High Profits – You can earn very high profits from a CBD oil network marketing company if you are the top of the level or pyramid and you’re good at these two things;
  • Selling / Recruiting and Leading from the front (Leadership) – If you aren’t good at leading and selling or recruiting, then you better not waste your time because you will be lurking in the shallows of your own failures.

This is because, you cannot just rely on direct sales to make money with a MLM company.

You have to recruit a lot of people, train them how to recruit other people as well and build a massive downline and chances are you may not have a clue on how to do that.



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  • Most MLM companies always turn out not to be legit because they end up relying on the recruiting instead of selling the products themselves to make money from the MLM, which is not allowed in the FTC’s eyes.

A lot of MLM companies have come along, and over 90% of them turn out to be fake ponzi schemes that get shut down countless times.

With that said, you should be careful when joining a CBD oil MLM program.

Do your thorough research and prove the legitimacy of any company because if it’s associated with network marketing.

  • Network marketing is costly – Most network marketing companies not only charge an initial membership fee, it’s also costly to go out and recruit new customers to build a team because without it, you won’t be as profitable.

If you’re looking to start a CBD oil business and you’re low on budget, this wouldn’t be a wise marketing strategy to pursue as there are better options to explore.

For example, HempWorx is a CBD oil network marketing company that charges initial fees if you want to partner with them as a distributor.

This is the absolute opposite of affiliate marketing since becoming an affiliate is free.

You can easily find the best CBD oil affiliate marketing programs to join at no extra cost.

  • High chances of collapse – When it comes to network marketing, all members on the team need to work hard and recruit as many people as they can.

If some team members aren’t recruiting and adding new people, the pyramid breaks or collapses.

You’re also stuck with one company’s products if you join a MLM, which is again opposite of affiliate marketing which allows you to work with as many brands/products as you’d like.



CBD Oil and Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most popular marketing strategy and is preferred by most internet promoters, including myself.

I actually had written about how to use affiliate marketing for the CBD oil niche, check it out here.

It involves marketing other people’s products on your blog or social media network through a unique link that when clicked by interested parties redirects them to an affiliate offer (product or service).


Laptop with target and "affiliate marketing" on screen with stacks of cash around the laptop


And when the interested party makes a purchase through clicking on your unique affiliate link, you earn a commission.

You can sign up with as many CBD oil affiliate programs as you’d like so you can work with as many products/brands as you like too.

There’s no actual selling you need to do with affiliate marketing because you’re just recommending people to use CBD oil and showing people how CBD oil can help them solve a problem.

So, all you have to do with affiliate marketing is drive traffic/visitors to merchants that sell the actual CBD oil products.

No selling, no recruiting.


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How It Works

After you sign up with your preferred affiliate program(s), you now have access to your affiliate dashboard that shows visits, clicks, traffic, sales and payouts.

You are given a unique affiliate link that you will use in your campaigns (Blog, YouTube, Forum, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc) to drive traffic to CBD oil products.

When someone clicks on your unique link and buys any product, you earn money.



  • Unlimited Choices – With affiliate marketing, you have unlimited choices to promote whatever you like.

There are thousands of lucrative niches to select from the market, each with unlimited products and services you can share with your followers and when they buy through your links, you earn commissions.

  • CBD oil is in the health niche and highly profitable – There are many sub niches you can get into that align with your choice.

For example, you can start a business that specializes in marketing only CBD oil for pets like dogs, cats etc

  • Total Independence – Affiliate marketing makes it so that you have total independence and reliance on yourself and your efforts.

Only you have the keys for your own success because if you want to hit certain figures on sales commissions, you set up a plan and work hard to achieve it because there’s no need to rely on a team to make sales and up your profits.

Like I mentioned, after you sign up for any CBD oil affiliate program, you have access to your own dashboard that shows summary of your marketing performance and only you can improve it to hit your goals.

  • Budget Friendly – When you compare affiliate marketing with other typical online marketing models, you will discover that it doesn’t require a lot of money to begin.

In fact, you can even get started with affiliate marketing without any investment whatsoever!

All you need is an affiliate link and if you have a plan setup that can drive traffic to your offers, then you just earned a commission without spending a single dime!

Most legit CBD oil companies have affiliate programs that you can sign up for free and start promoting products immediately.

  • No Recruits, Team building or Pyramid-like Structures – When it comes to affiliate marketing, your job is to drive visitors to CBD oil products.  Therefore, there is no recruiting people under you or anything of the sort.

You’re simply recommending a problem solving product or service to your target audience and earn commissions.

As an affiliate marketer, you’re more about showing people the benefits of using CBD oil and then getting them to “try it” or “check it out” by leading them with your affiliate link to go buy it from the brands/companies you partnered up with.

When you recommend top quality CBD oil products to your target audience, all that matters is that you’re earning commissions and not what your โ€˜teamโ€™ is doing.

No product creation, refunds, inventory, delivery and customer service.

We both know we don’t have the capacity to create CBD oil. If you do, let me know so we become partners!

Affiliate marketing eliminates most of the technical aspects of business and only leaves you with a sole job of driving targeted traffic to offers.

The destination website does all the creating, selling, and delivery of the product to the final consumer.


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  • Long Term Business – Most people like to say that affiliate marketing is dead. But if you check the stats, affiliate marketing is the longest running business model that you can do for years.

There will never be a shortage in products and services to promote and if you partner with a legit CBD oil company that is there to stay, you’ll earn lifetime commissions for as long as you stay in business too!



As much as I support affiliate marketing over network marketing, there are some cons.

  • High Competition – With the rise and trendy nature of CBD oil, this niche is getting competitive and if you can’t derive means or strategies to get your nose in front, you may not hit your goals successfully even if your using affiliate marketing as your preferred business model.
  • Fake Affiliate Programs – There are certain CBD oil sites that sell low quality products. Therefore you have to be careful before signing up with such companies by doing a thorough investigation.

The fastest way to do this is by checking out reviews, comments and reactions from customers and what they’re saying about the final product since they’ve tasted and seen it.

You don’t wanna deal with fake CBD oil companies or any affiliate company for that matter because it will tarnish your brand and make you lose your followers.



CBD Oil Affiliate Marketing for Passive Income

Affiliate marketing is very rewarding if you do it right. It is in fact the business model I use daily and I’m compelled to share with you just how awesome the ride has been.

Well for starters, it wasn’t a bed of roses for me at first. I made close to nothing in my first year (2017), only about $1.5K but I didn’t give up.

With patience and hard work, the affiliate marketing seeds I planted in my first year started to germinate in 2018.

That is when I begin having a taste of what they call passive income.

I realized a 4 figure income coming in every month and I managed to generate $40k in revenue that year.

Funny thing is that I was able to do all this as a stay at home mom with only a laptop and internet.

And now I’m a super affiliate and ambassador at this training platform all because of the power of affiliate marketing.

Thumbs UpBut, there’s no way I would have seen any success if it wasn’t for the affiliate marketing training program that taught me to how build my affiliate marketing business.

Did I do it overnight? Hell no!

This business is more of a marathon than a sprint, and to find a better chance of success, taking training is where you can make sure you are building your online business the right way.

This business takes training, hard work, and a lot of patience – Three things I used to be where I am today.

Check out my free guide here to learn about where this affiliate marketing training platform is and how you can get started today with them for FREE:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


This guide will give you a picture of how affiliate marketing works and how you can get started today without taking your wallet out!

I reveal the exact training platform I used to generate $40k in 2018 and make 4 figures passive income monthly.



If you have questions or inquires about CBD oil network marketing vs affiliate marketing or concerning affiliate marketing in general, please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you in no time because I always answer my readers! ๐Ÿ™‚


Let’s Make Money Online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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