Create Your Own Online Teaching Jobs From Home & Make Money!

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Create Your Own Online Teaching Jobs From HomeWith the internet and technology in full swing, there are all kinds of online opportunities available to workers these days.

Many of them are work from home positions, which means a lot of folks can do the tasks without getting out of their PJs if they want.

Of course, not everyone can snag one of these online jobs, so if that’s the case for you, did you know that you can create your own online teaching jobs from home too?

Yes there are online platforms nowadays that allow you to do this that help you create your own online teaching jobs basically and earn money from home with it.

In this post, I will show you the platforms that offer you the tools and online space to freely create the courses you want to offer:


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Being able to teach online and create your very own online teaching jobs from home is a delight that many could only dream of.

It really doesn’t matter what you teach or be highly educated in the subject or not, as long as you can provide people with a high quality learning experience that people can really learn from, then you can make money doing this.


Capitalizing On Online Teaching Jobs From Home


That’s the online teaching opportunity in front of you here, you don’t even need to be highly educated or anything like that o be able to teach online.

If you are well versed in a topic or even how to fix a bike, you can create a course online and people can learn from you.

With the platform I show you below, you will see the types of courses that are out there and you’ll be able to do your own courses in the topics you want to teach.

The course can be as extravagant in length and features as you’d like or as simple and short as you’d want to make your courses.

Whatever you create, the first thing in mind is: will my students learn what I’m teaching here?

If they are able to take your course and actually learn what you’re teaching, then your job is done and you can really make a full time income doing this online.

If you look at the platform like Udemy, you’ll see that many people have already sold tons of their courses on there making an income of 3 to 4 digits a month.

There are other platforms that aren’t like Udemy, that you can just build your own course so you can upload the course to your own site or wherever you want to sell your course at.

Either you do it, you can really create your own online teaching jobs from home with this kind of method.




1. Udemy (Sign Up Here)

This organization has 24-million students worldwide. So, there are loads of pupils wanting to learn, and they just need you to teach them.

This site gives the teacher the chance to inspire pupils, help employees advance their careers, and assist folks in exploring hobbies.

Additionally, there is an active community of instructors that are more than happy to support you along the way.

First, you will need to plan the lesson. This action can be completed via a Notebook, Microsoft Excel, or Google Docs.

Next, the instructor has to create a video. I can already hear the screams of camera-shy readers from here, but hold your horses as Udemy has a solution.


Udemy - How to create online courses


Those that are a bit bashful in front of a camera can utilize screencasting software to make demos. This portion can be done from a smartphone or DSLR with a microphone.

To get the most out of this online teaching job from home, you will also need to build your community by reaching out to students.

Develop assignments, quizzes, and exercises that promote interactivity, engagement, and keep them coming back for more.

Now, on to the most critical part that everyone has been waiting on, the pay. Once a student purchases your course, you earn money. The amount will vary depending on the pupil demand. However, the payments are sent once a month through PayPal or Payoneer.

Feel free to give Udemy a look if it sounds like a good fit. With any luck, it will prove to be the job of your dreams.


2. Skillshare (Sign Up Here)

Anyone and everyone can teach on Skillshare, providing that the course abides by the organization’s publishing guidelines. A person can instruct any kind of class they are passionate about, but some of the top topics include…

  • Technology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Design
  • Everyday How-To’s

Before deciding if Skillshare is right for you, know that the courses are a combo of video lessons along with a class project. The programs are pre-recorded and last for approximately 30 to 40 minutes.


Skillshare Home Page


Meanwhile, the project is a brief task that puts the learned skills into action. The Skillshare platform doesn’t just throw you to the wolves, they have resources such as a 30-day teaching workshop and a teacher’s handbook to help.

Instructors make their money in a couple of different ways here.

For one, they earn royalties, which are based on the number of minutes pupils watch the class.

Additionally, the teacher can also receive pay on referrals. Each time they refer a student to the premium membership, the teacher gets a bonus.

There are lots of things to take into consideration when you are searching for online teaching jobs from home, but these two names should definitely be at the top of your list.


3. Teachable (Sign Up Here)

Don’t worry if these online teaching jobs from home don’t float your boat. I still have another name to discuss. Plus, if it doesn’t do the trick, there are lots of additional opportunities on my site.

Teachable is a suitable solution for monetizing your expertise and this a great platform if you want to use it on a professional level. It allows instructors to teach the courses that they love.


Teachable Home Page


What’s different about this platform than the ones above is that you can really make intensive courses on there because they have the following features:

  • Add Discussion Forums
  • Graded Quizzes
  • Integrated Payment Processing
  • Integrated Affiliate Marketing (so others can sell for you)
  • Drip Course Content
  • Theme Customization
  • Bulk Student Enrollment
  • and much more…

With Teachable, you could create beautiful, professional courses and sell them on a big scale since you can initiate an affiliate marketing program for your course.




After creating your courses, you may be able to sell them already without much promotion if it’s on Udemy or Skillshare because there is a marketplace there already and people already go to those platforms to learn.

In that sense, you’re a set of the game already going with either of those platforms but the sales just from being on their platform is not enough sometimes when you’re a new instructor/teacher, you may not have the reviews you’ll need to get the sales.

Therefore, with those platforms even and with Teachable, you’ll need to promote your online courses and here are some suggestions you can use:

  1. Build a Blog Website – This is a great way to promote your course because you’ll be able to blog about that subject on your blog as well to attract visitors to your website where your course will be for them to purchase.  You can also show tips and tricks this way as well on your blog and then they can take the full course if they are interested in your tips.
  2. Social Media – You could build a large following on one or two social media platforms which could be on any of the popular ones like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.  If you could build a Facebook Group, that’s actually going to be the most effective.  People love joining FB groups and if you can have a big following in there, they will certainly buy your course!
  3. Online Forums – This is another avenue you can take to spread the word, go on online forums for your topic or niche and see if anyone could use your course on there, especially if they are asking questions that you answer in your course.

If you have the budget for it, you can also do paid ads on search engines or on any social media platform.

There are plenty of ways to promote your new online course and teach people what you know!




Even if a person is not interested in creating a course, they should think about enrolling in a class at one of these places (Udemy or Skillshare).

Knowledge is power and learning as much as you can will help you achieve your goals, whatever they might be. It doesn’t matter whether the interested party is a parent, college student, employee, or someone else, these companies have a little something for everyone.

If you don’t like doing courses, you can build a blog website like me and just teach through your own words.

Blogging is teaching in a way because you can tell people how to do things and provide valuable information on a subject you really like or have a passion for.

I’ve been able to make a 4 digit online income from this blog you’re on and I learned it all from one training platform that you can find here in my FREE guide:

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At the end of my 2 years with this training platform, I made $4.9K in that last month of my two years and my online business continues to earn for me month after month.

So for me, this training platform is totally worth it and I love learning everyday on it.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how you could create your own online teaching jobs from home or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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