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Most internet marketing products don’t usually last on the market very long but every once in awhile one continues to make waves on social media and in the make money online industry. People are wondering if Commission Profit Hack is a scam or not so I have put together this review for you to show you what’s it all about.
In my honest Commission Profit Hack review, I will reveal to you what’s truth and what’s hype. Don’t get these two mixed up because these types of products usually talk a lot of smoke but doesn’t really provide a lot of substance.
I’m here to show you the difference and what will give you the truth behind Commission Profit Hack in the following sections:
- What Is Commission Profit Hack?
- Price & Upsells
- Is Commission Profit Hack A Scam?
- What Is A Better Alternative To Commission Profit Hack?
If you don’t want to waste anymore time on scams,
see My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
Product Name: Commission Profit Hack
Website: Go Here
Owners: Glynn & Leigh
Price: $4.95 + Upsells
Recommended? No.
Commission Profit Hack is a video training series that shows you how to make over $200 in the next hour by using their secret traffic source and system.
What you get for the initial price of $4.95 is 7 videos that talks about how to take advantage of the free secret traffic source and use their brand new method.
Don’t Know What You’re Buying
On their sales page, they never tell you what you’ll be doing to make that money, so you could be going into something you really don’t want to do.
Have you ever bought something you didn’t know what it was? Do you go into a store and buy a box for $5 and then find out what’s inside after you pay?
Thought not.
These internet marketing products do this all the time and doesn’t let you know what you’re buying but blow a bunch of smoke in your face like how much you can earn and how much they have earned using this system.
Selling you the dream of making so much money you don’t even have to lift a finger:
The truth is, their income claims are from selling other products and you will never know where their income proof really comes from.
The owners Glynn and Leigh are well known internet marketers and sell products like this all the time. They also have a team of affiliates to sell for them, so the income they show you on their sales page has nothing to do with the system they are selling at hand.
So, What’s The Free Secret Traffic Source & Brand New Method?
With a quick look inside, I find out that the brand new method is not so brand new and has been around for awhile.
They are teaching you how to promote affiliate links using YouTube videos.
You’ve heard of YouTube right? So, not so secret after all, huh?
Within the 7 short training videos, they touch on how to make a video, put it on YouTube, and then tons of money will fall into your lap.
They teach a bit about using keywords and how to use good video Titles to get ranked and traffic from all the YouTube viewers.
Although it sounds simple, it’s not quite. As I said in my previous review of a similar product using YouTube videos, it’s not that simple to just upload a video and you make tons of money.
While your video can get ranked quickly, getting someone to view your video may be easier than actually having a viewer click on your affiliate link and then also buy.
As well, them telling you that you can make over $200 in the next hour is a very tall order for a YouTube video.
Many YouTubers who are successful at what they do take months if not years to cultivate a great channel to make money from.
I have a channel as well that has 18 videos on it so far and they don’t generate over $200 days for me… not yet anyway, my channel is still young.
So, there you have what Commission Profit Hack is really about.
As of this post, the initial price is $4.95 and any product that has tons of upsells only means that their basic product is not complete.
By the time you’ve bought everything, you’re close to $200. But letting you in at the low, low price of $4.95 will psychologically make you want to buy the upsells since you’ve already bought into the product.
I don’t like products that keep trying to upsell you and it’s super annoying. If they were just upfront about how much this will cost me from the beginning, it would be much more trustworthy but they bombard you with all these One Time Offers as soon as you buy.
Here’s what you get with the upsells:
#1) $37 The Zero Cost System Setup Guide + Traffic Rolodex – this is a “comprehensive guide that will detail where to get all the services that are required to run a profitable online business for ZERO COST”.
Sounds pretty important to have and should be included in the basic package since that’s what the product is about!
#2) $27 Email Marketing Course + DFY Email Swipes – a full length video course detailing how to do email marketing the correct way and get a done for your email swipe package.
This has nothing to do with YouTube marketing so this add on is not even related to the main product.
#3) $17 High Paying Affiliate Program Database + Bonus Interviews – a file that has a bunch of high paying evergreen affiliate programs that they recommend and use themselves supposedly.
This information is free on the internet by the way.
#4) $97 License Rights To The Commission Profit Hack Sales Funnel + SKYPE Consultation – opportunity to license their products and resell them as if they were your own for 100% commissions and a chance to grab Glynn on Skype for 30 day to pick his brains anything email marketing related.
First of all, thanks for the license to sell your crappy product. Secondly, I have to pay for help and support AND on a topic not even related to the main product of YouTube video marketing?? No thank you.
With all the lying they do on the sales page, I would say this is a scam because it’s giving you false hopes and not even training to actually help you make that kind of money you’re after.
You are certainly not going to “make over $200 within the next hour“. It’s discerning to me when I see products deceiving innocent people who want to really learn.
On the other hand, I have to say ultimately, this is not a scam because you are getting a product for your money, the 7 training videos.
Are they good quality? Certainly not since each of them are only 10-20 mins long. You think you can build an online business with just under 2 hours of training? Not likely.
You’ll have tons of questions to ask with no one to ask them to since there is no support for this product.
For all the reasons I’ve mentioned in this Commission Profit Hack review, I cannot recommend this product to you.
A better alternative to Commission Profit Hack is a training program that actually puts your best interest first instead of being busy upselling you.
A training program that you can really learn from to build the online business you’ve been wanting to build which will require your hard work and dedication.
After all, you are building a business and it will take your full commitment to achieve the goals you want.
I’ve been using Wealthy Affiliate since Sep 2016 and have been building this website with their teachings since then.
They teach you how to build a website, how to write content that will generate tons of free organic traffic, and they teach you how to make money with it using affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to use to build an online business because of the low cost of entry.
The real cost is in the education you’ll need to learn how to build such a business. BUT, before you spend a penny, Wealthy Affiliate allows you to use a FREE Starter membership so you can check them out and see how you like their lessons.
With such a membership, you will get the first 10 lessons free (there are still 40 more lessons after that, plus another course that has 70 lessons) and 2 FREE websites to start.
You will also won’t be alone since not only I’ll be there to answer any of your questions, but a huge community of members will also be there to help you too!
For a full detail look at what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, check out my full review and a video tour of their platform here:
I hope you can make a better decision for yourself now that you have more information to help you decide if Commission Profit Hack is a scam or not.
If you have any questions or thoughts about Commission Profit Hack or Wealthy Affiliate, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my visitors! 🙂
Let’s make money online!
oh wow, this is an eye opener, thanks for the info.
Hi Frank, glad my review has helped you. Watch out for these types of products.
Build a real online business instead, get everything you need to know in my free guide!
Thanks for stopping by,