Is Limu A Scam Or Will You Be Driving A Brand New BMW?

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Is Limu A ScamThere’s been some buzz about Limu and how you can make money from it but is this opportunity worth your time?  Is Limu a scam or your ticket to a brand new BMW?

The Limu website and their page for this business opportunity is very vibrant and attractive.  A lot more modern and professional looking than most MLM companies I’ve reviewed previously like Life Force.

They seem to promise a lot so I thought I’d write this review to go over what Limu is all about and if this is an opportunity you don’t want to pass up.

In my Limu review below, you’ll find the following:



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Limu LogoProgram Name: Limu


Price: $500 – $1,000

Owner: Gary J. Raser

Recommended?  No

Founded in 2004, Limu prides itself on the products they bring to the market that are based on a nutrient called Fucoidan which is found in brown seaweed.

I don’t know if the seaweed I eat is the same kind but I love it and it’s in my regular diet since I love sushi and stock seaweed at home.

But enough about me…. Lol


Limu Home Page


Limu uses Fucoidan to make their products which promotes the following in people’s health:

  • Good for immune system
  • Help with joints
  • Gain lots of energy
  • Better sleep
  • Skin smoothness and softness
  • Promotes healthy blood cholesterol
  • Allergy relief

So as you can see, there are quite a lot of health benefits to this Facoidan and as a supplement, it’s been very popular as I’ve seen on the market.


Using this “super nutrient”, they have come up with three products:

  1. LIMU ORIGINAL® – They call this the “liquid gold” as it contains Fucoidan-rich anti-inflammatory & anti-viral nutrients.  A drink that is packed with vitamins, amino acids, and minerals with a flavorful blend of organic fruits.  Take a 2 oz shot once or twice a day and you should feel the difference in your health they say.
  2. BLU FROG® & BLU FROG 2® – These are more drinks that are by the can that can be carried around with you.  Each contains a 2 oz shot of Limu Original® plus vitamin B, other nutrients, and caffeine for extra energy boost.  The difference between the two is that the #2 has less calories and more caffeine.
  3. LIMU LEAN® Protein Shake Mix – A shake for weight loss and weight management which includes also Fucoidan.  If you want to curb your appetite, accelerate weight loss and reduce body fat by enhancing your body’s burn potential in a ready-to-drink form, they have Limu Burn as well.

I guess they are keeping it simple with their 3 products essentially which is very similar to another MLM I just reviewed called Rain International which is also in the health products industry.

But, what’s more concerning about these products that Limu has is that they are very expensive.  A 1 litre bottle of the Limu Original costs over $50 from what I’ve seen.

Limu’s products are only sold by people who join their business opportunity and you cannot find these in stores.

If you do find it in stores, they are sold by their members (aka distributors, promoters, etc) on those stores and not Limu themselves.

So because they are selling their products through their promoters, they have a very in-depth compensation plan for those who join.

You will be able to make money from selling their products or recruiting others into the program.  This is what is called a multi-level marketing company when you can make commissions from your recruits’ sales and activities.

Let me now go more into how you make money in this system.


Limu Perks




As I was saying you can make money by either selling their products are recruit others so you can make money from their sales.

You can make money with their compensation plan in 13 ways:

  1. Customer Commissions
  2. 3 for Free Product
  3. Fast Track Bonus
  4. 2K VIP Bonus
  5. First Order Bonus
  6. Limu BMW Club Bonus
  7. Cash Bonuses
  8. Leader Development Bonus
  9. 100K Leader Pool
  10. 500K Leader Pool
  11. Reward Trips
  12. Level Bonus
  13. Lifetime Cash Bonus

I won’t be going through every single way of earning money on this plan since I have already linked all the details above but I will go through the main ones I find important for you to know.


Selling To Customers

You will earn 20% of all sales you make selling their products to customers and it doesn’t matter if that customer referred you more customers, you will still earn 20%.

If you have downlines (people you’ve recruited), you can earn 5% of their sales to customers and that accounts for 4 tiers down.


Three For Free

Not that you can buy anything with products but you can get 100 PV (personal volume) towards your Autoship order of the following month if your current month has 3 customers who have spent 100 PV each.

Of course, you need to be on Autoship in order to qualify.  Autoship is an automated order program that will charge and send you products every month whether you sell them or not.


The Money Is In The Recruiting

As I continue to look through their compensation plan, I see that there are way more benefits in recruiting than in selling their products.

There are also 13 Rank Levels you can qualify for and as you move up the ranks, the more money you will make.

The potential for big payouts are in building your team, having them buy the Fast Track packages initially, and getting your team to also grow their teams.

From #3 – #13 above, you’ll be making commissions from bringing people into the system and will be earning from them through various ways (their purchases, their sales, their Fast Track Packages, etc).

Ultimately, you move up the ranks as you increase your PV each month individually and as a team which means you and your team will have to buy products constantly.


Limu BMW Club


One of the big perks as you move up the ranks is when you hit 20K level, you will receive a Limu BMW Club Bonus where they will give you $600 a month towards your purchase or lease of a brand new black BMW.

As well, you will get major payouts called Cash Bonus in the amounts of $10K – $250K for the seven highest Rank Levels if you can maintain them which is paid monthly.

They also have Level Bonus where you can earn long term income from the your downlines.  As you move up in rank here, you will earn more from your downlines.

So when you first join, you get 5% of Level 1 (people you bring in), when you reach 1K Rank, you will earn 5% of Level 1 & Level 2 (Level 2 would be the recruits of Level 1), and by the time you reach up to 100K Rank & higher, you can earn from 8 Levels deep.

As you can see, there are lots of money to be made in this program and the potential is there to earn an amazing amount of money each year.

But, how long will it take you to grow your team that big that you can make some of those big bucks?

Most will never reach past the first rank level because they are not able to reach the level of recruiting that it takes to grow such sales levels and with the pricing of their products so high, it’ll be hard to sell these products as well.




With everything that I’ve researched, I will have to say no, Limu is NOT a scam.  They are a legitimate MLM business with products to sell and a system to make money from sales and recruiting.

A scam would be like a pyramid scheme where there are no products to be sold to the general public and you are just recruiting.

Although Limu has a very lucrative program, I still do NOT recommend this to you because of the following:

  • Heavy initial investment of $500 – $1000.  If you don’t buy those Fast Track Packages, you won’t receive any of the bonuses that require this.
  • You have to buy products every month (need to be on Autoship) whether you’re able to sell your inventory or not.
  • Their products are extremely expensive for what they are… I can understand paying a premium price for nutrition-rich drinks but over $50 per 1 litre bottle of juice is too much and it’ll be hard for you to sell.
  • To earn an income you can depend on, you will have to do a lot of recruiting as that is where the money is.  Most people will fail at this part because you would have to do massive recruiting to reach those higher Rank Levels and people usually run out of people to recruit.
  • You can only work for with one company, one group of products, therefore, you better like this company before you join.

People in MLMs usually don’t end up doing that well because the people who got in early are the ones that are the few at the top of a pyramid structure that doesn’t benefit the people on the bottom which is where most people are at.

Also, most people find that they are stuck with piles of inventory because they are forced to buy so much of it every single month to stay “active”.

There are better business models these days to use than a MLM business model which will benefit you way better.  Check out the next section.




If you take a look at this video and see my explanation regarding using affiliate marketing instead of the MLM business model, you will see a clear winner.

You may be able to see other options and opportunities that will open up to you if you choose affiliate marketing instead:



With the birth of the internet, there are many other ways that are better than getting involved with a MLM company which I find is never a good business idea, at least for the members at the bottom of the structure.

One of the ways I love using to make money online is using a business model that doesn’t require me to recruit a single person or buy any darn products.

It’s a business model that I’ve properly learned to use in Sep ’16 and I haven’t looked back since I’m making a living online with it.

You can learn all about this business model in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Here Button


In my guide, you will find out how it works, why it works, and even where you can get started for FREE today that will include training, business tools and support!

This business model will use the power of the internet to make you money and you won’t need to sell anything, you’ll be helping others instead.

You can’t beat that!  Helping & caring for others will eventually get you an online income you can depend on.

As well, you won’t need to just work with one company, you can work with as many companies you wish, so never mind if one product is too expensive, you can find others to balance it out.

This is a business model that you must check out because I really love it and the potential is huge!

Stop joining MLMs and start building your own online business today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Limu is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



8 thoughts on “Is Limu A Scam Or Will You Be Driving A Brand New BMW?”

  1. Hello Grace,

    My name is Steve. I have been with LIMU as a promoter since 2012. I will say that you wrote a respectful and detailed article about LIMU, but Grace, you left a few things out.

    1) You shared how the super nutrient Fucoidan is in the products and you mention some of the benefits it provides. The best thing to do is go to and type in Fucoidan and read some of the 3rd Party Independent Studies done by doctors and scientist to get a better understanding of the many benefits of Fucoidan.

    2) You say there are “3” products, but there are “5”, which is no big deal, I just would like to share that there are a total of “5” products.

    3) You mentioned the, “3” For Free Program, but to be more specific, it is a program where if you can get 3 people to just use the product as you suggested, then you will receive your product for FREE, minus the the shipping and taxes, which is a way to practically eliminate your autoship. I will have to say that the autoship is not a bad thing, it is simply using the product that you promote.

    4) You suggest that the main way to earn money is by “recruiting” others. Well, anyone who starts, and builds, any kind of business, will most likely make more money by having more people working in the company, or business with them. With LIMU, you can actually achieve the highest rank, that is, position, in the company, by just personally getting 5 people to join your business with you and teaching them to do the same thing so it is not just about you personally recruiting a lot of people.

    5) You mention the LIMU BMW Club Bonus when you achieve the 3rd position in the company, 20K. Well, the way that works is, LIMU will pay you a $300 dollar Bonus every month that you are 20K or higher, but if you want to go and get a BMW they will add an additionally $300 dollars, for a total of $600 dollars to be used to purchase or lease a BMW. However, you do not have to get a BMW and you will still receive that $300 dollar Bonus each month. By the way, by being able to get a BMW by achieving, just the 3rd rank/position in the company, is a great way to eliminate your car payment.

    6) You mention the $500 and $1,000 dollar buyin to the company, but there is also a $250 dollar buyin. Please understand too, that with the $500 dollar buyin you are getting $320 dollars worth of product and tons of promotional tools, so that is where most of money is going towards.

    7) You suggest that the people who “get in early” are the ones “at the top”, but the reality is, when you join the company, you are the one at the top of your own business, and the one who joins your business is at the top of their business, and so on. Therefore, everyone who joins LIMU or any other Network Marketing Company is at the top. Your success will be determined by your own efforts, which I personally think and believe, as a fair deal.

    Thank you again Grace, for writing such a professional review on The LIMU Company.


    Steve Compton

    • Thanks for your input here Steve, obviously I wasn’t going to go into great detail into the program of Limu, it’s just a review on the structure of that business model really is what I was talking about and why the business model I use in my guide is a better way to build a business with.

      You’re going to be stuck with those 5 products if you stay in that kind of a structure but you can have all or most of the products on the market that has to do with fucoidan if you used the business model I use.

      You can become a fucoidan authority in your own right without having to belong to any network marketing system and restrict yourself what you can do with your business or having to keep buying inventory.

      I don’t need to recruit people in my business either or buy anything and I make a 4 digit online income with my online business.

      All I’ve spent in my business is learn how to build it which is actually FREE to start so you can check it out.

      I strongly disagree with #7, if you think that, you’re not seeing how these network marketing structure works.

      I wish you the best Steve, I appreciate you clarifying several points for others to read about.

      Thanks very much!

  2. Thank you again Grace, for continuing to exercise such class and a non bias commentary, that is not found so often here on the internet.

    You say you strongly disagree with #7, but Grace, it is true. When someone joins LIMU or any other Network Marketing Company, they are at the Top of their own Business. It seems you are thinking about when the company launches itself, and yes, that presents a unique opportunity there as well, but in my experience, it is better to join a company that has a minimum of 3 years or more in business. LIMU was founded in 2004.

    As far as just 5 products, well Grace, LIMU is a Health and Wellness Company and the 5 products they offer are plenty as far as living and maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle. I am not any expert on Fucoidan, but then I don’t try or need to be. With over 1,500 3rd Party Independent Studies listed on stating the many benefits it has, well, it speaks for itself.

    Congratulations on your success and I am confident you would be successful in any venture you pursue, including LIMU.

    • Hi Steve, appreciate you coming by and adding your thought more on this topic.

      Your views are valid, I leave it up to my audience to see what they want to do for themselves. It’s really not a business model I think is expanding to today’s times.

      I wish you all the best as well,

  3. I wish more people, especially here on the internet, would practise the professional manners you do Grace.

    I agree with you Grace in that your audience, as well anyone else needs to do their due diligence and based their decision on facts, not disgruntled, negative, angry people, who spew their uninformed opinions all over the internet.

    The “Business Model”, of Network Marketing was started well over 100 years ago. It is really simple, which I like, in that a company simply shares their products and/or service through The Oldest and Best Form of Advertisement there is, Word of Mouth Advertising. Instead of marketing their products/services through retail stores and/or advertising streams, they pay the average person to tell others about it.

    This Industry, that is, Business Model, generates Billions and Billions of dollars every year, so I think it is going to continue being around for a long, long, time.

    I took a close look at what you are doing and there is no doubt it could be the right fit, for the right person. As for me, I love the Health Benefits we get from using The LIMU Products and I love that The LIMU Company is willing to pay us to share them with others.

    Companies like Avon, Mary Kay, Herbal Life, LIMU, and many others have provided a way for the average person to generate some extra income, on a part time basis, not taking away from what they are doing right now and I very much so believed in The Network Marketing Industry, “Business Model” long before I joined The LIMU Company.

    Thank you again Grace for presenting your thoughts/opinion in such a professional way.


    • Thank you Steve for stopping by and giving your thoughts on this again. Always happy to hear what you have to say and glad we can discuss this in a well mannered way.

      That’s very nice you checked out what I do, that is true each business model will be suitable for different people so I think we will gravitate to what suits our own needs.

      I’m glad you have found your home with Limu, that’s great to hear and I wish you much success!

      So nice to have met you here on my blog,

  4. Hi Grace,

    I’ve been drinking LIMU Original for almost 15 years – and it has never been $50 a bottle. LIMU Original is $30 a bottle and has been for quite along time. If you buy it directly from the company, that’s what you’ll pay.

    We just relaunched are newest product LIMU Original – it is now LIMU 5X. It has five times the amount of fucoidan as our previous original and 60% less preservatives.

    You can still be a promoter without buying one of our fast track packs. There are many ways to earn money – and you can always purchase a fast track pack later if your business is doing well and you what to be eligible for the higher paid Bonuses, like the BMW club.


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