Is Next Job At Home A Scam Or Great Work At Home Jobs?

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is Next Job At Home a scamAre you searching on Next Job At Home but not sure if Next Job At Home is a scam or will you really find a great job?  I don’t blame you for wondering.

I remember looking up job postings at real job sites like and back then these types of sites are legit, no reason to question them.

However, these days, there are so many scams out there that you must be very careful in case you get scammed by accident even.

My review of Next Job At Home will show you what you need to know and reveal whether this site is good to use or not.

Check out the following sections about Next Job At Home:



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Next Job At Home Logo


Program Name: Next Job At Home


Price: Free

Owner: NGM Media LLC, founder Isaac Klein

Recommended? No

When you first land on Next Job At Home, it seems hopeful to look for the dream job of your life on there as there are many hopefuls that would love to be able to work from home.

The Next Job At Home site promises to deliver you real online jobs that are available in your local area and the types of jobs include data processing, customer service, appointment makers, remote assistants, etc.


Next Job At Home website, home page


They say that their job leads have been screened to ensure that the offerings are legit and relevant to what you’re searching for.

All you have to do is sign up for their newsletter and you’ll be emailed new offers everyday right to your inbox.

It won’t cost you anything but will this just waste your time?

I have researched into this a little more and found that not everything that you see on their site is a real job.

You have to be really careful not to click on some of their ads because most of these ads are lead you to opportunities instead of jobs.

In the next section, I’ll go into more details about how this Next Job At Home really works.




There are a few red flags I’d like to discuss in this review of Next Job At Home so that you can see if this site could be trusted or not.

Unfortunately a lot of sites that look legitimate these days could very much turn out to be a scam and this is why I’ve built my website,, so I can let people know what’s good and what’s not.

Without further delay, let’s take a look at the red flags here at Next Job At Home:

#1 Red Flag – ZipRecruiter

As I was examining the Next Job At Home site, I realized they use ZipRecruiter as their job search engine.

Next Job At Home Uses ZipRecruiter

While it looks like there are current vacancies to fill, most of the jobs you see on ZipRecruiter are jobs that are outdated and old.

They don’t take anything off when jobs are filled and they repeat the same jobs over and over again.

You could be applying to some of those jobs already but they will still send them to you.

I can tell you that this job search engine doesn’t have a lot of good reviews by employers who are really looking for employees to hire and it sounds like all ZipRecruiter wants to do is take their money.

As a job seeker, I’ve seen many complaints about the old job listings and how they never refresh it for new listings.

So when you do a job search on Next Job At Home, the listings could be super old or they show the same listings.


#2 Red Flag – Dates Don’t Match Job Listings

This kind of red flag makes me wonder if the job listings are even real because you first do the job search, each job listing has a date of how new they are and you can see if they just added it or if it’s old under the “Date Posted” column.

Next Job At Home Job Listings Post Date don't match 2

However, when I clicked on a 2 month old listing, the listing itself had a different date, it would say it was posted 9 days ago.

Next Job At Home Job Listings Post Date don't match

Now, I don’t know about you but 2 months ago and 9 days ago is a big difference.

I’m sure the job position in this listing is no longer available but why the different dates?  Doesn’t even make sense.


#3 Red Flag – Not All The Listings Are Real Jobs

When you do a job search on the Next Job At Home site, you will not only get (old) job listings but you will also get work at home “offers” and “advertisements”.

Next Job At Home Has offers too, not all jobs

The list does say, “Sponsored Ad” but the banners on the side don’t say that and those offers are scams.

Now, “offers” are going to be quite different than legitimate jobs and you should be very careful clicking on these.

I can see some of the real scams like Automated Daily Income that I’ve even reviewed on my site before plus other low quality offers all of which will require you to pay large sums of money, like thousands of dollars large.

I wouldn’t take on any of the paid offers that are sent to you from Next Job At Home or any of the links that they show you just after you submit your email.


#4 Red Flag – Member Feedback Is Fake

This is just nonsense they added to the side of their site to make you think this is legit but really, there’s nowhere you can really leave a feedback for them as a member.

There are no real “members” either, we are all just subscribing to their list that supposed to promise real jobs to work from home.

They are really trying to make this site look like people like it but can’t fool me buddy.


#5 Red Flag – Email Spam

Even though they say your information is protected but there are reports of spam after signing up this service.

As well, if you click on offers that want your phone number and you submitted, oh boy, you’re in for lots of sales calls that you really won’t want!

The Next Job At Home may not be the one calling you but they put on these offers that will collect your phone number and sales call you like crazy.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not, so you are putting in your info without thinking about it.

Here are some examples of real testimonies for the Next Job At Home site:




Thumbs DownIf I was a job seeker, I would not be using Next Job At Home.

Even though I don’t consider this a scam seeing that they are not taking your money, but these guys are leading you to low quality and outright scams which I’m not cool with.

Maybe they don’t know those products are not good but if you’re running a site that’s trying to help people then you should really vet the things you put on your website.

Next Job At Home obviously doesn’t vet anything on their site and using a job search engine that’s totally outdated with old listings or will send you jobs that don’t relate to what you do.

I just can’t trust the Next Job At Home site as there are too many red flags as well.

From all that I found, I cannot recommend Next Job At Home to you as a reliable job search site.




If you’re looking for legit jobs, it’s best that you stick with well known job sites like or

Otherwise, most other things you see online about working from home are NOT jobs but opportunities to make money from home.

Big difference between the two: Jobs – you work for an employer and you’re an employee of that company. Opportunities – you work for yourself, usually building your own business or doing online activities for money.

If you like to make money just doing simple things online, then you should take a look at Swagbucks (Sign up here, read review here) & Fusion Cash (Sign up here, read review here),  – both have $5 sign up bonuses plus they are legit and they pay out.

However, they are both not big money makers, the most you’ll get out of those are $50 – $100 per month.

If you need something that makes you a bigger income you can depend on, then building your own online business is the next best thing but it requires you to put in the work effort and it will take time to build.

That’s what I did and now I’m making my living online while working from my home and I’m just a stay at home mom.

If I can do it, I’m sure you can, see what I do and what I use to learn everything in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide will show you exactly what business model I use, how it works, why it works, and where you can get started for FREE!

You’ll have access to real comprehensive training, business tools and a lot of support that most programs lack.

I’ve been using it since Sep/16 and still there to help others build their own online businesses as well.

You will also have the choice to pick any topic you want to build your online business with so you won’t have to do what everyone else is doing.

There are very few legit programs out there, I know this because I’ve been where you are looking for the best thing to do online to get that freedom of working from home, and I finally found it in Sep/16.

I’m doing everything I can to tell others as well so they can get away from scams.

Stop waiting for the right job and get your own online business started today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Next Job At Home is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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