Is Online Flex Job A Scam Or Really Make $876/Week Part Time?

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Is Online Flex Job a scam?If you’re checking out Online Flex Job to see if you can really make $876 a week part time, but also wondering if Online Flex Job is a scam then you’ve come to the right place.

My Online Flex Job review below will show you why this is not to be trusted and that you probably won’t get any “jobs” on there.

There are so many scam products online that sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not so I’m glad you’re here so I can show you the truth behind Online Flex Job.

I will go through my review of Online Flex Job in the following sections:





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Program Name: Online Flex Job


Price: Free (Not Really)

Recommended? No

Online Flex Job claims to have online jobs that will suit your needs and provide you with a flexible schedule which you can do the jobs at your own time.

They even claim that they work with Fortune 500 companies and that you can even get a job today and start right away.


Online Flex Job Home page


The jobs that are apparently available are “processors” but does not provide any more details into what you’ll be doing or processing.

They claim you can make as much as $18.50 to – $29.90 per hour or $876.50 a week doing this part time.

Online Flex Job Does Not Give You A Real Job Application FormEverything sounds awesome right but when you click on the Job Application link, it brings you to their Job Application Form what pretty much looks like an email opt-in form for an email list than an actual job application form.

Any job applications I’ve ever filled out sure had WAY MORE information on the form and usually employers require your past job history.

It looks like once you fill out that short form, your application will be reviewed soon but then the video explains how you’ll be installing a computer anti-virus software because you’ll be dealing with sensitive information.

They even go and say that it’ll be free and that you’ll be reimbursed for your costs later.

But guess what?  You’ll probably won’t get any reimbursements because this is not what it seems and I’ve seen this kind of set up before in Legit Flex Job and NorthAmeriCorp.




In this section, I will go over how this scam works and what you’ll need to watch out for so here I will point out how they scam you and the reasons behind them.


The Anti-Virus Software Red Flag

If this Online Flex Job was legit, the software would be given to any new employees that would come onboard because the companies would have already bought licenses for their staff.

Why even go through the motions of having us buying it first and then having them reimburse us when they could have bought all the licensing to give out as applications are received.


Online Flex Job wants you to purchase anti-virus software


This is done because Online Flex Job is not legit and all they’re doing here is trying to get you to buy the software so they can make money from your sale.

If you notice the “Get Your Software” button link starts with “” – mb103 is something I recognize because I am also a member of Max Bounty, an affiliate marketing network where you can find referral/affiliate programs to make money from, and their affiliate links start like that.

The process of them making money from you with a Max Bounty offer is a legitimate way for them to make money but it doesn’t help you any for getting that software when you probably already have one on your compute already.

You don’t seem to have any option to keep going if you already have antivirus software too which also concludes this is not legit because they are forcing you to buy this software.

Again, I have seen this on other scam sites, so I would suggest that you do not go any further when you see something like this.

First of all, you’ll not likely get any money back since if they did that, they would lose money instead of making it.

Secondly, after buying it, you’ll still won’t find any legit jobs there and I’ll tell you why next.


There Are No REAL Processor Jobs Online

There’s been a growing number of “worksheet processor” jobs that have come about lately and they come in different forms and by different names.

They will tell you that there are people that have unclaimed funds sitting at banks that they don’t know about so there’s a (fake) company that helps these people get their money back.

This (fake) company gets a 30% finder’s fee of the balance they are able to recover and you apparently will earn 75% of that fee to do your part.

So on a $5,000 unclaimed balance, this (fake) company would get $1,500 and you’ll get $1,125 of that.

All you would have to do is fill out a simple form with their information on it and they tell you where to find this information as well.

This all sounds legit to this point because the places they tell you to get the info from are legit places.

When you send in your forms, you’re supposed to include $5 for each worksheet you have processed, and are encouraged to send in 4 forms at a time so you can save on stamps.

After you ship your forms in, you’re supposed to earn money for your services as much as earning 4 digits on a single form so you can potentially make thousands on several forms you send in.

In the end, nobody gets paid and they keep all these $5 that are sent in to them… a total scam!

So many people have been scammed this way.

The only way to get any real jobs online are on and, real job boards with real jobs.


Online Flex Job Uses Fake Testimonies

Where you are to fill out the fake job application form, there are three video testimonies saying how great Online Flex Job is but at the same time, I find all these videos on the Online Flex Job’s YouTube account.

Sure there’s nothing wrong with that if these were real but these are obviously fake because the description of each of these videos sound like it was written by those people who don’t have access to their YouTube channel so how are these words real and written by those people?

If those are real testimonies, they would be found on the YouTube channels of their own YouTube accounts, not on Online Flex Job’s own channel.

Online Flex Job Fake Testimonies 3

Online Flex Job Fake Testimonies

Online Flex Job Fake Testimonies




Thumbs DownYes, I have no doubt that Online Flex Job is a scam and that you should not trust any of this as you will get nowhere but frustration, anger, and waste your time.

From the moment I went on their site, I could tell this was the same set up as the other two places I had mentioned near the beginning of my review.

I already knew nothing good was going to come out of this because I’ve done literally hundreds of reviews of many make money online programs and products, of which most are not good or outright scams like this one.

Online Flex Job and places like it make it hard for people who are really looking for legit opportunities to find the right program but that’s why I’m glad you came on here because in the next section that’s what I want to show you.

I have to conclude that I do not recommend Online Flex Job.




When looking to make money online, your best option is really to learn how the process of making money online works and how you can build a real an honest online business with it.

That’s what I did but I didn’t do it on my own and actually it’s very hard to learn how to make money on your own.

Ever since I found the right training to learn with, I haven’t been scammed again and in fact now making a 4 digit monthly online income consistently.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


In my guide, I show you what business model I use, how it works, and why it works.  I even show you where you can get started for FREE!

Many other products and programs don’t provide support but not here, you will be supported not only by me personally, but also a huge community of like-minded members who are always willing to answer your questions.

You will be in a safe place to learn and won’t have to even open your wallet to get in the door to check it all out to see if this is right for you.

This is the real deal so be prepared to put in the required about of work effort in order for you to see results.  This ain’t no push button system or get rich quick scheme, this is a legitimate long term online business that can generate you an income for years to come.

Stop wasting time on scams and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Online Flex Job is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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