Is Paid To Send Email A Scam Or Easy $600/Day?

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Is Paid To Send Email A Scam?Could Paid To Send Email be the system that will bring you easy $600 days or is Paid To Send Email a scam at heart?

Sounds very easy to make that kind of money by just sending emails.  I mean we all use email right and we all know it doesn’t take much to send one.

I’m glad you’re searching for answers and have landed here because these types of products usually aren’t what all they seem.

I have put together my review of Paid To Send Email to show you all the red flags this has and why this product can’t be trusted.

Check out my analysis here:



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Paid To Send Email Logo


Product Name: Paid To Send Email


Price: $27

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No.

The Paid To Send Email sales video make this system sound so perfect and easy, telling us exactly what we want to hear.


Paid To Send Email Home page sales video


Who wouldn’t agree that sending emails would be an easy thing to do since we all use it in our daily basis.

But what is being said in the video is half the truth of how this system really works and from the looks of it, you won’t really be taught how to properly use this system.

This guy can go on and on about this secret he found but he didn’t find anything special or invented or any of the sort.

The email system he’s talking about is called email marketing and it’s a legitimate way to make money with it as lots of people, including myself, use email marketing.


Paid To Send Email Earn $500-$600 a day


However, are you going to make $500 – $600 a day as he boldly claims you can?  Especially immediately after you pay and with only half hour of work a day?


You see, email marketing is more complicated as he makes it sound because you will need to know how to build a landing page that’s enticing enough for people to hand over their email address to you, then you’ll need to know how to write email follow up series to send to them once you have their email address.

To make any money, you will then need to know what affiliate marketing is so you can incorporate that into your emails.

Oh, not to mention you will need to know how to get traffic in the first place to get people to your landing page to collect those emails.

Will Paid To Send Email teach you everything you need to know for $27?  No.  Such elaborate email marketing systems that will make you any money will cost much more than that to not only learn, but to get all the right pieces together.

Paid To Send Email will not give you all the details for measly $27.

In addition, no email marketing system is complete without a real online business supporting it!

More on this later…




Products like Paid To Send Email really just want to get your initial payment and then upsell you once you’re inside.

So, for example, in this case, he will definitely upsell you the AWeber email auto-responder system that you’ll need to collect the email address and to send broadcast emails in one place.

AWeber is a great, reliable, legitmate email auto responder that you can read about here which I personally use as well.

Then he will try to upsell you on a landing page builder app, in which is another monthly recurring fee that he’ll be making money off of.

Paid To Send Email will just try to upsell you on every piece of the pie you’ll need but won’t give you full instructions to put it all together.

Never mind the affiliate marketing part that you’ll need to actually make money with.

The biggest missing part of this whole system is an online business to back this all up.  Usually, you start with an online business and then you add email marketing to it to further expand your online business.

You don’t do email marketing just on its own, you can, but you’ll be very limited to what you can do with it.

So if you do, that will also involve using paid traffic to get people to your landing page or else you will have no other ways of getting those emails from people.


Why Paid To Send Email Can’t Be Trusted

Besides an incomplete product, I’d like to point out some of the red flags of this Paid To Send Email that you may want to take a second look at.


#1 Red Flag – Where’s The Owner?

The owner uses an alias of Jared Rich but he is nowhere to be found.

That is fine if he want to use a pen name, but if he’s going to be selling products and taking people’s money, he should really show himself.

I don’t like it when the owner hides behind their product because it means it’s probably a scam and he can’t be trusted or be found if you have any questions afterwards.  Refund?  Good luck.


#2 Red Flag – It’s Push Button Money At Its Finest

This is a huge red flag because there is really no such thing as a push button system.  The internet is vast and full of opportunities but it still requires learning, work, and time to make real money.

Paid To Send Email Push Button At Its Finest

Email marketing is not as easy as he makes it sound and there’s no way buying this product you can make the kind of money he talks about.


#3 Red Flag – $500 – $600/day

High income claims like this is also a red flag on my 11 ways on how to spot a scam.

Paid To Send Email Earn $500-$600 a day

It’s not that easy to make $15,000 – $18,000 a month, no way.  There is so much know-how to learn and so much testing to do when it comes to landing pages and buying traffic.

Also, your email follow up series also needs to be tested as well.

It will take at least 2 or more years to perfect such a system that you can make that kind of money and that’s if you can build a humungous email list or have an online business attached to it.

You will not make this kind of money with this Paid To Send Email product.


#4 Red Flag – Work Only 25 – 30 Mins A Day

This makes me laugh.

If you think you can make $18K/mo with only half hour of work a day, go for it.

Paid To Send Email half hour of work

Again, this makes total no sense as there is SO much learning and studying to be had plus so many other aspects!!


#5 Red Flag – ClickBetter Payment Processor

ClickBetter is associated with scams in the industry, whenever I see a product using ClickBetter it is certainly a product that can’t be trusted and I usually stay far away from it.

Paid To Send Email ClickBetter

A lot of the legitimate merchants will only offer their services to other legitimate businesses.

The owner of this Paid To Send Email must not have a good relationship with any of the legitimate merchants to have to use ClickBetter.


#6 Red Flag – Fake Testimonies

The last one I’ll mention (cuz there are more but you get the point!) are the fake testimonies in his sales video.

He hires actors from freelancing sites like and pay them as low as $5 to make a little testimonial video for him.

It’s not hard to find them too, here are a couple of examples I found:

Paid To Send Email Fake Testimony Fiverr Actor 2


Paid To Send Email Fake Testimony Fiverr Actor


Paid To Send Email Fake Testimony Fiverr Actor 3


Facebook On Fire Fake Testimonies 4




As you can see, Paid To Send Email can’t be trusted and this is all a scam to get you to buy so he can sell you more things, not so he can provide you with real training to build this email marketing system.

If he had good training that anyone can follow and make money from, then it would be good but I don’t even know who the owner is.

Because I can’t trust this company, I won’t be buying from them and I hope you will conclude the same and save your money on this one.

I highly do NOT recommend Paid To Send Email.




Without an online business that will give you a real online presence, you will not do well with just an email marketing system.

An online business gives you trust and people can see what you offer.

To learn how to build such an online business, you can see how I’ve been doing it in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


You will also learn what’s the most important piece of the puzzle, affiliate marketing which is the business model you’ll use to make money with your online business with.

My free guide will show you how this all works, why it works, and gives you all the explanation you’ll need.

You’ll be building an asset you can depend on for years to come and sustainable in the long run.

I’ll also show you how you can get started today for FREE and where to get all the business tools, support, and training.



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Paid To Send Email is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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