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Sounds awesome to profit $150 days quickly but is Profiteer really a scam system that’s going to waste your time and money? Will Profiteer really work?
My honest review below will show you what this is and why it won’t work the way they tell you on their sales page.
As much as the internet is awesome and convenient, it’s not a cash cow you just get money from like an ATM machine and you certainly can’t make that much money that quickly, plain and simple.
I’m glad you’re here so I can show you my review which will be detailed out in the following sections:
- What Is Profiteer?
- How Profiteer Really Works
- Is Profiteer A Scam?
- Making Money Online Takes Time & Real Learning
If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
Program Name: Profiteer
Price: $12.94 + Upsells
Owners: Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari
Recommended? No
Profiteer is a new product that just came out a few days ago that claims you can bank $150 days as fast as in your first 24 hours of using it.
These internet gurus claim that you can use their system to earn consistent three – four figure daily income which sounds pretty awesome right?
You won’t even need to use paid traffic, build any lists, and they will give you a software that will crank all this out for you automatically.
And wow, this really caught my attention:
… a reliable 3 figures per day – starting in as little as 24 hours from now – that takes just 30 minutes of your time
30 minutes of your time to start making 3 figures per day, that’s really amazing if I have ever heard.
If only this was all true though.
This is all income hype to fool you to buy this product and make the owners richer at your expense.
You will definitely not earn what they claim and definitely not within your first 24 hours.
There are on fast methods to earn like these guys are saying on the internet and any product that offers such a claim is a big red flag.
Unfortunately, there are more products like this than there are real honest products in the make money online space.
People fall for it though because they also think it’s easy to make money online without doing much work but this is totally the opposite of reality.
I know this because I make a living online and it requires me to work quite a bit, not just 30 minutes a day or even just a couple hours a day, it’s a lot more.
Products like Profiteer doesn’t do anyone any good throwing out these false claims, they are a dime a dozen as I’ve reviewed many of these types of products:
What do you get when you buy into Profiteer?
Well, you got a whole lot of upsells, yup, so expect to pay more than $12.94 and you’ll get a bunch of done for you stuff that you won’t know what to do with because their training is going to be really weak.
So if you buy everything, it could run you a few hundred dollars that they hope you will buy so they can rake in more money.
That’s why the initial price is so low, their main product is not complete and won’t give you the results they claim because you’ll probably need other things like the upsells but really, I know those won’t help you either and I’ll explain why.
Flipping Websites
The whole premise of this product is to create niche websites and then go to an auction site for selling domains and websites to sell the niche websites you make from their easy to use software.
While these site building software are available these days that can create a site in under 6o seconds, but a brand new site is actually not worth much unless it has a domain that is very sought after which in these days, you’ll have hard pressed time to find a sought after domain to own.
Profiteer claims that you could just create a website with their software and you could then go sell it on auction sites like Flippa.
This may sound great but if it was that easy, everyone would be doing this including myself, but it’s not that simple.
Why Profiteer Won’t Work
Why a website is worth any money is because it either has a lot of visitors that go on there or it’s making a lot of money, which in most cases websites that sell well on sites like Flippa will have both of these elements.
With Profiteer, you’re just going to build a brand new site with their software and then just expect to sell that on Flippa for what?
Who’s going to buy a dead site?
When you have no traffic (visitors), it’s pretty much a dead site even though it’s brand new.
What content is on there?
What do you put in the field about how much money it makes?
Who’s going to want to buy a site that doesn’t have traffic or make any money?
No one.
Profiteer is not going to teach you SEO techniques required to gain traffic to a website.
Profiteer is not going to teach you how to make money from these new niche websites you create.
This is why Profiteer is not going to work out for you.
There is so much more that goes into making a website valuable enough to be worth selling on Flippa.
There are also a lot of costs associated with listing on Flippa that Profiteer won’t tell you.
There’s no way you can make 3 figures daily from this Profiteer product, there’s no way, especially not in your first 24 hours.
Look, it really depends on how you see a scam.
Do you get something for the money you pay when you buy Profiteer? Yes, so is that a scam to you? Probably not.
Are you going to make 3 – 4 figures daily as Profiteer claims on their sales page that led you to buying their product because of their income claims? No, so is that a scam to you?
For me, that’s a scam because you’re being misled into buying something under false advertising and that’s not okay in my books.
In my research of this product, I had found a comment made on another review that shows exactly what I’m talking about:

You could be sure that a lot of these done-for-you systems are pretty much useless because you don’t learn anything and they usually don’t give you tons of training which just leaves you more confused than you first started.
I have to conclude that I do not recommend Profiteer.
I have been making money online since 2012 and so I know about how long it takes to make money.
I also know that it actually takes real learning to be successful at it.
You’re just not going to wake up and just know how to make money online and it’s better if you learned from real, comprehensive training that will teach you the process from the ground up.
I did just that back in Sep/16 when I found the one safe, legitimate training platform to learn from and now I earn a 4 digit online income per month (not per day!).
And it’s my mission to help others do the same because duh, I know how many scams are out there (I’ve literally reviewed hundreds of programs/systems on here) and it’s hard to find a legitimate way to learn the real deal.
You can find out what this training platform is about and how it all works in my free guide here:
My guide will show you all the details on how my online business works, how the process works, and why it works so well.
You’ll find out how much I’ve been making as well as how I could become Your Personal Coach for FREE to help you in your new journey.
I know the training works because I’m living proof, you can see that on the training platform which you can go on for FREE just to make sure I’m not BS’g you.
Why I want to do this is because there are too many unethical people out there and I want to help those fallen for scams in the past.
If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Profiteer is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂
Let’s make money online!
Thank you. This helped me to leave this product, I’m so tired of products like this.
Hi Robert,
You’re welcome and thanks for stopping by. I hear you about products like this!
If you’re really done with B.S., you must check out my free guide here! It’s the EXACT method I use and STILL using to help me make my 4 digit online income.
An online business grows very gradually and takes time to build up but I’ve been making 4 digits since I got there which was back in Mar/18 and has grown each month since!
My free guide will show you all this income proof as well.
I can help YOU learn how to make money online, see my guide for details!
I know there are a lot of scams out there, look at my website, I tell you the truth about all these products because I can’t stand that these scammers are getting away with it.
That’s why I made it my duty to show as many people as I can something legitimate they could use to learn how to make money online, just like I did! A safe environment that you will really love.
I really hope I can hope you out, see my guide here for all details! 🙂
Best of luck to you,
P͎l͎e͎a͎s͎e͎ I͎ n͎e͎e͎d͎ y͎o͎u͎r͎ h͎e͎l͎p͎, I͎ w͎a͎n͎t͎ t͎o͎ w͎a͎r͎n͎ m͎o͎n͎e͎y͎ o͎n͎l͎i͎n͎e͎. I͎’v͎e͎ f͎a͎l͎l͎e͎n͎ s͎e͎v͎e͎r͎e͎l͎y͎ o͎n͎ s͎c͎a͎m͎m͎e͎r͎s͎ h͎a͎n͎d͎
T͎h͎a͎n͎k͎ y͎o͎u͎
I͎s͎r͎a͎e͎l͎ R͎o͎b͎e͎r͎t͎
Sorry to hear this Israel.
Learn real online skills instead on this platform that I trained at myself to learn how to earn a full time online income.
Online skills are what you need to earn online, not set up systems or anything done for you.
You need to learn how the internet works, how getting visitors work, how to drive free traffic to your offers, etc.
The place where I trained at, that’s also responsible for my 4 digit online income, is here, click here and I’ll show you more.
Wish you much success whatever you decide to try next online.