El Bandito Honest Review: Scam Or $419 PER HOUR? TRUTH Here!

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Is El Bandito A Scam?Sure, it sounds really exciting to earn $419 per hour but is this for real or is El Bandito by Brendan Mace a scam?

The latest product to come out from a veteran in this space so I thought I’d check it out for my readers here.

I have previously written many other product reviews by Brendan Mace and so I know what he’s up to with this product.

His method is pretty much always the same (even though he always says it’s a brand new or secret method) and I’ll explain below what that is, but I find his system is really not suitable for beginners and again, I will show you why below.

You will also know that I’m in NO WAY affiliate with this product so you will get 100% honesty out of this review when all the other reviews will pretty much to just buy it!

My El Bandito review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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El Bandito logo


Program Name: El Bandito

Website: elbandito.net

Price: $12.95 + Upsells

Owners: Brendan Mace, Anthony Mancuso

Recommended? No

The first thing you’ll see plastered on the top headline is that this El Bandito product can make $419 per hour with only one hour of work, according to their case study.

This is highly misleading because no newbies will make anything close to this and you will require initial investment money for this kind of system that can really drain your bank account.


El Bandito sales video landing page


Also, saying stuff like “make money out of thin air” doesn’t really help anyone because the internet is certainly not magical and you will need to actually do work to make money online.

These types of internet marketers just want you to think you can make that kind of money very easily but it’s not true.

It’s not THAT easy to make good money online even if their system works because there’s a lot of moving parts that you won’t know about because this product won’t provide comprehensive, step-by-step training for you to follow.

They just tell you about what’s in their system on a high level what’s all involved but they don’t go deep into the how-to’s.

That’s the way a lot of Brendan’s products are like, and it’s all pretty much the same his products:




The way the system of El Bandito works is having an email sales funnel that consists of the following:

  • Buy traffic to send to a “squeeze” page – this is an opt-in page to collect emails from people to start building your email list.
  • After they opt-in, it will then show the product you want to promote so they can buy immediately right there, and if not, they are now on your email list so you can still promote to them.
  • For your email list, you can send them pre-written (your own or buy their upsells) emails that will be sent out on the daily that promotes that same product and others if you want.

That’s basically the system Brendan has stuck by since I’ve known of him two years ago.

The only way for this kind of system to work the way they say is by buying traffic (visitors) and buying traffic is a very tricky thing.

You really don’t know how much you can lose unless you try it for yourself and yes, I’ve tried it and it was a bit scary for me so I opted not to follow Brendan and followed a different method that has really worked for me by only spending very minimal.

These internet marketers know what they’re doing, they know where and how to buy traffic from.

However, where they buy traffic and where they tell you to go buy traffic are two very different things.

You see, they will NEVER include in their products the jewel places to buy traffic from because they always save their best traffic sources for themselves so they would never tell you the best places to go except the places they don’t care for anymore.

The places they do recommend to buy traffic from in this El Bandito product is at Udimi (solo ads – advertise on other people’s email list) and Bing Ads, both of which are “common” places to go to.

So, while you will get some some instructions on these two places, they will never give you the proper details about how they successfully make this work.

Without proper instructions on how to buy traffic, you will need to have at least a few hundred dollars, if not in the four figures, in the bank so you can learn by trial and error with a system like this.

Therefore, I feel this El Bandito system is really just good for experienced internet marketers because they already know what they’re doing and will be able to benefit from what El Bandito is trying to teach you.

El Bandito teaches you basically how to find products like El Bandito where you can buy the licensing rights to them and sell it as your own product, therefore, earning 100% commissions from the entire funnel vs only a percentage as an affiliate.



If you catch this in the morning of the launch, July 14, 2018, you will get it for $12.95 and this price will go up as they sell more.

Once you buy, you will always hit several upsells which tells me once again the front end product for $12.95 is worth just $12.95, and your results will clearly show this.

There are not one, not two, but FIVE upsells:

  1. $37 Done-For-You Campaigns – templates you can use to promote El Bandito with.
  2. $197 Limitless Traffic for 365 Days – this is to take advantage of the traffic on El Bandito where you can place your ad pixel on their site to retarget those visitors to your landing page.
  3. $197 Lifetime Affiliate Campaigns – templates for life of other products they produce.
  4. $97 Licensing Rights – this is what El Bandito teaches, is to find products that offer licensing rights so you can earn 100 % commissions for yourself vs earning a percentage as an affiliate.
  5. $2,000 1-on-1 Coaching From Brendan Mace – something I used almost 2 years ago when it cost me $350.  I didn’t like the fact that you are just bombarding people with really low quality products and not real legitimate offers.  He also doesn’t teach you to actually review the products you promote to make sure they are good and actually provide value to people.  Instead, the email campaigns I received from him is just all junk he sends to people.  That’s definitely not how I wanted to build my online business.  Anyway, maybe he offers better advice now (doubt it though since he still produces the same type of products) but I don’t think it’ll be worth $2K.  So if you don’t have $2K, you will NOT have any support when you buy this product, and you’ll on your own to figure things out.


Will You Make $419 Per Hour?

No way!  Especially, if you’re just starting out with no email list or any experience with this email marketing.

Email marketing is certainly important and can make you money, however, if you just build an email list without having any other online presence, how do you create trust with your audience?

How do they “look you up” to see who you are and actually trust you?

Also, spamming people daily with low quality products, or even scams (I’ve seen this from many unethical internet marketers), doesn’t do anyone any good.

If you send people garbage, they will remember you and unsubscribe so fast that you’ll be losing more than you’ll be gaining.

Remember you had to PAY for all those people to get people on your email list so it’ll be ashamed to lose them because you don’t provide any value to them.




Thumbs DownNo, I would not consider El Bandito a scam but you might think so if you buy it based on what they say you can make but you can’t.

I do think that the way Brendan markets his products is highly misleading especially for those who are beginners into internet marketing.

It’s not going to be as easy as working one hour and making $419 for that hour, no.

I also don’t believe just building an email list alone is the way to go for long term sustainability for earning money online.

You really need to build a real online presence first and then build your email list with it, this way you will be able to build trust easier but nothing will work if you don’t provide value.

This is where El Bandito lacks, value.  You get what you pay for here and the upsells are way overpriced.

For all reasons I stated above, I have to conclude that I do not recommend El Bandito.




The secret to online success from what I have experienced through the years is that without proper, comprehensive, detailed step-by-step training, it’ll be very hard for someone new to this scene to just pick it up from searching on the internet.

You really need to build an online business that helps people and provide them with value, not just bombard people with useless, low quality products, that just leads you to not much success.

So, right after my coaching session with Brendan, I found exactly what I was looking for and I’m so glad I did because now I have built an asset that earns me 4 figures online, consistently month after month.

But, no it didn’t take one hour, one week, or one month, it took a lot longer to build this online business but it’s well worth the wait because of the online presence I have now and the power it has to generate its own free organic traffic without me spending a dime on paid traffic.

If you follow my method, you could build a real online business that not only encompasses an email list but actually build something that will help others in an area you really love.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My free guide will show you what business model I use, how it works, why it works and where you can get started today for FREE!

Your free account gives you everything you need to get started in this online business and, when you’re ready, you can take up my offer to be your Personal Coach for FREE, find out in my guide how you get this!

Finally, you will literally have a blueprint on how to build your online business, step-by-step, and also have me to quickly guide you onto the path to success, so hopefully with my help you’ll see results faster than I did (no, didn’t have a coach so I took a little longer than others but I also have beat a lot of folks too)!

Stop wasting time on just email marketing and start building your online presence today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether El Bandito is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



8 thoughts on “El Bandito Honest Review: Scam Or $419 PER HOUR? TRUTH Here!”

  1. Hi, Grace, thank you so much for this review, you just saved me a few bucks(using our . I’m Joe, 25 yo male from Nigeria and i really want to take a look at your product. I hope I find value and finally get a life.

    • Hi Joe, you’re welcome and glad I could help!

      The program I used to make my 4 digit online income will not have a free account though for people from Nigeria.

      Sorry there are 9 countries that can’t have the free membership unfortunately. The Premium membership is $49/month or $359/year, this is in USD. You can pay by PayPal or credit card. The Premium membership is the way to go anyway if you are serious about building this business.

      I’ve only had to pay for my Premium yearly membership ONCE out of my own pocket and the next year, my business already paid for it and continues to do until I want to leave WA which is not any time soon. I currently make a 4 digit online income with my online business and there’s no reason why you can’t either.

      If you don’t have the money, you can try earning it locally first or check this post for more ways to earn online first.

      Good luck to you! 🙂

  2. Hi Grace, This is Rupam From India, there is no free membership in India, When i created account on [the training platform], asking me for Premium membership, so could you please help me out with this if any how I can get access to free membership because I really what to do this and I don’t have money to pay for premium membership

    • Hi Rupam,

      Yes, sorry there are 9 countries that can’t have the free membership unfortunately. The Premium membership is $49/month or $359/year, this is in USD. You can pay by PayPal or credit card. The Premium membership is the way to go anyway if you are serious about building this business.

      I’ve only had to pay for my Premium yearly membership ONCE out of my own pocket and the next year, my business already paid for it and continues to do until I want to leave the platform which is not any time soon. I currently make a 4 digit online income with my online business and there’s no reason why you can’t do this too.


      If you don’t have the money, you can try earning it locally first or try one of these other methods here.

      Good luck to you! 🙂


  3. Hello Grace,

    Thank you for this timely review, I just nearly signed up with this El Bandito thing. I’d been surfing the net for so many years now, spent dollars trying platforms which became to me too good to be true, not scam though, yet never had income LOL.

    I also read your review on WA, this is the first time I had read a simple, clear and thorough review of WA, and just to let you know of how interested I am with WA, your review is already the 10th WA review I read, that’s how I really want to get in..unfortunately, I never had info as clear as yours..actually I signed up with at least 3 free WA membership but I was told that I could not be signed us free member, only premium. I had doubts then if I will continue or not, my accts are still waiting for upgrading to premium LOL.

    Now, I even getting more fascinated with WA due to your explanations and insights. By this comment, I am sure now, WA might be the final one for me. However, may I just be informed if WA will work here in our place, I live in the Phils. and I want it to prove that there is really money doing hard work online, my goal is time and financial freedom towards a bounty retirement age..soon. I am interested to sign up with your $19 offer as a start up.

    Hope to hear from you. Thank you and God bless!


    • Dear Lalaine,

      How wonderful to receive this kind of message tonight, I love my online business. 🙂

      I’m really grateful that you have considered my WA review as one of the the most clear and triggered a lightbulb moment in you (sounds like!)!

      Yes, it will work for you from the Philippines (correct me if I’m wrong) and we definitely have members from there as well, all over the world.

      Unfortunately, yes, your country is one of about ten that WA does not offer the free Starter membership to due to the risks in these countries determined by WA’s payment merchant.

      The free Starter membership does allow you to explore a bit before committing but if you’re serious about this and wanting to really learn, you must get all the training anyway and so you’ll need Premium to fully learn this whole business.

      I promise you that the membership is well worth it.

      Look at my journey there:

      * Started Sep/16, 2 year anniversary coming up!
      * Started marking a four digit online income at 19th month, Mar/18.
      * Have continued making 4 digits and you can see my July results here my income has grown to $4K!

      What I’ve learned on that platform is a technique that’s so powerful and evergreen that you will never need to pay for any other product ever again. I know I don’t need to.

      From here on out, I can take my online business into a new direction as well as maybe adding more sites to my portfolio.

      What I have built here is worth almost $90K, I had just done an evaluation recently on Empire Flippers and that is how much my site right now is worth.

      Why a lot of people fail at this is because they don’t understand how this business works as you could be working for free for months before you start to see a trail of income but once that online business hits the snowball effect, your income could really sore quickly.

      But most people don’t have the patience and quit because they don’t think it works because they have put in 3 months of work and see no results.

      The scam products out there will skew people’s perception of how long it takes to make money online. The reality is that it takes much more work and a lot more time than most think.

      If you want to do it right and do it for long term growth, the strategies taught in WA is what you need.

      Lastly, if you go with me, I could be your coach and help you succeed. With my help, and I’m the one who’s reached success with their training, I don’t see why you can’t make this training work for you.

      I urge you to do your due diligence and research the heck out of this before you join.

      But proof is right in front of you, ME! 🙂

      Welcome to WA Lelaine! 😉


  4. Hi Grace,

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful message. Yes absolutely, I am into it, can you please sign me in?Your special link for me please LOL. Appreciate much your offer to become my coach along with this journey. Eager to see what’s inside WA. Thank you.



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