Is 20 COGS A Scam Or Quick Way To Make Some Extra Money?

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Could you really make money with 20 Cogs or is 20 Cogs a scam that’s just going to waste your time?

It may seem like an easy way to make money online but is it really?

I’m glad you’re here if you’re wondering about 20 Cogs and asking similar questions, my review below will hopefully answer your questions and give you enough information to make a better decision on whether to join or not.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of platforms and ways to make money online on my website here so I can give you my honest opinion about this platform and offer you details that can help you see that 20 Cogs may be good for you.

My review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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20 Cogs Logo


Program Name: 20 COGS


Price: Free

Recommended? Yes

I recently learned about 20 Cogs and they seem to be truly a way to earn quick money without doing much work unlike 99% of the products/systems out there that claim this but it’s not true.

20 Cogs is a free platform where you can earn extra money by just completing offers that they present to you.


20 Cogs home page


Therefore, you could make money doing things like joining competitions, signing up for free trials, completing surveys, and playing games.

In fact, that’s where their name COGS comes from: Competitions, Offers, Games, Surveys.

The 20 in their name is also significant which I’ll explain more in a bit.

All the activities you do through their platform will earn 20 Cogs money because those offers you’ll see are just companies advertising their products and services on their platform.

When you click on an offer to sign up for a free trial let’s say, that company will pay 20 Cogs a fee for getting you to sign up and in turn 20 Cogs will share their revenue with you.  That is how they are able to pay you on this free platform.

I like how this site is very simple to use and you even earn £1.00 for just signing up!

Another way to earn on their platform is their referral program where you can refer your friends and family and earn 5% of everything they earn so that’s a great way to earn some passive income.




Getting Started

You will sign up for a free account and this platform is opened to everyone, however, you must have access to one of the two payment methods explained later below in order to be able to cash out.

You will get a £1.00 sign up bonus as mentioned above!

20 Cogs has Sign Up Bonus


On the left hand side, you will see your account balance and what you’ve earned so far, underneath that, you have 20 Cogs that are locked and you’ll work on unlocking these one at a time.

You unlock them by doing offers, surveys, play games, or etc at each Cogs level, whatever is presented in each level.


20 Cogs - Cog 1 Example


The first level gives you several offers to choose from so if you don’t like the first one, you can always move on to the next one.

Once you see one you like to take on, be sure to read the information below the offer which are “What Do I Need To Do” and “Terms & Conditions”.

These two must be followed in order to earn you your a Cogs for that offer.

For example, I had an offer asking me to sign up at Opinion Outpost UK which can earn me £5.00 if I take the offer.

To earn that £5.00, I will have to:

  • set up a new account on Opinion Outpost UK
  • 100% complete my registration
  • verify my email address
  • complete my profile survey
  • complete my first survey

Then, in the Terms & Conditions, not only I have to do the above, I also have to remain a user for at least 30 days.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do other offers, you can, you just can’t delete your account on Opinion Outpost UK or remove yourself after completing your first survey.

Once you have finished all that is required, then your first Cogs will be in pending status, yellow colored.

It will turn green once it’s validated and approved.

Your goal is to get through all 20 Cogs with all green Cogs.

If something was rejected, you can go back to find out why and do it again or take on a different Cogs for that level.


How Much Can You Earn On 20 Cogs?

You can earn more than other get-paid-to platforms, that’s for sure, but are you going to make hundreds or thousands a day? No.

Like the offer example above, you can make £5.00, or if I don’t like that one, I could choose Which? and earn £12.50 but this one you have to pay £1.00 for their 1 month trial and you have to stay on for the full 30 days to get credited.


20 Cogs - Cog 1 Example 2


That’s something worth doing to earn £12.50 though.

So with this platform, you’re not making huge amounts of money but you’re earning per offer higher than most I’ve seen on other get-paid-to websites which is a good way to make some extra cash.

You will also get to see how much each offer is worth before you take them on and what is all involved before you do it, so be sure you are able to fully comply before taking an offer on so you can get your Cogs approved.


When & How Do You Get Paid?

Remember when I started this review I said that the 20 in 20 Cogs will be significant?  Well, this is where it comes into play.

You have 20 Cogs in your account to fill up with green Cogs, so that means you’ll need to complete 20 offers, surveys, games, or competitions before you are eligible to get paid out.

This is a fact that most complaints were about which they explained quite well on their site so not sure why some are still confused about this.

Once you filled up all 20 Cogs, your balance could be anywhere from £20.00 to as high as £700.00, it all just depends on which offers you take on.

How you’re going to get paid is by BACS (direct bank deposit for the UK) or PayPal.  Two methods that you can’t really complain about because those are the best ways to get paid.

So when I said earlier that everyone can join 20 Cogs, it is true but you can only get paid out if your country allows access to one of those two payment methods.


Warning: Must Keep Track

When signing up to these offers, especially ones with free trials or subscriptions, make sure you have a place where you can note down everything that you signed up and the dates of when the trials expire.

You would want to do this so you can go cancel them if you don’t want to start paying full price for those products or services.

Or else, you could end up not making any money at all and maybe even go negative because of all the monthly fees you’re incurring from not canceling your trials/subscriptions.




Thumbs UpDefinitely, I can say 20 Cogs is not a scam and actually a good way to make some extra money on the side so if that’s all you’re looking for, then this is a great platform to try.

I would just watch out for those offers that make you pay because there will usually be a higher payment after a certain time period so make sure you read all information for that offer before going for it.

There are some complaints on TrustPilot but I feel those are not valid because they are complaining about not being able to cash out until you get all 20 Cogs, which is indicated on their platform.

As with any platform, there will always be a little something you won’t like or could be better, but in general, the complaints for this platform is few compared to others and overall has a pretty good rating from most users.

The only thing 20 Cogs don’t talk about is what happens after you have finished all 20 Cogs and cashed out, do you get to do another 20?

I’m unclear on this one but will update when I find out.

So if you enjoy making a little extra side money, then I recommend you giving 20 Cogs a try.




If you want to make more than a little extra cash a month, then you’re going to have to do what I do and build yourself an online business.

It’s the only way you could make money online in the long term and a consistent one at that.

The only thing I caution is that this would obviously require much more work and time to build than let’s say taking up offers on 20 Cogs.

You will be learning how to build an asset that will make you money while you eat, sleep and play, but in order for it to do that, you will take some time to build it up to a level that your online business can do that for you.

In order to build this online business successfully, you’ll need to learn it properly or else it won’t work.

The training platform I used helped me build mine to a point where I’m making a consistent 4 digit online income, see my last month’s $2.9K results here!

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My free guide will show you what business model I use, how it works, why it works, and where you can even get started today for FREE!

You’ll have comprehensive, step-by-step detailed training, and business tools for you to use to get you started on your new journey.

You’ll also have the chance to have me as your personal coach inside the training platform which will put you on the path to success that much faster!

Not only myself, you’ll also have help from a community of like minded people as well who are all working towards the same goal: making money online!

You’ll have tons of resources to learn from and the training will help you build your online business that will make you money far into the future.

Stop wasting time on get-paid-to sites and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether 20 Cogs is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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