One Click Pay Day Review: Is It A Scam? See My Evidence!

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One Click Pay Day Review- Is It A Scam? See My EvidenceProducts like One Click Pay Day almost makes me laugh because I’ve seen so many of these already and I feel bad for the poor souls who fall for it.

When you hear ridiculous income hypes like this, your alarm bells should be ringing, “Is One Click Pay Day a scam?!” and I’m glad yours did since you’re doing research about it.

There are many people who buy into this hype just to find out they got fooled and wasted their hard earned money on nothing but a chance to get up-sold again and again.

In my One Click Pay Day review below, I will show you how this product won’t make you any money and all the lies in their video.


I will walk you through my review like this:



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One Click Pay Day logo


Product Name: One Click Pay Day


Owner: Cathy Evans (?)

Price: $37

Recommended? NO.

That is a good question, what is One Click Pay Day?  Cathy sure doesn’t really tell you what it is or what you’ll be doing.

All we know is that you just need to make one click and you’ll get $1,000 to $2,000 per day funneled into your account without doing any work.

Sounds better than the lottery!


One Click Pay Day Sales Page


All the work is done for you and you can sit back on the beach and relax.

She just goes on and on about you not needing to do anything or know anything.

Is that really how you want to run a business?  Not knowing how it works or what’s going on?

Do you also usually go buy things without knowing what you’re buying?

Products like this hide behind their hype because they are not about to tell you what you’ll be getting yourself into.

They usually push all the hype of how much you can make and try to lure you with the thought of not having to worry about money anymore.

They also push to you that you don’t need to do any work and you’ll get paid thousands of dollars overnight or in a very short amount of time.

This One Day Pay Day is no different from many of the scam products that I’ve reviewed.

One very similar to this one where “your account is already set up and making money as you’re watching this video” is Copy My CashFlow (which I’ve fully reviewed here).

In fact, they use the same actors in that sales video as the sales video in One Day Pay Day which I’ll be showing you below.


So Really, What Is One Day Pay Day?

It’s a front to get you in the door with a low price so they can upsell you on high ticket items.

Their goal is not to help you make money online but to get you to spend money so they make those thousands of dollars they speak about.

You will learn nothing worth your while buying products like this and you certainly won’t be making any money.

Also, once they get your information, they will also share it with other partners of theirs and you’ll most likely be spammed with more low quality or scam products.

You are smart to have looked for reviews because you need to stay far away from products like this!!




One Day Pay Day won’t work for you because they are not in the business of actually helping you make money.

They are not a real training program that will actually show you how to build an online business or offer you anything of value.

All they are doing is LYING to you, let’s take a closer look at all the lies.


LIE #1) “I’m Creating Your Very Own Money-Making Account”

At the very start of the video, Cathy says she’ll be creating your very own money-making account for you and it’s going to make money while you watch the video.

Does this even make any sense to you?!

Do you know how many other people could be watching that video?

The “money” she shows that the account is making while you’ve been watching the video is so fake it’s not even funny.

Online businesses don’t work this way, there is no magic button to press to give you thousands of dollars a day without any work.

I’ve seen this same lie over and over again.


LIE #2) Fake Testimonies

Like I mentioned above, they use the same actors as the other Copy My CashFlow product and I know they are actors because I found them on a freelancing site called

You can see below the actor in the sales video on One Click Pay Day and then his Fiverr profile where anyone can hire him to make testimonial videos:

One Click Pay Day Fake Testimony


One Click Pay Day Fiverr Actor Godfather


LIE #3) Only 45 Spots Available

This is a scarcity tactic that these scam products always use.  They don’t have anything limited and they will take your money any time on any day.

One Click Pay Day Limited Spots Available


The number of spots doesn’t change if you go to their site today, tomorrow or a week from now.  It’s a lie to pressure you and make you feel like you gotta take action today.

Don’t fall for it.



Cathy continues in the video to show you how much your account is already making while you’re watching the video but look at this:

One Click Pay Day Fake Results


How can this be a “live” look at your account, it has no transaction details, no system name, no logging into anything to see things live.

She may be able to trick a child with this kind of fake screenshot, but I hope any sane adult will realize how fake this is.


LIE #5) 60 Day Guarantee

These types of products always throw in the word guarantee but you know what happens with this?  You will never see or get your money back because they don’t answer you.

Many who get scammed by products like this always say that they never answer any calls or reply to any emails.

Then after the 60 day has elapsed then they’ll respond saying it’s too late and by then, you’re probably quite deep in the hole already because they’ve convinced to you buy all these upgrades to make your magic system work.


LIE #6) Making $1,000’s A Day With One Click

This is the biggest lie of all.

If you believe that you can make that kind of money from just one click, you have really got to wake up!

There is no such thing as easy money on the internet and there is certainly no magic one click buttons to push.

Like the fake testimony above who supposedly made almost $20K a week, that would mean he made almost $3000/day – now if there is such a system, then why is this product only $37??

Also, with such scarcity of only 45 people allowed in, the price usually goes way up with such limitations.

Another factor to add to this is that if you’re on the checkout page and try to click away from it, it’ll give you instant discounts so this magical system gets even cheaper to like $17 to make thousands a day?!

Oh boy.

If that sounds good to be true, IT SURE IS.




I really hope that by reading my review above that you can also come to the same conclusion as I have which is One Click Pay Day is a big scam.

You will really gain nothing of value buying into this and in fact will lose a lot of money if you’re not careful and buy into their upsells as well.

They are not in the business of helping you, they are just luring you so you can spend money, that’s it.

I’ve been in this business for a little while now and see how these scams work, this is why I write reviews like this so people like you don’t get scammed.

I’ve been scammed before too and it’s not a good feeling, so I want to stop the scamming for others and show them a real path to online success.




You get away from scams by finally realizing that money just doesn’t fall from the tree on the internet.

Realize that any real success, whether if it’s online or offline, comes from hard work, time, and dedication, not with one click.

Realize that if you want to make money online, you need to learn how to do it properly and using business models that’s proven to work.

I have found the real way to make money online and it’s not about fast and easy, it’s more about learning a new skill and building your online business from the ground up.

You’ll get to learn what making money online is really about which is something valuable and that you can take with you for the rest of your life.

I have written down in my guide to making money online everything I know that’s proven to work if you want to put in the effort and you can start building an online business like I have instead of being scammed.

Stop being scammed from this day forward and get my free guide here:

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I reveal in my guide how making money online works, give you a proven business model, show you where to get the proper training and business tools you’ll need, and how you can get started today for FREE.

Put your time and work into something of value that will really bring you a consistent monthly income.

You won’t be rich tomorrow, but you will be making a passive income stream for the years to come.

See how it all works and get my free guide now!


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether One Click Pay Day is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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