The Facebook Money System Review: Scam Or Money GoldMine?

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Is The Facebook Money System a scam?When I first came across The Facebook Money System, I wondered if it was a scam because it looked very familiar but what if the Facebook Money System is really legit and a money goldmine?

I’m glad you’re also wondering the same thing that led you here because I had some real truths for you, I dove a little deeper and found out this is nothing new.

In fact there were two other products already that claimed they have the secret to Facebook who also attended some secret meeting between Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.

So this is just a rehash of what’s been out there under a new name, let me show you the details in my review:



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The Facebook Money System Logo


Product Name: The Facebook Money System


Price: $37

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No

The Facebook Money System claims it has the secrets to making hundreds of dollars, even thousands a day, on Facebook.

It’s so easy that you will make this $100 a day in your first week and then doubling every week.


The Facebook Money System home page sales video


The lady who is voicing the sales video claims she’s the one that was working at a restaurant and that she came upon Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates having a meeting.

The meeting was about merging Microsoft with Facebook together to make even more money.  Something completely new and only available mid-2017.


The Facebook Money System Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg meeting


A push button system that cannot fail and only took 5 minutes for her to setup.

This simple thing she did made her hundreds of dollars that day and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

Geez, yeah, this whole story sounds mighty familiar, could this be the same thing as the previous products Facebook On Fire and Facebook Cash System?

Facebook is a familiar name to a lot of people so it’s easy to lure you in with it.

But just like those other systems, The Facebook Money System will not make you $3,475.65 a day.

In fact, it will be very hard for you to make $100 a day.

Facebook has not changed very much this year and I would know, I’m in the social media marketing industry pretty deeply and has been using it for years now.

There are no brand new tricks to learn and you certainly won’t make the kind of money they tell you about.

Fooling around Facebook differently will not all of a sudden produce a gold rush for you.

Let’s take a look at how The Facebook Money System really works.




How The Facebook Money System really works is to play on your emotions and what you’re familiar with.

She talks about all her financial challenges to relate to most people who have financial constraints, then gives you the fantasy of what’s it like to living large and spend as you please, not worrying about any bills or money shortages.


The Facebook Money System Hardly Any Work Lie


It would be nice to just work 5 – 30 mins a day and make a hundred dollars a day, wouldn’t it?  However, you can ask any successful person online or offline if they made their business making $100/day by just working 5 – 30 mins a day, they would laugh at your face.

These are just plain lies.

And there are more lies like she says in the first video that she’ll give you $500 when you go to step 2, which is a trick in those two older products, but in this new one, the 2nd step video didn’t even talk about the $500!

Bad editing I guess. Lol


Why This Won’t Work

I’m not going to repeat myself too much here, as I’ve pointed out many things in my previous two reviews why this won’t work, but the main thing is that you can’t go spamming on Facebook.

It may sound easy that you can make money sharing, liking, and commenting, and sure you may even make a few bucks doing it.

However, to make any serious money on Facebook without advertising (as this is what The Facebook Money System claims is not about, no paid ads), you need the know how to build a huge following in either by creating Facebook Groups or a Facebook Fan Page.

Nowadays, Facebook Fan Pages are pretty obsolete because you can’t get your posts seen unless you pay for them to be seen.

Even if you’ve already paid to advertise your Fan Page for people to Like the page, then you have to pay AGAIN to get your posts seen by those same people you just paid for.

Facebook Groups is the other way to make money on that platform and can be actually very effective because you will build groups of like minded people on a particular topic and people who are interested will join in.

The Facebook Money System Lies - No such thing as a push button system

However, getting people to join will the bulk of your work and this part is sure not automated or push button ready.

You don’t push a button and get thousands of people in your group, nope, it definitely won’t work that way.

It takes a lot of time and strategies to build a big following for a FB Group so again The Facebook Money System is just blowing smoke.


Something Hidden

The sales video mentioned that you can even call your personal coach which tells me this kind of product is actually fake and that the real system is something like MOBE or Aspire where you are lured into a high ticket MLM program.

The Facebook Money System Provides a Coach

Those types of programs make you spend thousands of dollars before you can make a dime and highly not recommended for beginners who are started out in making money online as it’s very risky.

That’s why this The Facebook Money System is only $37, it’s never just that cheap, there are always upsells after you buy with these types of products.

The 60 day guarantee also sounds familiar where you have to show that you’ve put in “reasonable effort” which usually requires you to spend money to buy high priced packages.

So, The Facebook Money System probably doesn’t even exist and it’s just a cover up for one of those deep draining pocket programs.




From everything I have seen with all the lies, misinformation, and deception, I will have to say The Facebook Money System is a scam.

The income hype and earning it quickly with hardly any work are also signs that this is a scam.  You will not make $100 a day that quickly without advertising on Facebook.

As well, there are no hidden secrets about Facebook and hasn’t changed in a few years actually on what you can do on there.

The story is also the same as the two previous Facebook products I’ve mentioned above and it’s sloppily put together as you can see about the free $500 she was supposed to give to you in step 2.

Nothing about The Facebook Money System is to be trusted so I can’t trust to give them my $37.

I don’t know about you and how you feel, but I hope you draw the same conclusion.

I highly do NOT recommend The Facebook Money System.




Using social media to make money is a lot harder than it is and you’re always chasing to see where to get the next dollar.

You can use that time instead to learn about building a solid online business instead where you don’t have to chase your money anymore and you’ll have people come to you just like how you landing on my site.

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You will learn to build an asset that can pay you for years to come if you build it to that level and I say that because this will require actual real work from you.

There is actually no such thing as a push button system or secret or magical program that will just push money out at you.

To make money online, real work needs to be done and new skills need to be learnt.

You will see how this can be all done in my free guide where I show you where to learn all this in a safe environment that’s geared for beginners for FREE that comes with training, business tools, and real support.

There’s nothing better than to have your questions answered while building this new online business and be supported through your new journey.  I can offer that support to you personally.



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether The Facebook Money System is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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