Video: How To Create A Blog For Free In Less Than A Minute

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This is going to be an awesome video where I show you how to create a blog for free in less than a minute!  I will time it in the video so you can see how easy it is!

There are many places to get a free blog but I know a place that you can get TWO free blogs plus also FREE lessons on how to start building your blog and learn how to make money with them.

Yes, you can learn affiliate marketing at this first class training platform and I will show you all below.

Here is what you’ll need to get started:




In order for you to create your blog in less than a minute, you will need to prepare some things.  It’s easy to do but crucial part of the process nonetheless.



  1. Pick A Domain Name – All you need to know is what you will call your website which will be part of your domain name.  Your free blog will be on a subdomain (all free ones are) of  So think of a name you’ll really like or else you can’t change this afterwards.
  2. Name of Your Blog – The name of your blog can be the same as domain name but doesn’t have to be.  This name can be changed at anytime, unlike the domain name.
  3. A Theme – Themes can be changed anytime so when you create your new blog website, you can just pick anything to start to speed up your process.


If you have these three things ready and kept in mind, you’ll be able to create your blog in less than a minute at the place I tell you about below!

Only point number one above is important because the domain name can’t be changed, so think about that before you start.  That’s probably the part that takes the longest time to figure out.

You will also want to think about what your blog will be about first before you create a blog.  This is because you would want the topic your blog to be related to the domain name.  It doesn’t have to but it’ll be best to.

Picking a topic is really about who you’ll be writing to, what kind of audience will you be writing for, and so you will need to pick a niche for your blog.

Having a niche for your blog will best get your blog ranked better on search engines and get better targeted traffic!

Knowing how to pick a niche is part of the free lessons at the place I’ll recommend you below!

My video below will show you exactly how to create your blog in less than a minute!

The video will also show you how easy it is to transfer your free sub-domain blog to your very own custom domain name.  Read more about free blogs on sub-domains vs having your own domain below.




You can create a website blog for free at a lot of different places but only ONE place also teaches you how to make money with your blog.

This one place also has the best web hosting for your blogs as well because their servers are optimized for WordPress (read this for more info on the nuts & bolts of a blog).  Their web hosting is highly secured as well with automatic backups everyday.

The training is second to none and you’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn about building your website and learning how to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing!

This place is called Wealthy Affiliate and you’ll be joining more than 800,000 members who are doing the same thing as you!

With such a large, active community, you’ll never have to feel alone or get stuck while you’re building your blog.  You’ll get help and support right away!

I’ve been a Premium member there since September 2016 and I will be there to personally help you as well.

You don’t need a Premium membership, you will just need a Starter FREE membership which you don’t need any credit card to sign up with.

Your free Starter membership gets you TWO Free blog websites and the first levels of their two main courses (10 lessons each)!

Your first 7 days will also allow you to test drives some of the Premium features too like Live Chat.  After that, you can remain a free member as long as you want or you can upgrade for full features and training.

For more details on their training program and what more is available at Wealthy Affiliate, click this button below:

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button


If you’re ready & eager just sign up now and have a look around, click this red button:

Sign Up at Wealthy Affiliate Button




In this video, you’ll see how easy it is to create a free blog website at Wealthy Affiliate!

I’ll have a timer on the side so you can see the whole process is done in less than a minute. 🙂

If you like this video, please give me a thumbs up on the video at YouTube and also please subscribe to my channel here!!



To see the full tour of Wealthy Affiliate I have this video below and you can read the accompanying blog post to this video tour here.

Hope you’ll like this video too and give this one a thumbs up as well!


Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button




Before I let you go, I’d like to give you some perspective about free sites versus having your own dot com domain.

Any free site you get will always be on a subdomain, you’ll never get a free blog with your own domain.  You always have to register and buy your own domain which is very cheap.



1) Professionalism

I mean, what looks better?  Your first impression is very important to gain trust from your readers.


Which website would you trust more?  The one, right?  It just looks better and more professional.

Even just telling someone what your URL is to your blog will be easier to say when you have your own domain.


2) Custom .com Email

With any free websites, you won’t be able to get your own custom email address and so you’ll need to use a free gmail account or something.  This is true for any place that offers free blogs.

But with your own custom domain name, you get to have unlimited amount of email accounts at Wealthy Affiliate at no extra cost as a Premium member.

Let’s see the both types of emails here and you tell me which looks better: or

The latter of course.


3) Better Rankings

Having a free website will take longer to rank on search engines than other sites that are on their own .com domain.

This is a fact and although a subdomain site will still rank, it will take much longer to rank better than a site on its own domain.

If you want better and more targeted traffic, this is a first step in SEO and to get better rankings.  Who doesn’t want better rankings??



Wealthy Affiliate really has everything you’ll ever need to get your blog going as you can also buy your domain right on the platform too!

You can start at Wealthy Affiliate as free Starter member to get your free sites, and then when you’re ready, you can upgrade to a Premium member and transfer those free sites with a click of button to your own domains after you’ve bought your domain name.  I have shown you how do this in my video above.

Premium membership is $49/month or $359/year which brings down your monthly cost to $29.92.

Remember this membership includes your highly secured web hosting and, when you transfer your sites to your own domains, you also get SSL certificatesPrivacy Registration, and unlimited Email accounts which are all additional costs to your hosting package elsewhere.

Anywhere you go, domain name purchase is separate and it’s not expensive at all, $13-$16/year!  Com’on, less than $2 a month.  It’s so worth having your own domain!  Lol

Don’t forget the awesome training you’ll get as well if you have your sites at Wealthy Affiliate!  Their training will teach you all about how to build out your website properly and how to use affiliate products and affiliate links to make money with your blog!

Premium membership opens up the entire platform to you and it’s not just two main courses with multiple levels, but also:

  • 11 other Classrooms to learn from
  • Weekly Live webinars to learn current topics (over 200 instant replays & counting!)
  • Keyword Search Tool
  • and so much more!



Sign Up at Wealthy Affiliate Button

(No credit card needed!)



I hope this post has given you helpful information about how to create a blog for free in less than a minute and has shown you the best place to get it at so you can also learn how to make money with your blog!

If you have any questions or thoughts on the above, please feel free to leave me a comment below and I will reply very quickly!  I always answer my awesome readers.  🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace's Signature



2 thoughts on “Video: How To Create A Blog For Free In Less Than A Minute”

  1. Wow, I didn’t know creating a blog can be that fast and that easy! So appreciate you showing me this in your video. I also really like all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer and I’m interested in building an affiliate marketing business so this will be help me a lot.

    How much is the Premium membership and are there other fees besides that? I hate to be up-sold once inside.


    • Hi Steve, so glad you liked my video and appreciate your subscription to my YouTube channel too! Yes, Wealthy Affiliate will help you build your affiliate marketing business because they have the best training AND tools there for you to succeed in your goals.

      The Premium membership is only $49/month (which includes incredible fast and secured web hosting for all your 50 sites, as well as private domain registration, SSL certificates, and unlimited email accounts which are extra features for a lot of web host packages).

      You can sign up for an annual Premium membership which is $359/year, which will save you $229 a year, reducing your monthly cost to only $29.92.

      There won’t be other membership costs, the only thing left is if you want your own domain name. Domain registration can be done right on the platform and domain registration is always a separate cost no matter where you go.

      I hope this info will help you decide on joining one of the best communities out there as you’ll be able to get help from other members who have more experience than you and learn from them as well.

      Hope to see you on the inside soon!


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