What The Heck Is Dollars True? Will They Pay Or SCAM?

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Is Dollars True A Scam?What is Dollars True? Is Dollars True a scam? Will Dollars True work? And most importantly, will Dollars true pay you?

These are all great questions that I’m sure you’re asking so I’m glad you’re here to find out the answers and whether Dollars True will scam you.

I’m going to save you the trouble and tell you right now that Dollars True is a scam as I’ve seen this many times before like these others sites Fix Monthly Income and Cash 4 Invite.

For this review, I will show you the following:



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Dollars True Logo


Program Name: Dollars True

Website: dollarstrue.com

Price: Free

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No

This time I’m not going to sign up and risk my personal info as I’ve already done it for similar scams I’ve listed above but in this review, I can still tell you how it works and show you some obvious things to be aware of.


Dollars True Home Page


Knowing the signs of scams is very important as you will be able to spot it later on and will know quickly what a scam looks like.

What Dollars True is wanting you to believe is that this is a big money maker and that you will find jobs there but really, there are no jobs.

Jobs are being an employee of an employer, and this Dollars True is not offering you any jobs here but a business opportunity.

Dollars True is just offering you an opportunity to promote their site using a referral link that they give you to get your friends and family to also sign up and when they do, you will earn $10 for it.

It is that simple but there’s a catch for all your work…




You will do all this work and promote your links, you will see your account balance go up and up as you do more and more.

When you reach their $300 minimum payout amount, you can try to request a payout but then you’ll be going through all sorts of offers and surveys before you can “access” the withdrawal button.

While you’re going through all the offers and surveys, they will be making money off of you since those are all affiliate links in there.

While that is fine to use affiliate marketing to make money as it’s a legitimate way, but this site is will give you the run around with tons of offers and surveys you have to go through and you’ll end up in the same spot.

You won’t get paid.

You simply won’t get paid.

They say they will pay you via PayPal, Payza, Money Gram or Cheque, but your account will probably only say cheque as that’s how the other scam ones work.


Money Come First Payment Options


They will never have available PayPal or Payza as those are instant payment options, they use cheque so that they can give you the run around and play the waiting game.

Waiting for the cheque to be processed, waiting for it to be mailed to you, waiting for it to be really “lost” and then waiting to get another cheque cut, and then you’ll do it all over again if you keep pursuing.

But that’s if they even answer your emails or respond to you if you contact them.

Usually, these types of sites don’t even answer you, which brings me to their red flags which I’ll go over now.



#1) Red Flag – Support & FAQ Links Don’t Work

Dollars True Has Bad Links To Important Pages

When I try clicking the Support & FAQ links on their home page, you don’t go anywhere, you stay on the home page.

That’s a major red flag when you can’t contact their support or have any sort of FAQ to learn about their program before deciding to sign up.


#2) Red Flag – Fake Testimony

There’s a “Joshia Frauhmin” on their home page telling us how he’s working this program and giving him the freedom to earn 10 times more than his other job but problem is, this is not “Joshia”.

Dollars True Fake Testimony

When I search his picture on Google, I get pages and pages of results of sites that also use this photo so that means this is just a stock photo and they’re just lying to you about how great this is.

Dollars True Fake Testimony Stock Photo Used


#3) Red Flag – Website Does Not Have Proper Pages

The Dollars True site doesn’t have all the proper pages a site like that should have like Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimers and About us pages.

Without these pages, you can kiss your personal info good bye!

They will try your login and password at PayPal and other sites to see if they can get into your accounts if you use the same login info for multiple sites.

I’m not saying Dollars True do that, but I’ve heard of similar scams that do so be very careful.




For sure Dollars True is a scam because they will simply won’t pay you.  You can try to search the web all over and won’t find a single person that got paid by these guys.

Same with the other sites I listed earlier, there’s been many reports of them not paying as well.

These types of sites can never be trusted and you’ll just end up with a bunch of unwanted spam as well if not worse things could happen.

I wouldn’t touch this if my life depended on it!

I highly do not recommend you using Dollars True.




You can really making money online if you used proper guidance and a real business model that works.

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This is the real deal so expect to put some real good work effort and time into it, no real money is earned without doing any work.  Not offline, not online.

So stop being fooled by scams and use something real that’s been working!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Dollars True is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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