Is Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) A Scam Or Easy Money System?

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Is Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) A ScamAre you wondering if Cash For Invite (aka Cash4Invite) is a scam or if it is an easy money system that you can really profit from?

I’m glad you’re here to find this truth and smart enough to do your research before joining (I hope you haven’t joined).

My full review of Cash For Invite will show you how this works and whether this site can be trusted.

There are many ways of making money online but there are more scams than legitimate companies out there so let’s see how this one pans out.

In my review, I will take you through the following:



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Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Logo


Program Name: Cash For Invite (aka Cash4Invite)


Price: $5 – $15/monthly

Owner: Hidden

Recommended? No

This Cash For Invite platform is a system where you can make money from recruiting others to also use the system and you can also put a banner ad(s) on their site to advertise your business or whatever you want to promote.


Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Current Site Home Page


You will have to pay for a membership before you can earn any money or do much in their members area.

How much you can earn depends on your membership that you choose and there are basically three memberships:

  • Basic – $5/month, 60% commissions, 7 days pending time, 1 banner ad, 500 referrals
  • Pro – $10/month, 70% commissions, 5 days pending time, 2 banner ads, 1,500 referrals
  • Ultimate – $15/month, 80% commissions, 3 days pending time, 3 banner ads, unlimited referrals

Apparently, you cannot change your membership once chosen so their site tells you to choose wisely, which is unheard of.

Any membership site that has multiple plans would want you to upgrade because most people will probably start at the lowest or middle plan and then if all goes well, they would upgrade.

So essentially this Cash For Invite system is about buying into the system first before making money and then recruiting others to do the same thing.

You can cash out as low as $10 as a minimum payout balance which seems very do-able.

However, you must buy-in first so that the person that recruited you can earn money and then when you recruit someone and they pay for a membership, then you get paid a commission.

This may sound like a great system and easy to do but schemes like this won’t last long as this resembles a Ponzi scheme and once recruiting runs dry, this site will go down and revamped into something else.

There are also many other red flags I’d like to point out in the next section that tells you this is not a site to be trusted.




I have found some serious issues with this site and in this section I will reveal all of it to you so you can make a wise, better informed decision on whether to join this or not.

I am pointing these things out from my experience of doing hundreds of reviews and analyzing these types of opportunities, I hope my experience will help you understand what you’ll be getting into.


Association With Scam Sites

This is not the first rodeo for Cash For Invite, it’s been changed several times, and the one just before this, the “Cash For Invite” site was was sitting on and looked like this:

Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Old Site


It looks fine and dandy except that there’s another site that looks almost exactly the same called Money Come First (with bad grammar) and in my review of that one, I had revealed this as a major scam from my personal experience.

Money Come First Home Page


This is absolutely not a coincidence folks, and these are most likely the same owners and so I don’t have much faith in

In Money Come First, I had first hand experience that they don’t pay and all they’re doing is wasting people’s time, although this one didn’t cost any money to join, I proved they did not pay or had any intention to pay out.

These types of sites do this when there are too many blogs like mine that show people how they are scamming people so they take it down and revamp it to something else.

So the latest and greatest is Cash4Invite on


Not Being Able To Upgrade Memberships

This is a major red flag that they don’t offer you to your upgrade memberships if you picked a lower one initially.

Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Can't Change Membership


This does not make sense why any company would do this and my only thought about this is that it requires further investment, either time or money, to build their site to be a true membership site.

If you have to change memberships, there will be more coding to the site and they probably don’t want to spend that money or time on it seeing they are just out to scam people, as well as this site will probably not be up for that long.


No Website Name On Banners

They offer you promotional banners to recruit with but none of the banners have Cash4Invite or Cash For Invite on it.

Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Banners have no site name


This only means one thing, they don’t want to put their name on them so they can reuse them when they change their name to something else a few months later.


Paying Before Earning Commissions

Don’t be fooled by Cash For Invite that you really need a membership.  This membership deal is just part of their scheme as they are providing nothing of value on their site to have a membership for.

There is no other money inflowing into their system unless there is a membership scheme and while they offer you advertising on there, I don’t believe your ads will be shown because all I see on their site are ads to their own site or some other scams.

They add the advertising option for you to make it look like you’re getting something for the membership but it’s just a smoke screen to make you feel comfortable paying these guys.

So all you’re doing is passing money from one member to another and then having them do the same to others.

This kind of scheme is illegal and will be shut down if discovered by the FTC as it resembles a Ponzi scheme as I mentioned earlier.


No Payment Proof

On their home page, they have a camera icon for Payments but when I click on it, there’s nothing to see which I’m not surprised by since no one is really getting paid.

Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) Nobody Is Getting Paid

I’m not a bit surprised by this and expected since I know these guys will not be paying you anything just like their other scheme on Money Come First I mentioned above.


Recruiting Will Dry Up

I can see that they don’t provide you with any training on how to recruit besides providing you with some generic banners to promote this site with, so that means it’ll be hard for you learn about how to recruit enough people to make this worthwhile.

Although, you’re basically wasting your time and money since they won’t pay anyone so there’s that too.




From all the red flags I’ve discussed above, you can be sure Cash For Invite is a scam.

These guys will not pay out just like the other scam sites that this was before.

There is nothing good about this site and you should stay far away from this before you waste anymore energy on this.

I hope that if you actually paid for a membership, you’re able to cancel.  You can do so in your PayPal subscriptions, make sure you cancel it there.

You also need to be weary about these scammers going into your PayPal account if your PayPal password is the same as the login you chose for this site.

I have heard your PayPal account can get wiped out along with the bank accounts linked to them… just a warning this could happen, not saying that’s what Cash For Invite does.

However, you already probably know that I will not be recommending Cash For Invite to you.




If there is a silver lining in all of this, is that you have finally found a legitimate way of making money with what I’m about to show you.

If you like promoting products or services for commission but don’t know how to do it or find the right way of doing it, I have the perfect solution for you.

Back in Sep ’16, I was in your position, trying to make money online and not really getting anywhere until I found this real, legitimate platform that will train and teach you how to do it.

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You will learn what I do, how it works, why it works and where you can even get started for FREE!

I’ve been building my online business since I found this platform and now enjoying a consistent monthly online income with it from the comforts of my own home.

This is not a scam or get rich quick scheme so expect to actually be putting some good work effort and time into building your online business.

This is the real deal and you don’t want to miss out!

Stop getting scammed today and start building what you’ve always wanted so you can finally start making real money online!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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