5 Real Ways To Make Money Online, I Promise No Scams!

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Have you been scammed before?  Well, I have too and I’m going to help you find real ways to make money online that have no scams!

The reason why I want to write this post is because I hate scammers and I can’t stand others being taken for!  I’ve been in your shoes once, and it’s not a great feeling when you give away your hard earned money for programs that has little to no substance.

I’m really too honest to be in the online world which is covered with many who say they will teach you how to make money online but they end up just taking your money.

Well today, I’m going to tell you how to make money online with no scam at all to balance out the bad apples out there!



There’s only ONE best way I trust and use everyday,
see My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

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The 5 real ways I’ll show you include:




Did you know that there are places where you can just perform simple tasks online and get paid for it?

These tasks can include:

  • Online shopping – yes, you can get paid for shopping!
  • Visiting websites – website owners want to get more views on their site so they will pay you to visit.
  • Filling out surveys or offers– sometimes can be tedious but it’s still money to earn.
  • Watch videos – these can be ads or real videos where people will pay you to watch.
  • Searching the web – you can do research on the web and get paid.
  • Playing games online – yes, you read that right, you can get paid for playing games online!  It can be fun making money online! 😉
  • Perform micro tasks – do these little tasks and you’ll earn for the things you complete.



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There are two top sites that I recommend that are legitimate:

  1. Fusion Cash -> Sign Up Here (Only For USA & CANANDA)
  2. Swagbucks -> Sign Up Here.

Both of these sites offer most of the tasks listed above.  With Fusion Cash, you’ll earn cash that can be deposited into your bank electronically via PayPal.

On the other hand, Swagbucks pays you by either gift card of your choice or PayPal but you have to earn rewards first, called Swagbucks, and then convert to cash or gift card.


Fusion Cash Sign Up Bonus $5Fusion Cash is a very popular survey, offers, task taking, and games site where you only earn cash.

The best part about Fusion Cash is that you get a $5 Sign Up bonus right away after you set up your account properly and confirm your email.

Best ways to earn fast on this site are taking offers or doing tasks.  The surveys are like most survey sites, you may get kicked out for not qualifying after spending time on a survey which is frustrating.

But, you really can’t beat that easy $5 sign up bonus and there’s a variety of ways to earn.  Cash out limit is at $25 and they have a referral program as well.

They have several pluses on their side so check out my full review of them here.


With Swagbucks (ready my full review here), you earn credits called “Swagbucks” for many things you do on there from setting up your account to shopping online.

You earn credits pretty much right away so that’s their plus and they often have deals where you can earn Swagbucks easily or more.

When you have collected enough Swagbucks then you can redeem them for gift cards or send money to your PayPal.

You can earn most credits with shopping online or doing the offers available, although they have other offers like surveys, watching videos, playing games, etc, shopping online & offers seem to be big money maker at Swagbucks.



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Working online can be such an awesome way to earn a living.  If you have a certain talent that can help others, you can make a lot of money as a Fiverr freelancer.

Many people flock to Fiverr to find people to do things for them including but not limited to:

  • Graphic design – website logo, business cards, digital invitations, cartoons, avatars – many things that people need for their online business.
  • Writing & Translation – you can offer to write for others here and even translate for them from one language to another.
  • Transcription – you can get paid to transcribe a video for someone – typing out what is said in a video.
  • Digital Marketing – there’s a whole world of things you can do for someone who has an online business and need help with SEO, web development, gain web traffic, email marketing and so much more.
  • Music & Audio – if you have any musical talents, this would be a great place to help others with voice overs, song writing, jingles, mixing & mastering music, and create sound effects.
  • Video and Animation – this one is becoming a real asset if you have this skill because more and more videos are becoming the number one digital media on social media platforms and in advertising.

The Fiverr site is named as such because you will be offering your services starting with a $5 package, but then you can offer other packages that can run up to as much as you want really.

The more you charge, the more the package will include to make it worth your customers’ money.

This is one popular site and I highly recommend you check it out by signing up here read my full Fiverr review here or if you need more info, .




Shop HandmadeOne of the best places to sell your own product is on Shopify – this is a complete e-commerce solution to anyone that wants to have their own online shop.

You can basically sell anything on there: if you’re crafty you can make handmade products, or you can buy products through a manufacturer and resell them yourself with a markup.

Shopify is easy to use and can have your online shop ready in very little time.  You just gotta figure out what you want to sell! 🙂

They also have many third party apps that you can connect with to help your online store even better.  They have apps to make t-shirts for your on a made-to-order basis so you have no inventory to carry.  They also have apps to manage your online shop for areas like shipping, marketing, inventory management, promoting, and much more.

The flexibility that Shopify offers make them the number one most recommended e-commerce solution.



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Did you know you can create your own courses to sell online?  And no, you don’t need to be a real teacher.

Listen we all know how to do something that someone doesn’t know how to do and people are searching for things you know all the time.

Why not put a short video together and sell it that “how-to” course online and make money from it over and over again?

You can make an online course on just about anything and there’s a training I can totally recommend to you that will help you get you on your journey quite fast.

The training is called Passive Profits Breakthrough and it offers you 19 lessons on how to get this to work for you.

Or, you can check out my post about how to create online course for free here and learn what is required to make them and sell them.

Many people just do videos on even the simplest things like how to organize a closet, how to bake a juicy turkey, how to clean up your garage, how to setup a fishing rod, etc, etc, etc… There are endless topics to make online courses on.

With the help on Passive Profits Breakthrough, you will be able to learn which platforms to sell your online courses on and the more you can make, the more you can earn.

The best part is, you can make one video that may take you an hour – 3 hours depending on how complicated that topic is, and you can make money on that ONE video for months and years to come = passive income.

So could you imagine if you can upload 10 of these videos or 20 or more? You’ll be able to make a good amount of money doing just teaching people what you already know.

Give Passive Profits Breakthrough a try and GET IT HERE or check out my full review first here.



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This is my favorite way to make money online!  Affiliate marketing is the best business model to start an online business with as this creates passive income.

What is passive income?  It’s an income stream that earns you money over and over again from an one-time action.  For example, this post that you’re reading can make me money for many years to come and I only had to write this once.

Why?  It’s because this post will be on the internet for as long as I keep it up (forever!) and many people will be visiting this post as they search it out on search engines to see how they can make money online.

When they take action on one of my suggestions that has an affiliate link attached to it, then I make money!  🙂  The action people take could be buying a product or sign up for a service.

This is the power of having a website and owning your own blog!


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So you can see that all the other suggestions above, you have to keep doing new actions to keep earning money: one action, one time earning.

But if you own your own website and blog about a particular topic to help others, you write one article and that one article will earn you many times over.

Now think about if you had a 100 of these posts on your own blog website?  Do you see the huge potential of amount of money you can make?

Some of the biggest bloggers are making $100K a month, yes a month!  But, it doesn’t happen overnight, it takes them years to get there.

Even if you don’t want or need to make that much money, you can still make $1K-$5K/month if you work on your website consistently for 1-3 years.

Why I’m telling you this is because so many who want to make money online think they can do it quickly.

Yes, the other 4 ways above can make you money right now but if you really want to start an online business that will generate a full time income one day, wouldn’t it be worth it to take the time to build it?



Creating a blog is an easy task these days because of WordPress, a blogging platform that you install on your website.

You can literally get your blog up and running in 30 seconds if you had the right website builder and platform to host it on.

You can easily start building your affiliate marketing business today for FREE with Simple Affiliate Marketing Guide For Beginners.

It’ll show you where to start your blog, what to write on your blog, and how to make money with it.

Step by step, you’ll have your own website with a few posts on your blog already by the end of today if you go through the lessons in my guide!

Building a website can sound daunting, but if you have the right training to guide you, it’s not hard at all and I literally have fun building my site every day!


Affiliate Marketing Guide For Beginners On How To Get Started


You also don’t have to afraid to be alone in this process, I’ll be helping you along the way, just ask me for help in the comments in this post, or ask away under the post of my guide I referenced above.

If you join the training platform I referenced in my guide, you’ll get even more help as there’s a very active community in there with people like me, like you, and members with all sorts of background.

Affiliate marketing is a serious money making (& the best way to generate a full time income passively) so I would highly recommend you consider this option.

If I can do it, YOU can do it to.  Check out my affiliate marketing guide, and get started for FREE today!



Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




28 thoughts on “5 Real Ways To Make Money Online, I Promise No Scams!”

  1. Hi there, many scams out there it’s hard to find a legitimate opportunity nowadays.

    Thanks for sharing this list of legit opportunities they are all great opportunities but I agree with you Affiliate marketing is really a reliable way to make money.
    It’s takes a while but it really works!

    • That’s the thing about affiliate marketing that people think it doesn’t work – they don’t have enough patience to get it going. Once it gets going, it snowballs and you’ll be making lots of great commissions!

      I like to offer people with real ways to make money because there are just so many scams out there these days.

      Glad you can see these are great ways to make money!

  2. Those are all great ways to make money online and this post has made it much more clear for me with what my options are, I did hear about Fiverr and the best thing about it is you can literally offer services to just about anything youre good at, and since it has a lot of visitors you’re more than likely to find someone who wants what you’re offering.

    • I’m glad you find these to be great ways to make money online and clarified some things for you. I agree Fiverr is a great option for people starting out to make money online, just that this option doesn’t provide passive income to you as you always have to get another client to get a project to do. Affiliate marketing on the other hand gives you much better consistent long term passive income if you can stick with it and commit to your blog which Wealthy Affiliate helps and trains you on how to build this kind of business.

      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Nice article. I’ve also just started creating my own website a few months ago and am learning how I can start to get website traffic.

    As far as survey sites, I’ve joined clixsense recently but havent tried out swagbucks yet. I might give it a try. Thanks

  4. I have fallen for not just scams, but many different kinds of scams. I just recently learned about the affiliate marketing business model and I must say that it is completely amazing.

    Just when you think that there isn’t a legitimate way to make money online along comes something like that.

    I do know that it’s not easy to go at it alone and I was actually looking for this “active community” and I think you might have the answer. Can I find you on there?

    • Hi John,

      Sorry to hear that you have experienced so many scams but happy to hear that you like the affiliate marketing business model which I’m a huge fan of as well! I’m especially happy to find Wealthy Affiliate because I’m always learning, getting help from others, and helping others as well. Truly you don’t have to get stuck and easily get your questions answered!

      You can definitely find me in there as “littlemama“, I can’t wait to hear from you on the inside!

      Thanks for stopping by,

  5. Your post has really given me ideas on how to make money online and appreciate that these are not scams. There are so many scams out there that I have fallen for. I have thought about affiliate marketing before and never knew how to really start that. So now you’re saying there’s training for it? That’s cool, I will have to check it out as I’ve really wanted to do this for a long time but didn’t know how.

    • That’s great to hear Rachel! I’m glad I was able to show you the best affiliate marketing training out there. Wealthy Affiliate has taught me SO MUCH about building this website and the affiliate marketing business. I’m happy to help you out on the inside as well and it looks like you’re already on your way to building your own online business! Just send me a PM on Wealthy Affiliate if you are stuck on anything okay?

      To much success to you!

  6. I so appreciate this post because I have seen so many ways to get scammed and I’m about to give up! All you suggested above are real ways huh? I will check each of them out in the coming week so I can see which I’d like best. You seem to like affiliate marketing, I’m torn between that and making my own craft product, any advice?

    • Yes all these suggestions I have in this post are real ways to make money online and legitimate.

      The difference between creating your own product and affiliate marketing is that, with creating your own product, you have:
      – much higher costs for materials, prototypes, manufacturing, and packaging;
      – you’ll have to deal with customer service;
      – investment and holding of inventory;
      – higher risks.

      While affiliate marketing, you only have the cost of a domain and a Premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate because they include your hosting and provides you with the proper training.

      You’ll have no high risks or all the overhead with producing your own physical product.

      Your website will be easier to create too in affiliate marketing because all you’ll need is a blog which easy to install WordPress. With an online shop, you’ll need a website that has a shopping cart (but with Shopify above, it should be easy) to create product listings which need professional photography, another cost.

      This is a big reason why I like affiliate marketing. I can pick and choose all the products I love and recommend to others. 🙂

      I hope this helps! Please ask more if you need it. 🙂

      Best of luck in your decision,

  7. Spot on with this write-up, I especially like the suggestion of affiliate marketing. I’ve been looking into this and want to start to build a blog to make money with affiliate marketing. How long do you think it’ll take to make money?

    • Hi Maryland, thanks for reading this post! It’s really a hard question to answer it all depends how much you know, how much you’re willing to spend time on this, and what niche you will be building this around.

      If anything, I know your chance of success will be increased if you joined the training platform at Wealthy Affiliate as it’ll teach you how to build your website out, how to write great engaging content, and how to convert your readers into buyers so you can earn commissions.

      I’m a member there since Sep 2016 and I’ve made money starting at 2 months in, but some don’t make money till six months in… if you want make a full time income, it could take you up to 2 years to start making that kind of money but guess what? I want to do that too and I’m almost at a year, so I can’t wait till I’ve been doing this for 2 year so that I can earn a full time income and work anywhere I want as long as I have my internet plus my laptop!

      I hope you will choose this too because I feel it’s so much fun, I can’t stop working! LOL

      Let me know if you have any questions!

  8. I am from nigeria can I access your suggestions from there? Is paypal taking nigerians now? I really like to do online work but it has been very frustrating.

    • You’re very welcome Lily and glad I could be of help! You will love it! I can’t wait to hear about what you’ll be building on the inside!

      See you in there,

  9. Great article, Grace! I just found your site and I will be following it. I have been with Swagbucks for years and I use their shopping program which is how I earn. And I will try the Fiverr site!

    • Hi Crystal, glad you liked my article and will be following it. 🙂 That’s great you’ve been with Swagbucks already, Fusion Cash is similar if you want to add that one too.

      Fiverr could be really good if you can keep up with the messages and keep your ratings up. I wish you much luck, let me know how it goes. 🙂

      Much success to you,

  10. I am curious about how much you are making per month now and some video proof? I ask this because you have dedicated this blog to essentially showing people how to make money but I have not seen your personal proof of consistent earnings. I see that you have put testimonials. Would it make sense to take advice from a person about making money online if they have not provided proof that they make money online? It would make sense if I went to your testimonials and listened to their advice, correct versus a person who has no proof making recommendations?

    • Hi James,

      Thanks for asking, this is because I haven’t updated my guide yet which I will when I get more months that look this which was screenshot just now to show you my April earnings from this one source:

      My Income Proof Apr/18

      I just broke 4 digits online income in Mar/18 which you can read on my Wealthy Affiliate profile here, which took a year and a half to get but some people get there faster, some get there slower.

      My income will gradually increase from there, so I was waiting for a few more months like this before I added myself to my guide as a success story, since my story is actually not finished yet.

      There’s a goal I’m trying to hit and when I hit it later this year, I’ll be making $4 – $5K per month, which is what I really want to show people.

      This is how the business works, it grows very gradually until one day you will just break 4 digits and continues to grow from there as you scale your business.

      I hope this helps!

  11. This is interesting really, and thanks for your suggestions, I will take you up on these and try them out.


  12. Thanks for the suggestions here, I will try Wealthy Affiliate as I want the highest earning potential. Are there any upsells?

    • Hi Billy, there are no upsells on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, it’s just two memberships: A Free (for life) and a Premium, premium is $19 first month if you use my links above, then $49/month thereafter or $359/year (which is a huge savings).

      The other cost that you may have would be if you want your own domain which is recommended but it’s a low cost of about $15 per year.

      If you go Premium, you will have me as your Personal Coach! I am a 4 digit online income earner and I can guide you since I’ve used the exact training to build my online business.

      I wish you much luck and look forward to working with you in the near future!


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