What Is A Content Writer & How To Outsource Content Writing?

What Is A Content Wrtiter?

Long time ago, I wondered what is a content writer because I was looking for things to do online but now that I’m a blogger, I want to know how to outsource content writing! You may be someone looking for online work …

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WordPress Page Vs Post: What To Use & What’s The Difference?

If you’re new to WordPress, you may not know the difference between a Page vs Post.  It’s not a hard concept to learn and from what I show you here, I hope you will see the difference quite easily. There …

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13 Types of Things To Write About On A Blog

13 Types Of Blog Posts To Write About

Are you often having writer’s block?  Fear not, here are 13 types of things to write about on a blog that you can keep in mind for your next writing day. If you have this list of post types for your …

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How To Create A Blog Post Schedule: My Easy Template

Easy Blog Post Schedule Template

Have you ever thought about creating a blog post schedule?  If you haven’t or don’t even know what I’m talking about, I will teach you how to create a blog post schedule from my easy template and tell you all …

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Income Report: 6 Months – Do You Know Your Site Speed?

Income Reports - Feb17

There’s been some up and downs to this month so I have to enjoy the highs when I have them. This February, I was getting a little frustrated with my blog because the traffic was not getting any higher than 50 sessions a day, …

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Where Do I Start A Blog To Make Money Online?

Where Do I Start A Blog?

If you’re wondering where you can start a blog, I have just the place for you that not only will host your blog but also train you how to make it awesome so you can make money online! By awesome, …

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5 Real Ways To Make Money Online, I Promise No Scams!

5 Real Ways To Make Money Online, I Promise No Scams!

  Have you been scammed before?  Well, I have too and I’m going to help you find real ways to make money online that have no scams! The reason why I want to write this post is because I hate scammers …

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Did You Create A Blog To Make Money Or Just Test Things Out?

Create a blog to make money: Hobby Or Business

Many people create blogs everyday and everyday blogs are being abandoned all over the place.  They create a blog to test out if they can make money with it and if not, they’ll just shrug away and say “Oh well, that …

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9 Ways On How To Make Money On A Blog

9 Ways on How To Make Money On A Blog

As a beginner you may not know how to make money on a blog, so here you will find 9 ways on how you can do that! It’s not hard to implement and these are ways that you will find on …

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Income Report: 5 Months – Traffic Increasing

Income Reports - Jan 2017

January came and gone just like that!  This month I concentrated on writing and have increased my postings finally which will help my organic traffic if I can keep it up. I’ve entered a writing challenge at Wealthy Affiliate which …

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