Big Money Or Is High Ticket Income System A Scam?

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Is High Ticket Income System A Scam?Have you come across High Ticket Income System (aka HTI Elite) and wondering if you can make big commissions with it or is High Ticket Income System a scam?

I don’t blame you, there’s a lot of crap out there in this market and I am here to tell you everything you need to know about High Ticket Income System (aka HTI Elite).

Whenever I do a review, it seems like similar ones pop up so this is very much like another one I just reviewed.

I didn’t recommend that one so I think you can have a hint there about this one. 😉


Let me take you through my High Ticket Income System review:



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High Ticket Income System Logo


Product Name: Hight Ticket Income System (HTI Elite)


Price: $1,100

Owner: Dale Payne-Sizer of DPS Marketing Group

Recommended? No.

Here’s a “system”, as Dale calls it, that will help you build an online business but really there is no business to build.


High Ticket Income System Home Page


I say this because all you’re doing is passing money around and you’re not really providing anybody any value and not really helping anyone.

You see, there is no retail component to this so you can’t really call it a business when there are no customers.

All you’re doing is joining a membership that costs $1,000 that comes with training material and you make money by getting others to do the same.

You’re really not selling the training materials to any real customers that can just use it to build their own online business with and not be affiliate.

Everyone must buy into the membership in order to be able to sell it.  This often happens with high ticket items but I find this not the best business model to use because the large cost investment is so high risk.

Traditional affiliate marketing, which I prefer and use, doesn’t make affiliates buy the product or service first.  You can join affiliate programs for free and start promoting when you want which is a much less risky business model to use.

At the same time, with traditional affiliate marketing, you can promote any products you want not just the same thing that everyone else is promoting which, in this case, is the High Ticket Income System.

I find High Ticket Income System a very non-sense business to do because you’re not creating value for anyone as well as it’s highly risky.

All you’re doing is recruiting people and recruiting, so if you don’t know how to get leads, you’ll dry up real quick.

This is the same as the other program I just reviewed that does the same thing essentially and it’s called Easy 1 Up, which I reviewed here.

Let’s take a look at how this High Ticket Income System works.




Here’s the low down on how it all works.

You join HTI Elite for $1,000 and $100 admin fee.

This admin fee is the only money going to the company that runs this system plus anyone who joins without going through an affiliate’s link, of course.

Your $1,000 goes evenly 50% to the person that brought you in (your sponsor) and 50% to the person that brought your sponsor in.

When you bring people in, you will also earn $500 for each referral you bring in and $500 for any direct members your referral brings in.

It’s a 2 tier compensation plan and that’s it about the system, it’s pretty simple.

There is no other customer relations to speak of, no talk about inventory or products as there are no retail sales.

The compensation plan is all about recruiting which people call this as a cash gifting scheme since only admin fees go to the company and not the $1000 membership fee.

It sounds awesome and you can make a lot of money but you will soon find out that recruiting is not that easy, this is especially true because of the way they train you.


High Ticket Income System Digital Training


You will get done-for-you landing pages and sales videos but you know what, everyone who joins gets the same thing so you’ll never stand out.

Also, none of these pages will be found on the internet because search engines don’t show these one-page type sites in search results because they are not dynamic, they are static sites.

Search engines like Google like sites like mine which publishes valuable information to people who are searching for it.

So what does this mean for your done-for-you landing pages?  Spend more money to promote it.  You will need to do Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, and any other type of advertising you can get your hands on.

Meanwhile, I don’t need to spend a dime on advertising and people come to my site, money comes to me because Google likes my site and shows it to people who are searching for things I talk about.

So not only you have to spend $1,100 for the right to promote this membership, you will have to spend even more on advertising.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll be spending $100s more, if not $1,000s.

I just don’t believe this type of business is worth your while.




Is this a scam?  Some people consider it a scam because it’s like a pyramid scheme with no products to sell to the general public.

Some people also consider this a scam because it’s a cash gifting scheme.

There’s also the FTC which will see this type of business a pyramid scheme and will shut it down if found out.

So this business is a highly risky way to make money online and I really do not recommend it.

You have to know that $1,100 is a lot of money to most people and not everyone that you advertise to, who don’t know you, will just fork that kind of money over so you’ll need to spend a lot of money on advertising which makes this even more risky.

There are much safer and less risky ways to make money online.




If you want to learn what I do instead to make money online where you can own your online business on any topic you want and have people come to you instead of spending tons of money on advertising, then you need to check out my free guide here:

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The way I build my online business can be applied to any topic you want and you’ll be helping others in your niche as well.

I show you everything on how this works in my guide, why it works, and where you can get started for FREE.

When you build a business the way I do it, you won’t be always chasing the money anymore and the money will come to you instead.

You will learn how to do this and it’s really not hard to do, it’s just a method you need to learn and apply.

Stop wasting money on non-sense businesses like High Ticket Income System, build a real business that will be rewarding, provide value to others, and make you passive income!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether High Ticket Income System is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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