Is Evergreen Income Machines A Scam Or Start Making Money In 10 Days?

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Is Evergreen Income Machines A Scam?Have you come across Evergreen Income Machines and see that you can start making money in 10 days or less but also wondering if Evergreen Income Machines is a scam?

I was curious too as I got this in my email the other day so I looked into to see what’s this all about.

What I found was that this product actually came out a year ago and now the owner has made a completely different offer than when it originally launched.

Therefore, this is a great chance for me to tell you what the updated Evergreen Income Machines is all about these days in my review below.

I will take you through the following sections:



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Product Name: Evergreen Income Machines


Price: $147

Owner: Andy Brocklehurst

Recommended? Not really – more on this below.

In my research, I found out that this Evergreen Income Machines actually came out almost a year ago as of this writing and at that time, it was a product for $47 which included 8 video training modules plus some bonus info.

Evergreen Income Machines Old Product
Old Launch

That $47 is not the end of it then, you would have to go through some upsells as well to get the automation tools and done-for-you templates if you want results faster.

That was the old Evergreen Income Machines.


Evergreen Income Machines Andy Brocklehurst


Now, Andy changed all of that and these days he is offering his method of making money for free in an one hour video and the catch is, there is no catch really.


Evergreen Income Machines New Home Page


He offers this blueprint of how he organizes his sales funnel and it’s a typical one I see all the time in the IM industry.

You can literally just watch his video and start trying to replicate it yourself and start making money in 10 days if you can get everything set up that quickly.

What’s in it for him?

Well, what he’s offering is an automation tool that can automate a lot of the things that you need in the sales funnel he shows you.


Evergreen Income Machines Sales Video


Half of the one hour video is showing you how to use that automation tool which will cost you $147.

You absolutely don’t need this tool to make money with his sales funnel and he doesn’t hide that fact on his website which says the same thing.

This Andy seems quite honest and knows his stuff in the IM industry as he’s been around for over 15 years.

However, I find that not anyone can just pick up what he’s talking about which I’ll explain more below.




In his video, he tells you to get with the program and stop chasing the shiny objects of quick riches but that’s kind of what he’s showing you with “make money in 10 days or less”.

The blueprint to his sales funnel and how he makes money looks like this:


Evergreen Income Machines Sales funnel


He tells you it’s easy to just buy traffic to a landing page which offers someone a freebie so they will give you their email address.

Once they give you their email address, you will then forward them to an affiliate offer.

In the back end, you will email them the freebie you offered and then follow up with an email series that will offer them even more affiliate offers.

There is also apart about building relationship but really, as you can see on the diagram, that’s hardly the focus.

His one hour video doesn’t even give a whole lot of explanation on how to set up such a sales funnel without his automation tool so even though he says you don’t need his tool, but if you don’t get it then you’ll be at a lost.

Even with his automation tool, I don’t see a lot of other training that will be needed to connect all the pieces together.

One of the biggest pieces of this puzzle is connecting these landing pages to an email auto-responder and he doesn’t have much training on the email auto-responder at all.

Especially the follow up email series that you’ll need as well.

So for $147, I guess it’ll get you started quick than not having it but even with it, I can’t see a beginner will know how to get this system all set up without pulling their hair out.




No, Evergreen Income Machines was never a scam even when it first launched and still not a scam today.

I just don’t find his system to have enough training materials that a typical beginner would need to use such a system.

Maybe if you know about email auto-responders and how it all works, then the $147 would be worth the automation tool to save you some time building the system.

But for beginners, I find this system not best business model as you need to have a larger presence online than a system like this on a stand alone.

It’s hard to gain potential customers’ trust when you just buy traffic and then spamming them with a bunch of affiliate offers.

This system should be added to an established online business you already have that have been gaining your readers’ trust.

There’s no trust in a stranger that just starts emailing you, would you buy from a person like that?

I don’t.

This is why I do NOT recommend Evergreen Income Machines to beginners but I do recommend it to people who already have an established online business to add this to their portfolio.




If you can build an established online business first, your readers will trust you more and will buy from you way easier than just buying cold traffic to affiliate offers.

Buying traffic is another thing I don’t recommend to new people in this arena as it can be quite costly if you are not buying it from the right sources or know how to make high converting campaigns.

The way I learned how to build my online business doesn’t require me to buy any traffic because I learn how to write in a way that will bring me highly targeted traffic for free.

With this method, you can also build your online business in any topic that you love or passionate about.

It’s easy to learn and I explain how I make money online in my free guide right here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Here Button


It took me years to finally find the right, safe place to learn how to build this business.  You can also get started for free!

You will learn how to gain your audience trust by helping them in a niche that you really love.  You will have the best training and lots of it to show you how to do everything step-by-step.

You’ll also have tons of support from a whole network of people as well as my personal help!

You’ll really have everything you need to start your own online business!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Evergreen Income Machines is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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